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Amman Smelter Capacity will be added

Copper Mineral Casting

The capacity of PT Amman Mineral Nusa smelter to be built through its subsidiary, PT Amman Mineral Industri, could potentially increase to 2.6 million tons of copper concentrate per year after previously planned only 1 million-2 million tons per year.

President Director of Amman Mineral Rachmat Makkasau said that the capacity design is based on the potential of copper concentrate input in Indonesia. It will also determine the exact capacity of smelters built in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara is in the near future. The location of the smelter is located in the Batu Hijau mining area.

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"We currently design for inputs of 2 million-2.6 million tons of concentrate per year. We take into account the potential input of the concentrate, "he said.

However, Rachmat is still reluctant to disclose the value of investment for the smelter. What is clear, he states, although the capacity is greater than the plan of PT Freeport Indonesia smelter in Gresik, the investment value is lower. As an illustration, the Freeport smelter, scheduled to have a capacity of 2 million tonnes of copper concentrate per year, will cost up to US $ 2.2 billion. The reason, our facilities are quite complete. So, it will not be as expensive as Freeport, "he said.

In December 2017, Amman Minerals will announce the winners of the front end engineering design (FEED) and procurement (engineering, procurement, construction / EPC) bidding. Rachmat revealed there are two technologies that are being evaluated.

Previously, the Amman Minerals have declared two competing contractors from Japan and Canada. Associated with the progress of the smelter, Rachmat said the results were very good. Based on the evaluation every 6 months, the smelter has reached 5.67%.

It targets the smelter has been completed and entered the test phase in 2021. As for, commercial production will begin in 2022.

In addition to building copper smelters, Amman Minerals will also build a residual processing facility from processing copper concentrate (anode slime) as a by-product of precious metal refinery (PMR) near its smelter site.

PT Amman Mineral Internasional owns 82.2% shares of PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara, while the remaining 17.8% is owned by PT Pukuafu Indah. Meanwhile, Amman Mineral International shares by PT AP Investment and PT Medco Energi International Tbk. with share ownership of 50% each.


Penghiliran Mineral Tembaga

Kapasitas Smelter Amman Ditambah

Kapasitas smelter PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara yang akan dibangun melalui anak usahanya, PT Amman Mineral Industri, berpotensi meningkat hingga 2,6 juta ton konsentrat tembaga per tahun setelah sebelumnya direncanakan hanya 1 juta-2 juta ton per tahun.

Presiden Direktur Amman Mineral Rachmat Makkasau mengatakan bahwa desain kapasitas tersebut berdasarkan potensi masukan konsentrat tembaga di Indonesia. Pihaknya pun akan menentukan kapasitas pasti smelter yang dibangun di Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat tersebut dalam waktu dekat. Lokasi smelter itu berada di kawasan tambang Batu Hijau.

“Saat ini kami desain untuk input 2 juta-2,6 juta ton konsentrat per tahun. Kami memperhitungkan potensi masukan konsentratnya,” ujarnya.

Namun, Rachmat masih enggan mengungkapkan nilai investasi untuk smelter tersebut. Yang jelas, dia menyatakan, meskipun kapasitas lebih besar dibandingkan dengan rencana smelter PT Freeport Indonesia di Gresik, nilai investasi lebih rendah.

     Sebagai gambaran, smelter Freeport yang rencananya memiliki kapasitas 2 juta ton konsentrat tembaga per tahun akan mebutuhkan biaya hingga US$ 2,2 miliar. Aasannya, fasilitas kami sudah cukup lengkap. Jadi, tidak akan semahal Freeport,” katanya.

Pada Desember 2017, Amman Mineral akan mengumumkan pemenang tender proyek desain awal (front end engineering design/FEED) dan pengadaan (engineering, procurement, construction/EPC). Rachmat mengungkapkan ada dua teknologi yang sedang dievaluasi.

Sebelumnya, pihak Amman Mineral telah menyatakan dua kontraktor yang bersaing berasal dari Jepang dan Kanada. Terkait dengan progres smelter, Rachmat menyatakan hasilnya sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi setiap 6 bulan, smelternya telah mencapai 5,67%.

Pihaknya menargetkan smelter tersebut sudah selesai dibangun dan memasuki tahap uji coba pada 2021. Adapun, produksi secara komersial akan dimulai pada 2022.

Selain membangun smelter tembaga, Amman Mineral juga akan membangun fasilitas pengolahan sisa dari pengolahan konsentrat tembaga (anoda slime) sebagai produk sampingan pemurnian tembaga menjadi logam berharga (Precious Metal Refinery/PMR) di dekat lokasi smelterya.

PT Amman Mineral Internasional memiliki 82,2% saham PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara, sedangkan sisanya 17,8% dimiliki oleh PT Pukuafu Indah. Sementara itu, saham Amman Mineral Internasional oleh PT AP Investment dan PT Medco Energi International Tbk. dengan kepemilikan saham masing-masing 50%.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, Nov 30, 2017

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