, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
- Next Week, Freeport Conveys Definitive Smelter Locations
- Freeport Continues to Negotiate Smelter Development Target
- Freeport Copper Production Up 15.1%
- Freeport Smelter Still As Planned
- Semester I, Freeport Copper Production Increased 18.8%.
- 15 Banking Institutions Ready to Fund Freeport Smelters
- 2022, Freeport Production Will Return to 70 Million Tons
- 3 SOE Banks Give Ease Support
- ADRO Requests Treatment Like Freeport
- After Freeport, Inalum Targeted Vale Shares
- AKRA Prepares 100 Ha of Land for Freeport Smelters
- Amman & Freeport Collaboration is getting smaller
- Amman Mineral & Freeport Operations Run Normal
- Amman-Freeport cancels Smelter Build Cooperation in Sumbawa
- Application for Additional Freeport Production Quota Approved
- August, Freeport Targets Smelter Funding
- Building a Smelter, Freeport Spends US $ 303 Million Until August
- Building Smelters, Freeport Has Spent US $ 151.7 Million.
- Can't Export, Freeport Mining Operations Are Normal
- Chaotic Freeport Shares Allocate Papua Not Completed
- Civil Society Claims Amman IUPK and Freeport
- Construction of Coend-19 Controlled Smelter
- Copper Price Strength Trend Continues
- District & Provincial Governments Have Not Agree
- Erick Appoints Putra Papua as Director of PT Freeport
- Erick Thohir Appoints Papua Son to Become Director of Freeport Indonesia
- ESDM Ensures Freeport Smelter Built in Gresik
- ESDM has not extended Freeport's export permit
- ESDM Minister Asks Freeport to Speed Up Smelter Development
- ESDM: Freeport Smelter Location Still in Gresik
- Evaluation Begins Aqust 2019
- Ex-Freeport employees continue to go head.
- Freeport & Amman Smelter Project Continues – New!
- Freeport and Amman Export Quota Decreases
- Freeport and Criticism about the Investment Climate
- Freeport and Divestment
- Freeport Awaits, Amman Is Immediately Issued
- Freeport Builds Smelter Starting 2020
- Freeport BUMD Standing Up in May
- Freeport Can Increase Production Quota
- Freeport Cancels Collaborating with Chinese Company to Build Smelter – New!
- Freeport Change Smelter Design
- Freeport Claims Smelter is Not Profitable
- Freeport Claims the Smelter Project is Not Profitable
- Freeport Concentrate Production Declines 43%
- Freeport Confirms Loan Scheme for Smelters
- Freeport Copper and Gold Production Decreases Drastically in 2019
- Freeport employee killed at Papuan Separatist
- Freeport Export Permit Awaits Verification, Smelter
- Freeport Extends Grasberg Mine
- Freeport Extends the Age of the Grasberg Mine
- Freeport Gold Reserve Still Abundant
- Freeport has not yet completed the export permit document
- Freeport has rented 5 years of smelter land
- Freeport hasn't got an extension of export license
- Freeport hopes to get an Export Permit Extension soon
- Freeport Increases Export Quota
- Freeport Indonesia Copper and Gold Sales Decline
- Freeport Indonesia Smelter Operates December 2023
- Freeport Indonesia's Production Declines More Than 50%
- Freeport Indonesia's Production Increases
- Freeport Investment Still Ramps
- Freeport Is Sparkling Again From 2020
- Freeport IUPK can be Lex Specialist
- Freeport McMoran Delays Construction of Smelter in Gresik
- Freeport Mine Operation Normal Post-incident
- Freeport Mine Starts to Enter Transition Period
- Freeport Obtains Operation Extension Until 2031
- Freeport Offers Debt Securities for Underground Mining to Indonesia
- Freeport Plans to Apply for Added Export Quota
- Freeport Prepares Funds of US $ 600 Million
- Freeport Production Declines to 41 Million Tons
- Freeport Production Will Recover in Three Years
- Freeport Project Investment Smelter Less than US $ 100 Million
- Freeport Proposes Additional Production of 300,000 Tons
- Freeport Proposes Extension of Concentrate Export License
- Freeport Proposes Extension of Concentrate Export Permit
- Freeport Ready to Increase Production
- Freeport Ready to Promote Additional Export Quota
- Freeport Seeks Funding from Banks
- Freeport Seeks Loans to Build Smelters
- Freeport Sends Mining Equipment Abroad
- Freeport Smelter Construction Begins 2020
- Freeport Smelter Construction Begins 2020
- Freeport Smelter Funding Does Not Cost Shareholders
- Freeport Smelter in Gresik Operates 2023
- Freeport Smelter is postponed for almost 2 years
- Freeport Smelter Location Not Confirmed
- Freeport Smelter Open Partnership Options
- Freeport Smelter Operates 2022
- Freeport Smelter Project: Only Reached 3.86%
- Freeport Smelter Rp. 38 T
- Freeport Smelter Starts Building in Gresik
- Freeport Smelters Produce 2023
- Freeport Suggests Old Smelter Expansion Options – New!
