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Freeport Smelter Construction Deadline Not Agreed

The government and PT Freeport Indonesia have not yet reached an agreement regarding the deadline for the construction of a copper concentrate (smelter) purification facility. There are two options that are still being discussed, namely development for five years since the agreement or development was reached completed in 2022. 

    The construction of a smelter is one of the points of negotiation between the government and Freeport regarding the details of the attachment to the Special Mining Business License (IUPK).

Both parties actually reached a general agreement in August 2017. Freeport is willing to build a smelter. However, until now a detailed discussion on the construction of the smelter has not reached an agreement.

Bambang Gatot, Director General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), said the deadline for the construction of smelters will be included in the Freeport IUPK attachment. But he could not confirm when the deadline was. Still formulated. We'll see what it looks like in the IUPK, "Bambang said in Jakarta, last weekend.

Deadline The time to build a smelter is important to reach an agreement. Because the government has set a limit on export concentrates until 2022. If during that period the smelter was not finished, Freeport's production could be hampered. 

    The ban on concentrate exports has actually been established since 2017, but only applies to holders of Contract of Work (KK). IUPK holders are still given concentrate export licenses until 2022.

The ban on concentrate exports had an impact on Freeport in early 2017. Concentrated production piled up and many employees were laid off. In addition, the economy in the Freeport concession area was sluggish. 

    As a result, the mining company from the United States was willing to release KK and switch to IUPK. However, this change with the record of the stability of investment in the CoW is also included in the IUPK.

Therefore, Freeport negotiated with the government. Separately, Freeport Indonesia Spokesman Riza Pratama conveyed the same thing. He said there was no agreement regarding the deadline for the construction of the smelter.

"The discussion is still ongoing," he said.


Batas Waktu Pembangunan Smelter Freeport Belum Disepakati

Pemerintah dan PT Freeport Indonesia belum mencapai kata sepakat terkait tenggat waktu pembangunan fasilitas pemurnian konsentrat tembaga (smelter). Ada dua opsi yang masih dibahas, yakni pembangunan selama lima tahun terhitung sejak tercapainya kesepakatan atau pembangunan selesai pada 2022. Pembangunan smelter merupakan salah satu poin negosiasi antara pemerintah dan Freeport terkait detil lampiran Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK).

Kedua belah pihak sebenarnya sudah mencapai kesepakatan umum pada Agustus 2017 silam. Freeport bersedia membangun smelter. Namun sampai saat ini pembahasan detil mengenai pembangunan smelter belum mencapai kata sepakat.

Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Bambang Gatot mengatakan, tenggat waktu pembangunan smelter akan dicantumkan dalam lampiran IUPK Freeport. Namun dia belum bisa memastikan kapan tenggat waktu tersebut. Masih dirumuskan. Nanti kita lihat saja seperti apa dalam IUPK,” kata Bambang di Jakarta, akhir pekan lalu. 

Tenggat Waktu pembangunan smelter penting untuk dicapai kesepakatan. Pasalnya, pemerintah sudah menetapkan batasan ekspor konsentrat hingga 2022. Bila pada periode tersebut smelter belum rampung maka produksi Freeport bisa terhambat. Larangan ekspor konsentrat sebenarnya sudah ditetapkan sejak 2017 kemarin, namun hanya berlaku bagi pemegang Kontrak Karya (KK). Bagi pemegang IUPK masih diberikan izin ekspor konsentrat hingga 2022.

Larangan ekspor konsentrat itu sempat berimbas bagi Freeport pada awal 2017 silam. Produksi konsentrat menumpuk serta banyak karyawan yang dirumahkan. Selain itu, perekonomian di area konsensi Freeport pun lesu. Alhasil perusahaan tambang dari Amerika Serikat itu pun bersedia melepas KK dan beralih menjadi IUPK. Namun perubahan ini dengan catatan stabilitas investasi dalam KK juga masuk di dalam IUPK.

Oleh sebab itu, Freeport negosiasi dengan pemerintah. Secara terpisah, Juru Bicara Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama menyampaikan hal senada. Dia menyebut belum ada kesepakatan mengenai tenggat waktu pembangunan smelter. 

“Masih berlangsung pembahasannya,” ujarnya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Nov 26, 2018

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