, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Tony Wenas and Nico Kanter Freeport President Director - MEDIA MONITORING GOLD MINE -->

Tony Wenas and Nico Kanter Freeport President Director

The PT Freeport Indonesia board of directors (PTFI) arrangement has become an inseparable part of the 51% share divestment ban. This means that PT Inalum (Persero) has not been able to pay US $ 3.85 billion to acquire Freeport without a board of directors agreement, even though Freeport negotiations with the government have reached an agreement.

Tony Wenas and Nico Kanter 

There are two Freeport Indonesia presidential candidates, namely Nico Kanter and Tony Wenas. Freeport McMoRan Inc. (FCX) as the parent company of PTFI remain as an operator at the Grasberg, Papua mine. The government accommodates this desire by considering the difficulty level of managing underground mine.


However, this agreement notes that there is a transfer of knowledge and technology so that Indonesia can work on the mine in the next 10 years. An Investor Daily source revealed that Freeport and Inalum had candidates to occupy the top positions of directors. Freeport proposes Tony Wenas and Inalum to convey several names, including Nico Kanter as PTFI's President Director candidate.

Gold Mine of PT Freeport Indonesia

Tony Wenas currently serves as PTFI's Executive Vice President. While Nico Kanter is a figure that has long been known in the world of mining. He currently serves as CEO and President Director of PT Vale Indonesia. Freeport and Inalum agreed that a person who would lead PTFI must have mining business experience.

PT Vale Indonesia

Later the arrangement of the board of directors that has been agreed upon will be submitted to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). This proposal was submitted together with the request for the issuance of the Special Mining Business License (IUPK) of PTFI Production Operations. The request was made after Inalum completes the payment transaction.

Riza Pratama

Freeport Indonesia spokesman Riza Pratama said he did not know the discussion about the composition of the board of directors, including who the names were candidate who will become PTFI's President Director. But he stated that the agreement of the board of directors was an integral part of negotiations. This means that after the divestment payment there is no negotiation or discussion. All agreements have been reached beforehand, then only the ceremony's lack of ceremony.

"Those who conducted the discussion (composition of directors) FCX and Inalum. PTFI is not involved, "said Riza in Jakarta.

The same thing was conveyed by Head of Corporate Communications Inalum Rendi Ahmad Witular when confirmed. He claimed he did not know about the discussion of the composition of the board of directors.

"Not updated yet," he said.

Product of PT Freeport Indonesia

Meanwhile, Investor Daily tried to confirm to Nico Kanter. But until this news was revealed there was no response from Nico. The government and Freeport held negotiations since February 2017. This negotiation was held because the mining company from the United States was willing to release the Contract of Work (KK) and become an IUPK.

However, Freeport requires legal certainty and stability of investment in the CoW also included in the IUPK. There are four points of negotiation, namely the extension of operations until 2041, the construction of smelters, 51% divestment, and increased state revenues. In August 2017 an agreement was reached in general.

Both parties then discussed the details of the accuracy that would later be included in the IUPK attachment. The change in status to IUPK is because since January 2017 the government has prohibited KK holders from exporting concentrated minerals. Only IUPK holders and those who are building smelters are permitted to export concentrates.

PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara

It was noted, there was one KK holder who had switched to IUPK namely PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara. The company previously named PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara abandoned the CoW without going through a long negotiation process as Freeport did.


Tony Wenas dan Nico Kanter Kandidat Presdir Freeport

Kesepakatan susunan direksi PT Freeport Indonesia.(PTFI) menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam pembanasan divestasi saham 51%. Artinya, PT Inalum (Persero) belum bisa membayar US$ 3,85 miliar untuk mengakuisisi Freeport tanpa ada kesepakatan susunan direksi, meski perundingan Freeport dengan pemerintah sudah mencapai kata sepakat. 