- Freeport Suggests to Expand Existing Smelter – New!
- Freeport Underground Mine Will Generate US $ 150 Billion
- Freeport Underground Mining Production Reaches 210 Thousand Tons of Ore / Day
- Freeport Underground Mining Production Reaches 210 Thousand Tons of Ore Per Day
- Freeport Wants To Add Quota Concentrate
- Freeport will Print $ 2 Billion in Profit
- Freeport Will Spur Copper Concentrate
- Freeport-Mimika Regency Government Agrees on the Utilization of Tailings
- Freeport, After More Indonesia
- Freeport: Downstreaming is Important for Smelter Uptake
- Freeport's Copper and Gold Sales Increase 70% – New!
- Freeport's Export Quota Increases
- Freeport's Export Quota to Be 700,000 Tons
- Government Asks Freeport to Increase PPM Program
- Grasberg Closed, Freeport's Future Is in the Underground Mine (Part 2)
- Inalum Begins to Pay in installments on Debt Securities
- Inalum boss wants mineral exports curbed to ensure local supply
- Inalum Enjoys Large Dividends from Freeport from 2022
- Inalum Prepares US $ 7 Billion Capex
- Inalum Still Waiting for Papua BUMD to be Formed
- Investment and Arbitration Become Considerations
- Jonan Review the Freeport Mine Facility in America
- Jonan: Negotiations with Freeport Don't Bind Any Agreement
- Jonan: The Transition Period in Freeport Is Properly Running
- lnalum will review the acquisition of 4 mining companies
- Losing money, Freeport continues to build a smelter
- Loss Acquisition, Do Investors Give Loans?
- McMoran's Freeport Performance is Predicted to Not Sparkle
- Mine Transition Presses Freeport Production
- Miners call for more government support amid rising problems
- Next Week, Freeport Conveys Definitive Smelter Locations
- No big revenue from Freeport soon
- No Relaxation for Freeport
- Not to show off power
- Obtain Dividends, Inalum is Ready to Pay Bond Installments
- Orias Asked to Build a World-Class Company
- Papua Man Becomes Director of Freeport
- Papuan Regional Government Still Troubled Freeport Portion Issues
- Production and Sales Boosted – New!
- PTBA Dividend Receiver in Mysterious Injury Time
- PTFI aims to improve production from deep mines
- Ration of 10% of Freeport's Shares in Papua Still Discussed
- Requirements for Local Government to Obtain Freeport Dividend
- Scenario of Freeport Smelter Development Changes
- Smelter Project Delay, Fines to Freeport Identified – New!
- Smelting Guarantees Copper Concentrate Supply
- Tembagapura Alert 1
- The complexity of the Grasberg Mine, from Weather to Security Disorders (Part 1)
- The Government Supervises Freeport Smelter Progress
- The Mimika Regency immediately formed a Freeport SOE Stockholder
- This Year, Freeport Invests US $ 500 Million to Build Smelters
- Transition Period, Freeport Does Not Share Dividends
- Trump Furious Indonesia Still Exploring Google et al
- Inalum Explores Cooperation with Huayou
- Inalum Explores Industrial Cooperation in China
- Inalum Explores the Development of Electric Car Batteries
- Inalum Prepares US $ 7 Billion Capex
- Orias Asked to Build a World-Class Company
- PTBA Dividend Receiver in Mysterious Injury Time
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