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Minister of Finance: Google Cs Tax for Balance

Indonesia has prepared and anticipated the trend of global tax policy.The Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, responded to the European Union (EU) plan to tax the world's technology giants. According to him, the plan is the answer to the inevitability of digital technology trends."Thus, the tax treatment of companies and players of digital economy and e-commerce will increasingly lead to the application of creating equal and fair playing field fields," he told Republika.According to Sri Mulyani, the EU initiative raised by French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire and other Blue Continent countries has also been submitted to the G-20 forum for support. It aims to prevent the escape and avoidance of taxes as well as the fulfillment of tax obligations as well as the fulfillment of tax obligations that are fairer among countries.Reported by Reuters on Sunday (4/3), the EU will soon announce the tax plan for the world's technology giants. The announcement was made by French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire in an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche. According to Le Maire, the tax rate is in the range of two percent to six percent of the earnings of these companies.The proposal aims to boost tax collection to world technology giants such as the Google Alphabet (GOOGL.O), (AMZN.O) and Facebook (FB.O).So far, these companies are accused of paying too little tax. The mode is to change the placement of their profit statements to countries with low tax rates such as Luxembourg.In the context of Indonesia, the Minister of Finance ensures the government has prepared and anticipated the trend of the tax policy."We continue to socialize so as not to weaken the flow of change, creativity, and innovation, but still able to create a fair and effective tax policy," he explained.Based on the information from the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, a series of multilateral agreements has been signed by Indonesia to prevent the practice of tax evasion. Latest, on June 7, 2017, the Finance Minister representing Indonesia signed Multilateral Instrument on Tax Treaty (MLI) at the headquarters of The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Paris, France, Wednesday (7/6).Indonesia has also committed to exchange information based on MCAA starting September 2018. This is reinforced by Government Regulation in Lieu of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 Year 2017 on Access to Financial Information for Tax Interest.It will be publishedTaxation plans for the world's top technology giants are also an important issue in the country. Cases involving Google in 2016 are one example. Armed with the problem, the government made the regulation taxing the internet giant's digital company (over the top / OTT). However, they are not required to be a permanent establishment (BUT).Minister of Communications and Informatics Rudiantara estimates that the beleid will be published in the first quarter of 2018. However, Rudiantara responded differently when met at the State Palace, Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Monday (5/3). He explains, Google taxes for 2016 and 2017 are still being taken care of. The company is conducting Self AssessmentWhen this is done, the Ministry of Communications and Information will include the example in the ministerial regulation on OTT. Google can be an example for similar companies in completing tax administration to be paid to the government."Hopefully of course the first semester (2018) is completed (Google tax)," he said.While waiting for Google's self-assessment to finish, the Ministry of Communications and Information also conducts socialization on a regular basisparallel. This communication is woven because the government wants these CTF companies to change their status. Currently their status is still a service company, not operating company.Going forward, the government expects them to turn into an operating company and its status becomes a resseller. With status change, when the Indonesians want to advertise in an OTT company, they can do it in a domestic company."So, the entry into PT Indonesia like that.Payment using rupiah, so the tax can also be settled," said Rudiantara.


Indonesia sudah menyiapkan dan mengantisipasi tren kebijakan pajak global.

    Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia Sri Mulyani Indrawati merespons rencana Uni Eropa (UE) memajaki perusahaan raksasa teknologi dunia. Menurut dia, rencana tersebut merupakan jawaban atas keniscayaan tren teknologi digital.

"Sehingga, perlakuan pajak terhadap perusahaan dan pelaku ekonomi digital dan niaga daring (e-commerce) akan semakin menuju pada penerapan penciptaan level playing Field yang setara dan adil," ujarnya kepada Republika.

    Menurut Sri Mulyani, inisiatif UE yang digalang Menteri Keuangan Perancis Bruno Le Maire dan negara-negara Benua Biru lain sudah disampaikan pula dalam forum G-20 demi mendapatkan dukungan. Hal itu bertujuan untuk mencegah pelarian dan penghindaran pajak serta pemenuhan kewajiban pajak serta pemenuhan kewajiban pajak yang makin adil antar negara.