Ada dua kandidat Presiden direktur Freeport Indonesia, yakni Nico Kanter dan Tony Wenas. Freeport McMoRan Inc (FCX) selaku induk PTFI bakal
tetap sebagai operator pada tambang Grasberg, Papua. Pemerintah mengakomodir keinginan tersebut dengan pertimbangan tingkat kesulitan mengelola
tambang bawah tanah. 

Namun kesepakatan ini dengan catatan ada transfer pengetahuan dan teknologi sehingga Indonesia bisa menggarap tambang tersebut dalam 10 tahun ke depan. Sumber Investor Daily mengungkapkan, Freeport dan Inalum memiliki kandidat untuk menduduki posisi puncak direksi. Freeport mengajukan Tony Wenas dan Inalum menyampaikan beberapa nama, diantaranya Nico Kanter sebagai kandidat Presiden Direktur PTFI.

Tony Wenas saat ini menjabat sebagai Executive Vice President PTFI. Sementara Nico Kanter merupakan sosok yang sudah lama dikenal di dunia pertambangan. Dia saat ini menjabat sebagai CEO dan Presiden Direktur PT Vale Indonesia. Freeport dan Inalum sepakat bahwa sosok yang bakal memimpin PTFI harus memiliki pengalaman bisnis pertambangan.

Nantinya susunan direksi yang sudah disepakati itu akan disampaikan ke Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Usulan ini disampaikan bersamaan dengan permohonan diterbitkannya lzin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) Operasi Produksi PTFI. Permohonan itu dilakukan
setelah Inalum menyelesaikan transaksi pembayaran.

Juru bicara Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama mengaku tidak tahu pembahasan mengenai susunan direksi tersebut, termasuk siapa saja nama
kandidat yang bakal menjadi Presiden Direktur PTFI. Namun dia menyatakan kesepakatan susunan direksi menjadi bagian tidak terpisahkan dalam negoisasi. Artinya, pasca pembayaran divestasi sudah tidak ada lagi negoisasi atau pembahasan apapun. Semuanya sudah tercapai kesepakatan terlebih dahulu kemudian hanya kurang seremoni penetapannya saja.

“Yang melakukan pembahasan itu (susunan direksi) FCX dan Inalum. PTFI tidak terlibat,” kata Riza di Jakarta.

Hal senada pun disampaikan Head of Corporate Communications Inalum Rendi Ahmad Witular ketika dikonfirmasi. Dia mengaku belum tahu perihal pembahasan susunan direksi tersebut. 

“Belum update,” katanya. 

Sementara itu, Investor Daily mencoba mengkonfirmasi ke Nico Kanter. Namun hingga berita ini diturunkan belum ada respon dari Nico. Pemerintah dan Freeport melakukan perundingan sejak Februari 2017 silam. Negoisasi ini digelar lantaran perusahaan tambang dari Amerika Serikat itu bersedia melepas Kontrak Karya (KK) dan menjadi IUPK. 

Namun Freeport mensyaratkan kepastian hukum dan stabilitas investasi dalam KK juga masuk dalam IUPK. Ada empat poin perundingan yakni perpanjangan operasi sampai 2041, pembanguna smelter, divestasi 51%, dan peningkatan penerimaan negara. Pada Agustus 2017 sudah tercapai kesepakatan secara umum. 

Kedua belah pihak kemudian melakukan pembahasan mengenai detil kesepatan yang nantinya masuk dalam lampiran IUPK. Perubahan status menjadi IUPK itu lantaran sejak Januari 2017 itu pemerintah melarang pemegang KK mengekspor mineral hasil pengolahan (konsentrat). Hanya pemegang IUPK dan yang sedang membangun smelter diizinkan ekspor konsentrat. 

Tercatat, ada satu pemegang KK yang sudah beralih menjadi IUPK yakni PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara. Perusahaan yang sebelumnya bernama PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara itu menanggalkan KK tanpa melalui proses perundingan panjangan sebagaimana yang dilakukan Freeport.

Investor Daily, Page-9,Monday, Dec 10, 2018

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