DPR Asks Freeport to Solve Labor Problems
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Chairman of the House of Representatives (DPR), Bambang Soesatyo asked PT Freeport Indonesia to resolve labor issues based on the Collective Labor Agreement (PKB) and the prevailing laws and regulations. The interests of Papuans and workers from various regions of PT Freeport Indonesia must be handled properly without harming Freeport.
Biggest Gold Mine in the wolrd of PT Freeport Indonesia
Bambang Soesatyo advised that the interests of the company must be in line with the interests of workers, local communities, and the nation and state of Indonesia. He believes Freeport is able to solve it well. The House of Representatives through Commission IX and the Special Autonomy Supervisory Team of Papua are also ready to facilitate communication to solve the problems faced by Freeport with its workers.
"I invite all parties, both Freeport and workers, let's stick to the rules. If the commitment to the regulation is upheld, I am sure that all matters can be resolved and no one will be victimized, "Bambang Soesatyo said when receiving a PT Freeport Indonesia representative in the DPR chairperson's office in Jakarta.
PT Freeport Indonesia Executive Vice President Human Resources (EVP-HR), Achmad Ardianto, explained Freeport's uncertainty over the continuity of the company's operations in the coming years. Productivity is currently also hampered by export restrictions.
"As part of its efficiency in managing operational uncertainty, at the beginning of 2017 the company prepared a new operational plan that required 823 workers to be laid off because their job positions were honored," Ardianto said.
Ardianto explained, 823 workers dismissed the worker gets opposition from a number of workers. In effect, at ApriI 2017 awaI as many as 3,200 direct workers and 600 contractor workers demonstrated and did not work on schedule. Demonstrations are not due to collective bargaining as stipulated in the Collective Labor Agreement (PKB) and legislation, but because of solidarity.
"I invite all parties, both Freeport and workers, let's stick to the rules. If the commitment to the regulation is upheld, I am sure that all matters can be resolved and no one will be victimized, "Bambang Soesatyo said when receiving a PT Freeport Indonesia representative in the DPR chairperson's office in Jakarta.
PT Freeport Indonesia Executive Vice President Human Resources (EVP-HR), Achmad Ardianto, explained Freeport's uncertainty over the continuity of the company's operations in the coming years. Productivity is currently also hampered by export restrictions.
"As part of its efficiency in managing operational uncertainty, at the beginning of 2017 the company prepared a new operational plan that required 823 workers to be laid off because their job positions were honored," Ardianto said.
Ardianto explained, 823 workers dismissed the worker gets opposition from a number of workers. In effect, at ApriI 2017 awaI as many as 3,200 direct workers and 600 contractor workers demonstrated and did not work on schedule. Demonstrations are not due to collective bargaining as stipulated in the Collective Labor Agreement (PKB) and legislation, but because of solidarity.
DPR Minta Freeport Selesaikan Permasalahan Tenaga Kerja
Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Bambang Soesatyo meminta PT Freeport Indonesia menyeIesaikan permasalahan tenaga kerja berdasarkan Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Kepentingan rakyat Papua dan pekerja dari berbagai daerah di PT Freeport Indonesia harus ditangani dengan baik tanpa merugikan Freeport.
Bambang Soesatyo berpesan agar kepentingan perusahaan harus sejalan dengan kepentingan pekerja, masyarakat setempat, serta bangsa dan negara Indonesia. Dia meyakini Freeport mampu menyelesaikannya dengan baik. DPR melalui Komisi IX maupun Tim Pengawas Otonomi Khusus Papua juga siap memfasilitasi komunikasi guna menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi Freeport dengan para pekerjanya.
”Saya mengajak semua pihak, baik Freeport maupun pekerja, marilah berpegang teguh pada aturan yang berlaku. Jika komitmen terhadap peraturan ditegakan, saya yakin semua persoalan bisa diselesaikan dan tidak akan ada yang menjadi korban,” kata Bambang Soesatyo ketika menerima perwakilan PT Freeport Indonesia di ruang kerja pimpinan DPR di Jakarta.
Sebelumnya Executive Vice President Human Resources (EVP-HR) PT Freeport Indonesia Achmad Ardianto menjelaskan kondisi ketidakpastian Freeport terkait kelangsungan operasi perusahaan pada tahun-tahun mendatang. Produktivitas saat ini juga terkendala karena pembatasan ekspor.
”Sebagai bagian efisiensi dalam mengelola ketidakpastian operasional, pada awal 2017 perusahaan menyiapkan rencana operasional baru yang mengharuskan 823 pekerja dirumahkan karena posisi pekerjaan mereka dihiIangkan,"tutur Ardianto.
Ardianto menjelaskan, upaya pemberhentian 823 pekerja mendapat tentangan dari sejumlah pekerja. Efeknya, pada awaI ApriI 2017 sebanyak 3.200 pekerja Iangsung dan 600 pekerja kontraktor berdemonstrasi dan tidak bekerja sesuai jadwal. Demonstrasi bukan karena gagalnya perundingan sebagaimana diatur dalam Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) dan peraturan perundangan, tapi karena solidaritas.
Koran Sindo, Page-19,Thursday, March 8,2018
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