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Freeport Takeover Must Be Completed Simultaneously

The move of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) to take over 51.20% of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares is not final. Freeport Indonesia's management requested that the takeover of shares be accompanied by the fulfillment of other provisions.

Spokesperson for Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama, said that his party is still carrying out the negotiation process with the government. Such as for example operating license extension until 2041 which will later be in the definitive Special Mining Business License (IUPK). Another negotiating point is investment stability.

"I cannot provide detailed data because the negotiations have not been completed. Everything must be together. Yes (we hope to finish) as soon as possible, "he explained.

Inalum is optimistic that it can complete the entire process as targeted.

"Everything runs in parallel," said PT Inalum's Head of Corporate Communications, Rendi A. Witular.

Inalum has just issued a global bond worth US $ 4 billion to fund the divestment of Freeport Indonesia shares worth US $ 3.8 billion. In detail, Inalum's global bond includes four series. First, worth US $ 1 billion with a three-year tenor with a yield of 5.5% and a coupon of 5.23% (this data at the same time rectifies the Inalum coupon table on page 1 of the November 9 edition of KONTAN).

Second, US $ 1.25 billion with a five-year tenor with a yield of 6.00% and a coupon of 5.71%. Third, US $ 1 billion with a tenor of 10 years with a yield of 6.88% and a coupon of 6.53%, and the fourth US $ 750 million with a tenor of 30 years with a yield of 7.38% and a coupon of 6.76%.


Pengambilalihan Freeport Harus Selesai Bersamaan

Langkah PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) mengambil alih 51,20% saham PT Freeport Indonesia belum final. Manajemen Freeport Indonesia meminta agar pengambilalihan saham dibarengi oleh pemenuhan ketentuan Iainnya.

Juru Bicara Freeport Indonesia, Riza Pratama mengatakan, pihaknya masih menjalankan proses perundingan dengan pemerintah. Seperti misalnya perpanjangan izin operasi hingga 2041 yang nantinya ada di dalam dalam Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) definitif. Poin negosiasi lainnya adalah stabilitas investasi. 

“Saya tidak bisa memberikan data secara mendetail karena perundingan belum selesai. Semuanya harus berbarengan. Ya (kita berharap akan selesai) secepatnya” jelas dia.

Inalum optimistis bisa merampungkan seluruh proses sesuai target. 

“Semua berjalan secara paralel,” ujar Head of Corporate Communications PT Inalum, Rendi A. Witular.

Inalum baru saja menerbitkan global bond senilai US$ 4 miliar untuk mendanai divestasi saham Freeport Indonesia senilai US$ 3,8 miIiar. Secara rinci, global bond Inalum meliputi empat seri. Pertama, senilai US$ 1 miliar bertenor tiga tahun dengan yield 5,5% dan kupon 5,23% (data ini sekaligus meralat tabel kupon Inalum di Halaman 1 Harian KONTAN edisi 9 November 2018). 

    Kedua, US$ 1.25 miliar bertenor lima tahun dengan yield 6.00% dan kupon 5,71%. Ketiga, US$ 1 miliar bertenor 10 tahun dengan yield 6,88% dan kupon 6,53%, dan keempat US$ 750 juta bertenor 30 tahun dengan yield 7,38% dan kupon 6,76%.

Kontan, Page-9, Monday, Nov 12, 2018

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