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B20 Relaxation Audit Government for Freeport

Grassbreg Mine

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will audit the extent to which 20% biodiesel (B20) cannot be used as fuel for vehicles and mining equipment used by PT Freeport Indonesia. The use of B20 in mines in the highlands gets an exception because it is stated that B20 can freeze at temperatures lower than 3 Celsius.

ESDM Minister Expert Staff for Natural Resources Economics Dadan Kusdiana said his team would examine the use of B20 at the Freeport mine in the past two weeks. One team will find out whether B20 cannot be used at all or can still be used if the vegetable ingredients (fatty acid methyl ether / FAME) are reduced.

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"It could be two things, it could be that B20 was reduced to B10 Audit B20 Relaxation for Freeport or this is completely free (without FAME). This will be audited, "he said in Jakarta Tuesday (9/18)

As reported earlier, the government expanded the B20 mandatory from September 1 yesterday. This means that all industries that use diesel must switch to B20, including the mining industry. However, there are three sectors that are exempt from the mandatory, namely the gas steam power plant (PLTGU), the main weaponry system (defense equipment), and Freeport mining equipment.

According to Dadan, this audit is in line with the direction of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution. The audit will not only be carried out to Freeport, but also the entire PLTGU owned by PT PLN (Persero) and defense equipment. For the defense equipment audit, he said, the Minister of Inflation had visited PT Pindad (persero) to see the trial of B20 usage.

"Maybe this is a little longer than the last two weeks. The defense equipment is not only from one country, "he explained.

Furthermore, for the B20 digging audit at the PLTGU, from the side of the turbine engine it is said that it cannot be changed. So, it will ensure the type of biodiesel with the quality that can be used on the turbine engine. So far it has found the biodiesel and its producers in the country. Unfortunately, this special fuel economy still has to be recalculated.

"We are calculating what the economy is like, because it can be more expensive, that's what we don't know yet," said Dadan.

Dadan added, there would be no problem if the defense equipment audit took a long time. The reason is, the consumption of solar defense equipment is not too large. It is precisely Freeport and PLTGU that consume enough diesel.

"Turbines are good (the solubility consumption), high land (Freeport) is also pretty good," he said.

Previous, Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said that Freeport's diesel consumption was around 30 thousand kiloliters (KL) in one month. While Freeport's industrial area is not exempt from mandatory B20, its solitary consumption only reaches 15-20% of total consumption. This year, the government projects FAME absorption to reach 3.9 million KL, namely subsidized diesel fuel of 2.8 million KL and non-subsidized 1.08 million KL. While the potential for foreign exchange savings is estimated at Rp 30.59 trillion.


Pemerintah Audit Relaksasi B20 untuk Freeport

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akan mengaudit sejauh mana biodiesel 20% (B20) tidak dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bakar kendaraan dan alat tambang yang dipakai PT Freeport Indonesia. Penggunaan B20 di tambang di dataran tinggi mendapat pengecualian lantaran dinyatakan B20 dapat membeku pada suhu lebih rendah dari 3 celsius.

Staf Ahli Menteri ESDM Bidang Ekonomi Sumber Daya Alam Dadan Kusdiana mengatakan, timnya bakal memeriksa penggunaan B20 di tambang Freeport dalam dua pekan ini. Tim salah satunya akan mencari tahu apakah B20 tidak dapat digunakan sama sekali ataukah masih dapat dipakai jika kandungan unsur nabati (fatty acid methyl ether/ FAME) dikurangi.

“Kan bisa dua jadinya, bisa saja B20 diturunkan jadi B10 Audit Relaksasi B20 untuk Freeport atau ini benar-benar bebas (tanpa FAME). lni akan diaudit istilahnya,” kata dia di Jakarta Selasa (18/9)

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, pemerintah memperluas mandatori B20 mulai 1 September kemarin. Artinya, seluruh industri yang memakai solar Wajib beralih ke B20, termasuk industri pertambangan. Namun, terdapat tiga sektor yang dikecualikan dari mandatori, yakni pembangkit listrik tenaga gas uap (PLTGU) , alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) , dan alat tambang Freeport.

Menurut Dadan, audit ini sejalan dengan arahan dari Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Darmin Nasution. Audit tidak hanya akan dilakukan ke Freeport, tetapi juga seluruh PLTGU milik PT PLN (Persero) dan alutsista. Untuk audit alutsista, dikatakannya, Menteri Perdadangan telah mengunjungi PT Pindad (persero) untuk melihat uji coba pemakaian B20. 

“Mungkin ini agak lama dibanding yang dua pekan tadi. Kan alutsista enggak hanya dari satu negara saja,” jelasnya.

Selanjutnya untuk audit pengguliaan B20 di PLTGU, dari sisi mesin turbin disebutnya sudah tidak dapat diubah. Sehingga, pihaknya akan memastikan jenis biodiesel dengan kualitas seperti apa yang dapat digunakan pada mesin turbin tersebut. Sejauh ini pihaknya sudah menemukan biodiesel tersebut beserta produsennya di dalam negeri. Sayangnya, keekonomian bahan bakar khusus ini masih harus dihitung kembali. 

“Kami sedang hitung keekonomiannya seperti apa, karena bisa jadi lebih mahal, itu yang kami belum tahu,” ujar Dadan.

Dadan menambahkan, tidak akan ada masalah jika audit alutsista memakan waktu cukup lama. Pasalnya, konsumsi solar alutsista tidak terlalu besar. Justru Freeport dan PLTGU lah yang mengonsumsi solar cukup banyak. 

“Turbin lumayan (konsumsi solarnya), high land (Freeport) juga lumayan,” tutur dia.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bmni Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto menuturkan, konsumsi solar Freeport tercatat sekitar 30 ribu kiloliter (KL) dalam satu bulan. Sementara wilayah industri Freeport yang tidak dikecualikan dari mandatori B20, konsumsi solarnya hanya mencapai 15-20% dari total konsumsi. Pada tahun ini, pemerintah memproyeksikan penyerapan FAME bisa mencapai 3,9 juta KL, yakni untuk solar bersubsidi 2,8 juta KL dan nonsubsidi 1,08 juta KL. Sementara potensi penghematan devisa diperkirakan sebesar Rp 30,59 triliun.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Sept 19, 2018

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