, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Semester I, Freeport Copper Production Increased 18.8%. - MEDIA MONITORING GOLD MINE -->

Semester I, Freeport Copper Production Increased 18.8%.

PT Freeport Indonesia's copper production reached 321 million pounds in semester 1 of 2020, an increase of 18.88% compared to the same period last year (year on year / YoY), while gold production reached 341,000 ounces or grew 7.91% YoY.

PT Freeport Indonesia's

"This figure shows that the PTFI extended family is ready to welcome the process of adapting to a new habit," said PTFI President Director Tony Wenas in a virtual discussion.

Tony Wenas

Tony Wenas said that the pandemic requires all elements of society to adapt to new habits so that together we can help reduce the level of the spread of the virus and support Indonesia's progress in various aspects. This situation has also encouraged PTFI to transform, both in terms of operations and contribution ”.

Some of these transformations include making work rotation procedures and systems more flexible (working from home for Jakarta employees) and minimal personnel (reducing the number of people in the operating area at the same time), thereby strengthening the protection of employee health and safety.

"Through these procedures and systems, our activities are operating normally and safely," he said.

These results help PTFI to continue to move the wheels of the economy, maintain industrial stability, and improve the welfare of communities around the company's working areas. Throughout the pandemic, PTFI continued to maintain 29,201 jobs for the company's employees and contractors of which 97% originating from Indonesia, as well as providing social assistance to people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic around the work area which has reached a value of more than IDR 21 billion.

In addition, PTFI also provides health facilities for employees and communities around the company's operational areas, such as by providing rapid test and PCR test kits, adding treatment and isolation rooms at Tembagapura Hospital, and Kuala Kencana Clinic, and building RT-PCR testing laboratory facilities. to confirm the diagnosis of Covid-19.

Another assistance provided is facilitating the delivery of medical needs, delivery of food aid, and delivery of medical equipment needed in handling Covid-19. PTFI also facilitated the delivery of 70 ventilators or breathing devices from the University of Rhode Island (URI), the United States to be handed over to the Papua Provincial Government.

Gold Bar PTFI's 

All these initiatives strengthen PTFI's contribution, which from 1992 - 2019 has contributed the US $ 45.8 billion to the Indonesian economy, and the US $ 1.73 billion for development and community empowerment programs, as well as carrying out infrastructure development such as more than 3,000. houses and providing electricity for the community around the company's work area.

From 2019 to 2041, PTFI has also budgeted an investment fund of US $ 15.1 billion for the development of operational activities and strengthening contributions for advanced Indonesia, in order to achieve PTFI's new targets during a pandemic, namely safe and sustainable production. One of the main factors supporting PTFI's success in contributing during the pandemic is the existence of corporate values ​​that are upheld by all PTFI employees. This value is known as SINCERE (Safety - Integrity - Commitment - Respect - Excellence).

“PTFI's long journey over the last 50 years cannot be separated from various challenges. However, PTFI was able to overcome these challenges and made a number of achievements thank the company's values ​​which were well adapted by all employees, "said Tony.

Therefore, to coincide with the 75th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, PTFI has strengthened the implementation of SINCERE by holding a series of virtual activities that can remind the importance of SINCERE, so that PTFI's transformation during the pandemic can run smoothly. Rumah Harapan Founder Rhenald Kasali said that PTFI's long journey through various challenges is a testament to the strength of its values.

The company's achievements cannot be separated from the role and contribution of all employees who uphold SINCERE's values ​​so as to create a capable corporate culture that supports the creation of a conducive work climate.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, August 22, 2020

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