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Amman Mineral & Freeport Operations Run Normal


Although it has not received a copper concentrate export recommendation for the period February 2019-February 2020, the mining operations of PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara and PT Freeport Indonesia are still operating normally. 

PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara

     Amman Mineral stated that the Batu Hijau Mine operations were still operating smoothly even though the recommendation for the copper concentrate export approval letter had not yet been issued.

PT Freeport Indonesia

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The export of Amman Mineral copper concentrate has expired on February 21, 2019. Currently, mining companies are operating in West Nusa Tenggara has not been able to ship overseas. Amman Mineral has also submitted a copper quota export quota for the February 2019-February 2020 period of 336,000 tons. 

     The previous period, Amman Mineral pocketed an export quota of 450,826 tons copper concentrate. Although copper concentrate export activities were stopped, the Batu Hijau Mine operation was still operating normally.

"The Batu Hijau Mine operation is still operating normally," said PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara's Head of Corporate Communications, Anita Avianty, Tuesday (2/26).

Anita explained that currently the Batu Hijau Mine is in Phase 7. During this phase, the activities carried out include stripping of soil and rocks in the mining area and only processing ore from stockpiles prepared from previous phases.

Previously, Amman Mineral President Director Rachmat Makkasau stated that mineral ore production would decline this year because there are some adjustments in mine operations. Although it will reduce production levels temporarily, the mining process in the future is believed to be more efficient.

"We do have mine scheduling. We make mining planning to be more efficient, "he said.

Based on a report from PT Medco Energi lntemasional Tbk., The holding company of the Amman Southeast Nusa Tenggara Mineral, Phase 7 is estimated to be able to extract 4.47 billion pounds of copper and 4.12 million ounces of copper. Production of Phase 7 The Batu Hijau mine is expected to begin in late 2020 or early 2021.

Arifin Panigoro

PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, which previously was mostly owned by Newmont Mining Corporation, changed its name to Amman Mineral after 82.2% of its shares were acquired by national businessmen Arifin Panigoro (Medco) and Agus Projosasmito (AP Investment) worth US $ 2.6 billion at the end of 2016.

Agus Projosasmito

     Amman Mineral International owns 82.2% of Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara shares, while the remaining 17.8% is owned by PT Pukuafu Indah. Meanwhile, Amman Mineral International shares are owned by PT AP Investment and PT Medco Energi International Tbk. 50% each.

PT Freeport Indonesia


Meanwhile, PT Freeport Indonesia hopes that the recommendation for the copper concentrate export agreement will immediately be issued before the warehouse full storage, Freeport copper concentrate export license has expired on February 15, 2019. Until now, the ESDM Ministry is still evaluating the application for an extension of the Freeport export approval letter.

Riza Pratama

Freeport Indonesia spokesman Riza Pratama said that to date the copper concentrate storage warehouse at Amamapare, Mimika, Papua is still enough. There are three warehouses with copper concentrate capacity of 40,000 tons each. He hoped that the recommendation for an export approval letter could be issued soon. 

The reason is, if exports are delayed very long, Freeport's storage warehouse will not be able to accommodate copper concentrates from processing plants. While waiting for export recommendations to be published, production operations still operate normally. The supply of copper concentrate PT Smelting Gresik was not disturbed.

"As long as the warehouse is still sufficient, we can still ship [copper concentrate] to Gresik, so it is still ongoing. Later when the warehouse is full, there will be a problem, "he said.

Previously, the ESDM Ministry's Director of Mineral Business Development Yunus Saifulhak stated that Freeport's export quota is expected to drop from the quota in the previous period which reached 1.25 million tons of copper concentrate per year.



Operasi Amman Mineral & Freeport Berjalan Normal

Kendati belum mendapatkan rekomendasi ekspor konsentrat tembaga untuk periode Februari 2019-Februari 2020, kegiatan operasi tambang PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara dan PT Freeport Indonesia masih beroperasi normal. Amman Mineral menyatakan bahwa kegiatan operasi Tambang Batu Hijau masih beroperasi lancar meskipun rekomendasi surat persetujuan ekspor konsentrat tembaga belum terbit.

lzin ekspor konsentrat tembaga Amman Mineral telah berakhir pada 21 Februari 2019. Saat ini, perusahaan pertambangan yang beroperasi di Nusa Tenggara Barat itu belum bisa melakukan pengapalan ke luar negeri. Amman Mineral pun telah mengajukan kuota ekspor konsentrat tembaga untuk periode Februari 2019-Februari 2020 sebanyak 336.000 ton. 

