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Google Tax Chase, Prepare Beleid Over the Top

The Ministry of Finance is still difficult to collect the tax debts of multinational technology companies such as Google. In fact, the amount of the tax is estimated to reach Rp 5.5 trillion in the last five years. Minister of communications and information Rudiantara admits delinquent tax collection case Google can not be solved in a short time. The government must first create a rule to ensure Google meet their tax obligations. Google issue not be forced to be completed tomorrow.

Do not be forced so. The Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) is designing the taxation rules for application service providers or content via the Internet (over the top). Drafting rules still await the calculation of the amount of taxes from Kementeria Finance. Former vice president of the National Electricity Company proposes tax collection mechanism be done simply. 

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For example, the imposition of income tax (VAT) is final and not progressive taxes or taxes based on profit. Just use the final income tax though not complicated and easy. If it were easy, people are more likely to want to pay taxes.

During this time, the mechanism of tax collection for technology companies like Google are very complicated. OTT companies are more likely to run profits abroad than record profits into the tax base in the country. Observers taxation Darussalam said that the government should more aggressively exploring Google's attempt to tax. 

He gave an example, the British government made a new taxation rules be diverted profit tax or a tax on profits taken abroad.

Rules that managed to force Google to pay taxes voluntarily. Google called experts make tax planning to avoid paying taxes. Google, based in the United States set up a company to embrace the intellectual property laws of Ireland. Intelectual property company headquarters are located in Bermuda. Google profits from around the world claimed to be used to pay for intelectual property, but then rushed to a tax haven.

In Indonesia's case, Google set up a subsidiary in Singapore, which manages the operations of advertising transactions in Indonesia. Google deliberately avoiding the formation of a permanent establishment in Indonesia for the sake of tax-free. Google uses scheme irish double dutch sandwich with tax planning which is an aggressive tax planning methods It is a strategy of Machiavelli, so it must be resisted.


Perkiraan Nilainya Rp 5,5 Triliun

Kementerian Keuangan masih sulit menagih utang pajak perusahaan teknologi multinasional seperti Google. Padahal, besaran pajaknya diperkirakan mencapai Rp 5,5 trlliun dalam lima tahun terakhir. Menteri komunikasi dan informasi Rudiantara mengakui, kasus penagihan tunggakan pajak Google tidak bisa diselesaikan dalam waktu singkat. 

Pemerintah harus lebih dulu membuat aturan yang dapat memastikan Google memenuhi kewajiban pajaknya. Masalah Google jangan dipaksa harus selesai besok.

Jangan dipaksa begitu. Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) sedang merancang aturan perpajakan bagi penyedia layanan aplikasi atau konten melalui internet (over the top). Penyusunan aturan masih menuggu perhitungan besaran pajak dari Kementeria Keuangan. Mantan wakil dirut Perusahaan Listrik Negara itu mengusulkan mekanisme penarikan pajak dilakukan secara sederhana. 

Misalnya, pengenaan pajak penghasilan (PPh) secara final, bukan pajak progresif atau pajak berdasar keuntungan. Pakai saja PPh final biar tidak rumit dan mudah. Kalau mudah, orang lebih cenderung mau bayar pajak.

Selama ini, mekanisme pemungutan pajak untuk perusahaan teknologi seperti Google sangat rumit. Perusahaan OTT lebih cenderung melarikan keuntungan ke luar negeri daripada mencatatkan laba yang menjadi dasar pengenaan pajak di dalam negeri. Pengamat perpajakan Darussalam menilai pemerintah seharusnya lebih agresif menjajaki upaya untuk memajaki Google. 

Dia mencontohkan, pemerintah Inggris membuat satu aturan perpajakan baru berupa diverted profit tax atau pajak atas keuntungan yang dibawa ke luar negeri.

Aturan itu berhasil memaksa Google membayar pajak secara sukarela. Google disebutnya ahli membuat perencanaan perpajakan untuk menghindari pembayaran pajak. Google yang berbasis di Amerika Serikat mendirikan perusahaan intellectual property dengan menganut hukum Irlandia. 

Kantor pusat perusahaan intelectual property tersebut berada di Bermuda. Keuntungan Google dari seluruh dunia diklaim digunakan untuk membayar intelectual property, namun lantas dilarikan ke surga pajak.

Untuk kasus Indonesia, Google mendirikan anak usaha di Singapura yang mengelola kegiatan operasional transaksi iklan di Indonesia. Google dengan sengaja menghindari pembentukan bentuk usaha tetap di Indonesia demi bebas pajak. Google menggunakan skema double irish with dutch sandwich tax planning yang merupakan metode perencanaan pajak secara agresif Itu merupakan strategi Machiavelli, jadi harus dilawan.

Jawa Pos, Hal : 7, Sabtu, 5 Nop 2016

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