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AKRA Prepares 100 Ha of Land for Freeport Smelters

PT AKR Corporindo Tbk. has prepared 100 hectares of land for the location of the PT Freeport Indonesia smelter in the industrial area of ​​Java Integrated Industrial Port Estaste, Gresik, East Java.

Board Director AKR. Inset : Suresh Vembu

AKR Corporindo Director Suresh Vembu said that the land was prepared by a subsidiary, PT Berkah Manyar Sejahtera Region (BKMS). According to him, the land area was prepared at the Java Integrated Industrial Port Estate (JIIPE) for the 100 hectare (ha) Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) smelter.

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"I can confirm that the land in JIIPE is ready for the smelter," he said.

PT AKR Corporindo Tbk.

As an illustration, the issuer coded as AKRA shares is the owner of JIIPE. The project was designed to be one of the industrial estates, housing, and deep sea port integrated development area of ​​2,933.3 ha. Meanwhile, the area is located 30 kilometers from the city of Surabaya, East Java. Based on the master plan, the total area of ​​the industrial estate is 1,761 ha.

Board Director AKR

In August 2018, AKRA Management said that there were 30 companies interested in establishing a factory in JIIPE. Until then, just now there are 8 tenants at JIIPE, with details of 2 tenants already operating, 3 tenants in the factory establishment stage, and 3 others preparing for development. 

Haryanto Adikoesoemo

   In the press release, President Director of AKR Corporindo Haryanto Adikoesoemo wrote that the positive prospects for the industrial sector in Indonesia would have a positive impact on the sale of the JIIPE industrial area.

It hopes that the completion of facilities and utilities will make the location one of the top choices for companies in the industrial sector. Based on previous Business reports, Freeport Indonesia prepared two funding options for the construction of a US $ 2.8 billion smelter in Gresik, East Java. The construction of the smelter is targeted to begin in the first half of 2020 with a target of completion in 2023.

In 2019, AKRA aims at 15% revenue growth from achieving Rp. 23.54 trillion in 2018 or becoming Rp. 27 trillion. However, the company's revenue in the first quarter of 2019 actually shrank compared to the I / 2018 quarter. During the first 3 months of 2019, AKRA won sales and revenues of Rp 5.03 trillion, down 13.72% from the position of Rp 5.83 trillion in the first quarter of 2018.

The biggest contribution came from trade and fuel oil distribution (EBM) worth Rp 4.74 trillion. However, the value dropped from the position of Rp.5.58 trillion in January-March 2018. In addition to that segment, AKRA's revenue coffers also received an addition from the logistics service business of Rp 164.36 billion and industrial area of ​​Rp. 4.63 billion.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg data showed AKRA's shares closed up 300 points or 7.13% to as low as Rp 4,510 per share in late trading Thursday (13/6). AKRA gained 12.47% in a week. The issuer of oil fuel distribution and industrial land has a market capitalization of Rp 18.11 trillion.


AKRA Siapkan Lahan100 Ha  untuk Smelter Freeport

PT AKR Corporindo Tbk. telah menyiapkan lahan seluas 100 hektare untuk lokasi smelter PT Freeport Indonesia di kawasan industri Java Integrated Industrial Port Estaste, Gresik Jawa Timur.

Direktur AKR Corporindo Suresh Vembu mengatakan tanah tersebut disiapkan oleh anak usaha, PT Berkah Kawasan Manyar Sejahtera (BKMS). Menurutnya, luas tanah yang disiapkan di Java Integrated Industrial Port Estate (JIIPE) untuk smelter milik Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) seluas 100 hektare (ha).

“Saya bisa confirm lahan di JIIPE sudah siap untuk smelter” ujarnya.

Sebagai gambaran, emiten berkode saham AKRA itu merupakan pemilik JIIPE. Proyek itu dirancang untuk menjadi salah satu kawasan industri, perumahan, dan pelabuhan laut dalam yang terintegrasi daerah pengembangan seluas 2.933,3 ha. Adapun, kawasan itu berlokasi 30 kilometer dari kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Berdasarkan masterplan, total luas kawasan industri yakni 1.761 ha.

Pada Agustus 2018, Manajemen AKRA menuturkan sudah ada 30 perusahaan yang berminat mendirikan pabrik di JIIPE. Hingga saat itu, baru saja ada 8 tenant di JIIPE, dengan perincian 2 tenant sudah beroperasi, 3 tenant dalam tahap pendirian pabrik, dan 3 lainnya sedang mempersiapkan pembangunan.

   Dalam siaran persnya, Direktur Utama AKR Corporindo Haryanto Adikoesoemo menuliskan prospek positif untuk sektor industri di Indonesia akan memberikan dampak positif kepada penjualan kawasan industri JIIPE. 

Pihaknya berharap penyelesaian fasilitas dan utilitas membuat lokasi itu menjadi salah satu pilihan yang teratas untuk perseroan di sektor industri. Berdasarkan pemberitaan Bisnis sebelumnya, Freeport Indonesia menyiapkan dua opsi pendanaan untuk pembangunan smelter senilai US$ 2,8 miliar di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Konstruksi smelter ditargetkan dimulai pada semester I/2020 dengan target penyelesaian 2023.

Pada 2019, AKRA membidik pertumbuhan pendapatan 15 % dari pencapaian Rp 23,54 triliun pada 2018 atau menjadi Rp 27 triliun. Namun, pendapatan perseroan pada kuartal I/2019 justru menyusut dibandingkan dengan kuartal I/2018. Sepanjang 3 bulan pertama 2019, AKRA meraih penjualan dan pendapatan Rp 5,03 triliun atau turun 13,72% dari posisi Rp 5,83 triliun pada kuartal I/2018.

Kontribusi paling besar berasal dari perdagangan dan distribusi bahan bakar minyak (EBM) senilai Rp 4,74 triliun. Namun, nilainya turun dari posisi Rp 5,58 triliun pada Januati-Maret 2018. Selain segmen itu, pundi-pundi pendapatan AKRA juga mendapat tambahan dari bisnis jasa logistik Rp 164,36 miliar dan kawasan industri Rp 4,63 miliar.

Sementara itu, data Bloomberg menunjukkan saham AKRA ditutup naik 300 poin atau 7,13% ke level Rp 4.510 per saham pada akhir perdagangan Kamis (13/6). AKRA menguat 12,47% dalam sepekan. Emiten distribusi bahan bakar minyak dan lahan industri itu memiliki kapitalisasi pasar Rp 18,11 triliun.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Friday, June 14, 2019

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