Periode sebelumnya, Amman Mineral mengantongi kuota ekspor sebanyak 450.826 ton
konsentrat tembaga. Kendati kegiatan ekspor konsentrat tembaga terhenti, operasi Tambang Batu Hijau masih beroperasi normal.

“0perasi Tambang Batu Hijau masih beroperasi normal,” tutur Head of Corporate Communications PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara Anita Avianty, Selasa (26/2).

Anita menjelaskan bahwa saat ini Tambang Batu Hijau tengah berada dalam Fase 7. Selama fase tersebut, kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi pengupasan tanah dan batuan di area tambang dan hanya mengolah batuan bijih dari timbunan cadangan (stockpile) yang disiapkan dari fase-fase terdahulu.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Direktur Amman Mineral Rachmat Makkasau menyatakan bahwa produksi bijih mineral akan turun pada tahun ini karena ada beberapa penyesuaian dalam operasional tambang. Kendati akan menurunkan tingkat produksi sementara, proses penambangan ke depan diyakini akan lebih efisien. 

“Kami memang ada penjadwalan tambang. Perencanaan penambangannya kami buat agar lebih efisien,” tuturnya.

Berdasarkan laporan PT Medco Energi lntemasional Tbk., induk usaha Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara, Fase 7 diperkirakan dapat mengekstraksi cadangan tembaga 4,47 miliar pon dan emas sebanyak 4,12 juta ounce. Produksi Fase 7 Tambang Batu Hijau diharapkan dimulai pada akhir 2020 atau awal 2021. 

PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara yang sebelumnya sebagian besar sahamnya dimiliki oleh Newmont Mining Corporation berganti nama menjadi Amman Mineral setelah 82,2% sahamnya diakuisisi oleh pengusaha nasional Arifin Panigoro (Medco) dan Agus Projosasmito (AP Investment) senilai US$2,6 miliar pada akhir 2016.

Amman Mineral Internasional memiliki 82,2% saham Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara, sedangkan sisanya 17,8% dimiliki oleh PT Pukuafu Indah. Sementara itu, saham Amman Mineral Intemasional dimiliki oleh PT AP Investment dan PT Medco Energi International Tbk. masing-masing 50%. 

Adapun, PT Freeport Indonesia berharap agar rekomendasi surat persetujuan ekspor konsentrat tembaga segera terbit sebelum gudang penyimpanan penuh, lzin ekspor konsentrat tembaga Freeport telah habis pada 15 Februari 2019. Hingga saat ini, Kementerian ESDM masih melakukan evaluasi permohonan perpanjangan rekomendasi surat persetujuan ekspor Freeport.

Juru bicara Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama mengatakan bahwa hingga saat ini gudang penyimpanan konsentrat tembaga di Amamapare, Mimika, Papua masih cukup. Ada tiga gudang dengan kapasitas konsentrat tembaga masing-masing 40.000 ton. Dia berharap agar rekomendasi surat persetujuan ekspor bisa segera terbit. 

      Pasalnya, jika ekspor tertunda sangat lama, gudang penyimpanan Freeport tidak akan bisa menampung lagi konsentrat tembaga dari pabrik pengolahan. Sambil menunggu rekomendasi ekspor terbit, kegiatan operasi produksi masih beroperasi normal. Pasokan konsentrat tembaga PT Smelting Gresik pun tidak terganggu.

“Selama gudang masih cukup, kami masih bisa mengapalkan [konsentrat tembaga] ke Gresik, ya sekarang masih berlangsung. Nanti kalau gudang sudah penuh, itu baru ada masalah," katanya.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Pembinaan Pengusahaan Mineral Kementerian ESDM Yunus Saifulhak menyatakan, kuota ekspor Freeport kali ini diperkirakan bakal turun dari kuota pada periode sebelumnya yang mencapai 1,25 juta ton konsentrat tembaga per tahun.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Wednesday, Feb 27, 2019

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