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Infiltrate, then Spying

Documents released by WikiLeaks indicated US intelligence agencies (CIA) to hack electronic devices around the world. "Victim" was taking the iPhone and iPad, Google Android-based phones, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

In the world of hacking, malware, a computer program created specifically to infiltrate into play. This program will connect the hacker with the victim. There are several ways infiltration of malware is commonly done.

First, through the Internet Protocol (IP). "Almost all IP-based communication technology now, so that anything can be read, seen, and heard of origin know the address, said Heru Sutadi, Executive Director of Indonesian Information and Communication Technology Institute.

IP addresses shaped series of numbers, which usually consists of four blocks of numbers. Each block is filled by 0255 figures, such as and In addition to computers, all devices connected to the Internet technology has this address, including mobile phones, televisions, home, and smart cars.

Even children's toys were not spared. My Friend Cayla doll and i-Que Robot reported potentially a hacker tool. Both of these toys connected with personal assistant Google. So, when children speak to him, both the toy can be answered. Germany has banned toy products on the grounds of national security.

Besides peek talks, Heru said, hackers can control a device that is within hundreds of kilometers. In the case of the CIA, WikiLeaks called the Samsung smart televisions CIA transform into a hearing aid. WikiLeaks has not been mentioned in detail how television and smart phones hacked the CIA throughout 2013-2016.

Second, through a phishing email, Rizal Ferdiyan, Indonesia Cisco technology systems consultant, said hackers normally send a link via e-mail with the sender's name is withheld.

Malware can also be inserted via a paid ad or in a free Wifi connection. The hackers usually a routine change of ways, including in the scheme kriptogran, engineering obfuscated code, executable file formats, and the infection vector. "Do not be surprised if the CIA could pave the many devices in the world, although it is not recognized. They have all the resources, "he added.


Menyusup, Lalu Mengintip

Dokumen yang dirilis WikiLeaks mengindikasikan badan intelijen Amerika Serikat (CIA) meretas perangkat elektronik di seluruh dunia. “Korban"-nya adalah iPhone dan IPad,  ponsel berbasis Android Google, dan sistem operasi Microsoft Windows.

Dalam dunia peretasan, malware, program komputer yang dibuat khusus untuk menyusup berperan penting. Program inilah yang akan menghubungkan peretas dengan perangkat korban. Ada beberapa cara penyusupan malware yang lazim dilakukan. 

Pertama, melalui alamat Internet Protocol (IP). “Hampir semua teknologi komunikasi sekarang berbasis IP, sehingga apa pun bisa dibaca, dilihat, dan didengar asal tahu alamatnya, kata Heru Sutadi, Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia information and Communication Technology Institute.

Alamat IP berbentuk rentetan nomor, yang biasanya terdiri atas empat blok angka. Setiap blok diisi oleh angka 0255, seperti dan Selain komputer, semua perangkat teknologi yang terhubung dengan Internet memiliki alamat ini, termasuk ponsel, televisi, rumah, dan mobil pintar.

Bahkan mainan anak-anak pun tidak luput. Boneka My Friend Cayla dan i-Que Robot dilaporkan berpotensi menjadi alat peretas. Kedua mainan ini terhubung dengan asisten pribadi Google. Jadi, saat anak-anak mengajaknya bicara, kedua mainan itu dapat menjawab. Jerman telah melarang produk mainan ini dengan alasan keamanan negara.

Selain mengintip pembicaraan, Heru menuturkan, peretas bisa mengendalikan sebuah perangkat yang berada dalam jarak ratusan kilometer. Dalam kasus CIA, WikiLeaks menyebut CIA mengubah televisi pintar Samsung menjadi alat bantu dengar. WikiLeaks belum menyebutkan secara rinci berapa televisi dan ponsel pintar yang diretas CIA sepanjang 2013-2016 itu.

Kedua, melalui email phising, Rizal Ferdiyan, konsultan sistem teknologi Cisco Indonesia, mengatakan peretas biasanya mengirim tautan melalui surat elektronik dengan nama pengirim yang disamarkan.

Malware juga bisa disisipkan via iklan berbayar atau dalam koneksi Wifi gratis. Para peretas biasanya rutin mengubah cara, termasuk dalam skema kriptogran, teknik mengaburkan kode, eksekusi format file, dan vektor Infeksi. “Tidak heran kalau CIA bisa meretas banyak perangkat di dunia, meski tidak diakui. Mereka punya semua sumber daya,” kata Heru.

Koran Tempo, Page-6, Thursday, March, 9, 2017

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