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Inalum: Rio Tinto Price US $ 3.3 Billion

    PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) denied having bid US $ 550 million for Participating Interest (PI) 40% Rio Tinto at the Grasberg mine of Papua. Until now, negotiations are still ongoing. President Director Inalum, Budi Gunadi Sadikin said, as pembeii, Inalum will offer prices as cheaply, otherwise as a seller of Rio Tinto also provide a high price.

    He said, for the 40% PI valuation price range can already be known from the Deutsche Bank analysis assigned by Rio Tinto. The participating interest price is 40 percent worth US $ 3.3 billion or around Rp 45.5 trillion at the current exchange rate. This count, said Budi also resembles the HSBC count, Morgan Stanley also has calculated the price range of 40% PI Rio Tinto.

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"We are negotiating, we can not discuss, but the price range already exists," said Budi. Budi is still reluctant to give exact figures of the price of participating interest in InaIum.

    Budi also still refuses to inform InaIum's meeting with Rio Tinto against the price "It can not be talked about, but it's a match," he said.

    What is clear, Inalum is optimistic that the purchase of the 51% divestment of Freeport Indonesia, can be completed this April 2018. Moreover, Budi claims Freeport has also agreed to change the right of PI Rio Tinto to a stake in Freeport. In order to become a majority, the government will also acquire Indocopper shares in Freeport 9.36%.

    Freeport Indonesia spokesman Riza Pratama said Freeport McMoRan (FCX) will hand over the remaining 5% shares to InaIum as a divestment liability.

"But the price is still negotiable," he said

    Riza gives an illustration, by the end of 2017, Indonesia including the Government of Papua Province and the Government of Mimika Regency and Inalum agreed to form a company to obtain the ownership of the Grasberg project. He said the FCX was involved in discussions regarding Inalum's procedures of grasping 51% in a way that all parties accepted. The talks also include FCX's continuation in Freeport Indonesia's operations and business governance.

    According to Riza, the parties continue to negotiate documentation on the overall agreement for the extension of PT FI's operations related to the time, process, and governance of the divestment.


Inalum: Harga Rio Tinto US$ 3,3 Miliar

    PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) membantah telah menawar US$ 550 juta untuk Participating Interest (PI) 40% Rio Tinto di tambang Grasberg Papua. Hingga saat ini, negosiasi masih berlangsung. Direktur Utama Inalum, Budi Gunadi Sadikin mengatakan, sebagai pembeii, Inalum akan menawarkan harga dengan semurah-murahnya, sebaliknya sebagai penjual yaitu Rio Tinto juga memberikan harga yang juga tinggi.

    Dia bilang, untuk kisaran harga valuasi PI 40% sudah bisa diketahui dari hasil analisa Deutsche Bank yang ditugaskan-oleh Rio Tinto. Harga participating interest 40% senilai US$ 3,3 miliar atau sekitar Rp 45,5 triliun dengan kurs saat ini. Hitungan ini, kata Budi juga mirip hitungan HSBC, Morgan Stanley juga sudah menghitung range harganya 40% PI Rio Tinto.

"Kami seang melakukan negosiasi, kami tidak bisa membicarakan, tapi range harga sudah ada," ujar Budi. Budi masih enggan memberikan angka pasti harga participating Interest yang diinginkan InaIum.

    Budi juga masih menolak memberitahu pertemuan InaIum dengan Rio Tinto terhadap harga "Itu tidak bisa dibicarakan, tapi sudah match," ungkapnya.

    Yang jelas, Inalum optimistis pembelian divestasi saham 51% Freeport Indonesia, bisa diselesaikan April 2018 ini. Apalagi, klaim Budi, Freeport juga sudah sepakat mengubah hak PI Rio Tinto menjadi saham di Freeport. Agar bisa menjadi mayoritas, pemerintah juga akan mengakuisisi saham Indocopper di Freeport 9,36%.

    Juru Bicara Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama mengatakan pihak Freeport McMoRan (FCX) akan menyerahkan saham sisa saham 5% ke InaIum sebagai kewajiban divestasi.

"Tapi harganya masih dinegosiasikan," ujarnya

    Riza memberikan gambaran, akhir 2017, Indonesia termasuk Pemerintah Provinsi Papua dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Mimika dan Inalum setuju membentuk perusahaan untuk memperoleh kepemiIikan proyek Grasberg. Dia bilang, FCX terlibat dalam diskusi terkait tata cara Inalum menggenggam 51% dengan cara yang diterima semua pihak. Pembicaraan juga termasuk kelanjutan FCX dalam operasi dan tata kelola bisnis Freeport Indonesia.

    Menurut Riza, para pihak terus merundingkan dokumentasi atas kesepakatan menyeluruh bagi perpanjangan operasi PT FI terkait waktu, proses, dan tata kelola divestasi.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, March 22, 2018

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