    Dilansir Reuters, Minggu (4/3), UE akan segera mengumumkan rencana pengenaan pajak untuk perusahaan raksasa teknologi dunia. Pengumuman itu disampaikan Menteri Keuangan Prancis Bruno Le Maire dalam wawancara den gan Le Journal du Dimanche. Menurut Le Maire, besaran pajak berada pada rentang dua persen sampai enam persen dari penghasilan perusahaan-perusahaan itu.

    Proposal itu bertujuan menigkatkan penagihan pajak kepada perusahaan raksasa teknologi dunia, seperti Alfabet Google (GOOGL.O), (AMZN.O) dan Facebook (FB.O).

    Selama ini, perusahaan-perusehaan itu dituduh membayar pajak terlalu minim. Modusnya adalah mengubah penempatan laporan keuntungan mereka ke negara-negara dengan tarif pajak rendah seperti Luksemburg.

    Dalam konteks Indonesia, Menteri keuangan memastikan pemerintah sudah menyiapkan dan menganlisipasi tren kebijakan pajak tersebut.

"Kami terus melakukan sosialisasi agar tidak melemahkan arus perubahan, kreativitas, dan inovasi tersebut, namun tetap mampu meneiptakan kebijakan perpajakan yang adil dan efektif," katanya menjelaskan.

    Berdasarkan keterangan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Kementerian Keuangan, serangkaian perjanjian multilateral sudah ditandatangani Indonesia demi mencegah praktik penghindaran pajak. Terbaru, pada 7 Juni 2017, Menteri Keuangan mewakili Indonesia menandatangani Multilateral Instrument on Tax Treaty (MLI) di kantor pusat The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Paris, Prancis, Rabu (7/6).

    Indonesia juga telah berkomitmen melakukan pertukaran informasi berdasarkan MCAA mulai September 2018. Hal itu diperkuat dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2017 tentang Akses Informasi Keuangan Untuk Kepentingan Perpajakan.

Akan Dikeluarkan

    Rencana pemajakan atas perusahaan raksasa teknologi dunia juga menjadi isu penting di dalam negeri. Kasus yang melibatkan Google pada 2016 menjadi salah satu contoh. Berbekal dari permasalahan itu, pemerintah membuat regulasi memajaki perusahaan digital raksasa berbasis internet (over the top/ OTT). Kendati begitu, mereka tidak diwajibkan menjadi bentuk usaha tetap (BUT).

    Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Rudiantara memperkirakan beleid tersebut akan terbit kuartal I 2018. Namun, Rudiantara memberikan tanggapan berbeda saat ditemui di Istana Negara, Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Senin (5/3). Dia menjelaskan, pajak Google untuk tahun 2016 dan 2017 masih diurus. Perusahaan itu sedang melakukan Self Assessmen

    Ketika hal tersebut Sudah selesai, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi  akan memasukkan contoh itu dalam peraturan menteri mengenai OTT. Google dapat menjadi contoh bagi perusahaan serupa dalam menuntaskan administrasi perpajakan yang harus dibayarkan kepada pemerintah.

"Mudah-mudahan pastinya semester pertama (2018) ini selesai (pajak Google)," ujarnya.

    Sambil menunggu self assessment Google selesai, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informas juga melakukan sosialisasi secara paralel. Komunikasi ini dijalin karena pemerintah ingin agar perusahaan-perusahaan CTF ini mengubah status mereka. Saat ini status mereka masih service company, bukan operating company.

    Ke depan, pemerintah berharap mereka berubah menjadi operating company dan statusnya menjadi resseller. Dengan perubahan status, ketika pihak Indonesia ingin beriklan di perusahaan OTT, mereka bisa melakukan di perusahaan dalam negeri.

"Jadi, masuknya ke PT Indonesia seperti itu. Pembayarannya menggunakan rupiah, jadi pajaknya juga bisa beres," kata Rudiantara

Republika, Page-1, Tuesday, March 6, 2018

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