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US Ambassador Supports Freeport Divestment Shares

The Ambassador of the United States (US) to Indonesia Joseph R Donovan Jr supported the policy of Indonesian President Joko Widodo in relation to the divestment of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares by 51%. Donovan explained what President Joko Widodo wanted about the divestment of the US company was a solution that was mutually beneficial for all parties, including Freeport's shareholders.

"President Joko Widodo has called for a mutually beneficial solution for the Papuan people, Indonesian people and Freeport shareholders, and I strongly agree with the call," Donovan said during his visit in Timika, Mimika Regency, Papua.

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Donovan said many companies in the US were interested in investing in Indonesia as a whole or in Papua specifically. However, this also depends on the Indonesian government which can create a good environment so that the companies can get the appropriate benefits. In addition, contract certainty for US companies in Indonesia must be consistent and regulated fairly .. If there are changes, do it with a transparent tiara

"If the Indonesian government acts fairly on US companies that are already here (Indonesia), of course many other US companies will participate invest here. "US companies in Indonesia now determine whether other companies come or not," Donovan said.

Previously, the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Bambang Susigit hoped that the divestment process of 51% of PT Freeport Indonesia by PT Inalum will soon be completed by the end of this month.

According to him, there are still several agreements that must be resolved before finally acquiring 51% of the shares can be taken over after the signing of the head of agreement (hoA) by the government and Freeport McMoran CEO Richard D Adkerson last July. The stages that need to be agreed upon are extension amendments.


Dubes AS Dukung Divestasi Saham Freeport

Duta Besar Amerika Serikat (AS) untuk Indonesia Joseph R Donovan Jr mendukung kebijakan Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo terkait dengan divestasi saham PT Freeport Indonesia sebesar 51%. Donovan menjelaskan apa yang dikehendaki Presiden Joko Widodo mengenai divestasi perusahaan AS itu merupakan solusi yang saling menguntungkan semua pihak, termasuk pemilik saham Freeport.

“Presiden Joko Widodo telah menyerukan Solusi yang saling menguntungkan bagi masyarakat Papua, masyarakat Indonesia, dan pemilik saham Freeport, dan saya sangat setuju dengan seruan tersebut,” kata Donovan dalam kunjungannya di Timika, Kabupaten Mimika, Papua.

Donovan mengatakan banyak perusahaan di AS yang tertarik berinvestasi di Indonesia secara keseluruhan ataupun di Papua secara khusus. Namun, hal tersebut juga tergantung pada pemerintah Indonesia yang bisa menciptakan lingkungan yang baik sehingga perusahaan-perusahaan itu bisa mendapatkan keuntungan yang sesuai. Selain itu, kepastian kontrak bagi perusahaan-perusahaan asal AS di Indonesia harus konsisten dan diatur dengan adil.. Jika ada perubahan, lakukan dengan tiara yang transparan

“Kalau pemerintah Indonesia bertindak adil pada perusahaan-perusahaan AS yang sudah ada di sini (Indonesia), tentu banyak perusahaan AS lainnya yang ikut berinvestasi di sini. Perusahaan-perusahaan AS di Indonesia saat ini menentukan apakah perusahaan lain datang atau tidak,” ujar Donovan.

Sebelumnya, Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Bambang Susigit berharap proses divestasi 51% saham PT Freeport Indonesia oleh PT Inalum segera rampung akhir bulan ini.

Menurut dia, masih ada beberapa kesepakatan yang harus diselesaikan sebelum akhirnya akusisi 51% saham bisa diambil alih setelah penandatanganan head of agreement (hoA) oleh pemerintah dan CEO Freeport McMoran Richard D Adkerson pada Juli lalu. Tahapan yang perlu disepakati ialah amendemen perpanjangan.

Media Indonesia, Page-13, Tuesday, Sept 25, 2018

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