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Inalum Establishes a Special Company

The regional government obtained a 10 percent stake in the PT Freeport Indonesia divestment process. The company will accommodate shares.

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero) or Inalum together with the Government of Papua Province and Mimika Regency will form a company specifically related to the divestment of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares. PT Indocopper Investama, which holds a 9.36 percent stake in Freeport, was agreed to be appointed as a special company as a 10 percent shareholder in the region.

Divestment of shares is still in the process of completion and is scheduled to be completed later this year. The Papua and Mimika Provincial Governments receive a 10 percent share purchased by Inalum from Freeport. Inalum is the holding company of a mining BUMN appointed by the government to buy Freeport Indonesia's shares up to 51 percent.

At present, Inalum's shares in the mining company from the United States are only 9.36 percent. Corporate Communications and Government Relations Inalum Rendi Witular said that Indocopper Investama would become a special company owned by Inalum and a regionally owned company in Papua. Indocopper Investama has since 2002 fully owned Freeport McMoran Inc. and holds a 9.36 percent stake in the structure of PT Freeport Indonesia.

After a complete 51 percent divestment series, Indocopper will be owned by Inalum and become a special company that holds regional shares.

"So, there is no need to form a new business entity to accommodate the 10 percent share of the region. The process is more efficient, both legally, financially and taxically, "said Rendi

According to Rendi, Inalum had met the Government of the Papua Province and Mimika Regency in Jayapura, Papua, last week. Inalum still needs to wait for a share distribution agreement between the Papua Provincial Government and Mimika Regency in a business entity in a special corporate structure to be formed.

"Later, regional-owned enterprises that have been formed do not need to pay to buy the 10 percent share. Inalum will prevent him. We will cut it later and distribute dividends as installments, "said Rendi,


Separately, the Advocacy Manager and the Network of Publish What You Pay Indonesia, Aryanto Nugroho, urged that negotiations regarding the divestment of Freeport's shares be transparent. According to him, there is always the potential for the process of negotiating a share divestment ridden by renters. The government must strive so that this practice can be prevented.

"In addition to the processes and stages that must be transparent, the substance must also be open to the public, especially the people of Papua. Public supervision is needed. If necessary, involve the Corruption Eradication Commission in the process, "said Aryanto.

The government is targeting a series of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares divestment process to be completed later this year. The value of the divestment that must be paid by Inalum for 51 percent ownership is 3.85 billion US dollars or around Rp. 56 trillion.


Inalum Membentuk Perseroan Khusus

Pemerintah daerah memperoleh 10 persen saham dalam proses divestasi PT Freeport Indonesia. Saham akan ditampung perseroan khusus.

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero) atau Inalum bersama Pemerintah Provinsi Papua dan Kabupaten Mimika akan membentuk perseroan khusus terkait divestasi saham PT Freeport Indonesia. PT Indocopper Investama, yang mengantongi 9,36 persen saham Freeport, disepakati bakal ditunjuk menjadi perseroan khusus sebagai pemegang saham 10 persen bagian daerah.

Divestasi saham masih dalam proses penyelesaian dan dijadwalkan tuntas akhir tahun ini. Pemerintah Provinsi Papua dan Kabupaten Mimika mendapat bagian 10 persen saham yang dibeli Inalum dari Freeport. Inalum adalah perusahaan induk BUMN pertambangan yang ditunjuk pemerintah membeli saham Freeport Indonesia hingga mencapai 51 persen. 

Saat ini, saham Inalum di perusahaan tambang dari Amerika Serikat itu hanya 9,36 persen. Corporate Communications and Government Relations Inalum Rendi Witular mengatakan, Indocopper Investama akan menjadi perseroan khusus yang dimiliki Inalum dan badan usaha milik daerah di Papua. Indocopper Investama sejak 2002 dimiliki penuh Freeport McMoran Inc dan memegang saham 9,36 persen dalam struktur PT Freeport Indonesia.

Setelah rangkaian divestasi 51 persen tuntas, Indocopper akan dimiliki Inalum dan menjadi perseroan khusus yang menampung saham daerah.

”Jadi, tidak perlu membentuk badan usaha baru untuk menampung jatah saham 10 persen milik daerah. Prosesnya lebih efisien, baik secara legal, finansial, dan perpajakan,” kata Rendi

Menurut Rendi, Inalum sudah bertemu Pemerintah Provinsi Papua dan Kabupaten Mimika di Jayapura, Papua, pekan lalu. Inalum masih perlu menunggu kesepakatan pembagian saham antara Pemerintah Provinsi Papua dan Kabupaten Mimika pada badan usaha dalam struktur perseroan khusus yang akan dibentuk. 

”Nantinya, badan usaha milik daerah yang sudah dibentuk tidak perlu membayar untuk membeli bagian saham dari 10 persen itu. Inalum yang akan menalanginya. Nanti akan dipotong dan pembagian dividen sebagai cicilan,” ujar Rendi,


Secara terpisah, Manajer Advokasi dan Jaringan pada Publish What You Pay Indonesia Aryanto Nugroho mendesak agar negosiasi terkait divestasi saham Freeport transparan. Menurut dia, selalu ada potensi proses negosiasi divestasi saham ditunggangi pemburu rente. Pemerintah harus berusaha keras agar praktik tersebut bisa dicegah.

”Selain proses dan tahapan yang harus transparan, substansinya juga harus terbuka kepada publik, khususnya rakyat Papua. Pengawasan publik diperlukan. Jika perlu melibatkan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi dalam proses tersebut,” ujar Aryanto.

Pemerintah menargetkan rangkaian proses divestasi saham PT Freeport Indonesia rampung akhir tahun ini. Nilai divestasi yang harus dibayar Inalum untuk kepemilikan 51 persen sebesar 3,85 miliar dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 56 triliun.

Kompas, Page-18, Monday, Nov 26, 2018

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