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Extension of Operations In an evaluation

Freeport Dispute

The government is ready to evaluate the extension of the operating license of PT Freeport Indonesia if the disputed contract of work culminate in the arbitration table.

Coordinating Minister, Kemalitiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan assert whatever the outcome of the arbitration, the extension of the operation of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) after 2021 will be evaluated. "For sure there will be legal certainty" even if the work contract dispute [KK] continues to arbitration. PTFI perunndang reluctant to abide by the rules and regulations that apply. All the rules of the provisions we have given. Not to be if we dictated freeport, "he said.

Nevertheless, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) still strive for PTFI willing to sit at the table to find the best solution.

Deputy Minister Archandra Tahar said that the government continue to seek the best solution and does not violate the law in Indonesia.

"If we do not agree, what we have to compete physically? not right. What does it mean? No exit strategy. Perhaps the last that, yes, arbitration, "he said at the Presidential Palace Complex.

Irwandy Arif, Chairman of the Indonesian Mining Institute, the government and Freeport have to obtain a solution before the deadline of 120 days. "It is not easy, in view of the renegotiation process should have been completed since 2010, "he said.

According to him, only the government and Freeport who know the key to the completion of such a solution. Moreover, the parties have understood the bargaining position


Tony Budidjaja add legal observers dispute resolution through international arbitration body sort of the International Center of Settlement for International Dispute (ICSID) does not guarantee the issue will be resolved. Although Indonesia has a track record of disputes with investors in the realm of ICSID, it may not necessarily be in favor of the government. Because the position of the government is a defendant so that its authority is limited.

Meanwhile, ICSID will better accommodate the interests of the plaintiff, namely Freeport because the plaintiff is a party to formulate a lawsuit. Freeport also has a greater chance to reveal problems rnereka consider unfair or does not correspond to the ICSID panel of arbitrators.

In addition, the settlement risk in national arbitration for Indonesia is the decision of the ICSID is open. This is different from the body recognized commercial arbitration between the companies confidential. That is, the decision of the ICSID can be consumed by the masses. This could be a bad precedent if the Government of Indonesia losing at arbitration level.

On the other hand, the advantage gained by the government is getting legal certainty if found not guilty. So far, PT Freeport Indonesia has opened the way to set a 120-day arbitration period negotiations with the government. Before an agreement is reached, Freeport-McMoRan Inc., parent company of PT FI in the US, will continue to depress investment, including the reduction of employees.

President and CEO of Freeport-McMoRan Richard C. Adkerson said the company was investing US $ 15 billion for the development of the underground mine. However, these investments are now in danger because there is no certainty stabilization of government investment.


Perpanjangan Operasi Di evaluasi

Pemerintah siap mengevaluasi perpanjangan izin operasi PT Freeport Indonesia jika sengketa kontrak karya berujung di meja arbitrase. 

Menteri Koordinator Bidang, Kemalitiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan menegaskan apapun hasil arbitrase, perpanjangan operasi PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) setelah 2021 akan dievaluasi. “Yang pasti akan ada kepastian hukum” kalaupun sengketa kontrak karya [KK] terus berlanjut hingga arbitrase. PTFI enggan mematuhi peraturan perunndang-undangan yang berlaku. Semua aturan ketentuan sudah kami berikan. Tidak boleh kalau kita didikte freeport,” tuturnya.

Meski demikian, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) tetap mengupayakan agar PTFI bersedia duduk semeja untuk mencari solusi terbaik.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Archandra Tahar mengungkapkan pemerintah terus berusaha mencari jalan keluar yang terbaik dan tidak melanggar hukum di Indonesia. 

“Seandainya kita tidak bersepakat, apa kita harus beradu fisik? tidak kan. Artinya apa? ada exit strategy. Mungkin the last itu, ya, arbitrase,” tuturnya di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan.

Irwandy Arif, Ketua Indonesian Mining Institute, menilai pemerintah dan PTFI harus memperoleh solusi sebelum tenggat 120 hari. “Memang tidak mudah, bila dilihat dari proses renegosiasi yang seharusnya sudah selesai
sejak 2010,” katanya. 

Menurutnya, hanya pemerintah dan PTFI yang tahu kunci penyelesaian solusi tersebut. Apalagi, pihak sudah memahami posisi tawar


Pengamat hukum Tony Budidjaja menambahkan penyelesaian sengketa melalui badan arbitrase internasional semacam International Center of Settlement for International Dispute (ICSID) tidak menjamin isu akan terselesaikan.  Kendati Indonesia memiliki rekam jejak sengketa dengan investor di ranah ICSID, hal itu belum tentu dapat memenangkan pihak pemerintah. Pasalnya, posisi pemerintah adalah sebagai tergugat sehingga kewenangannya terbatas. 

Adapun, ICSID akan lebih mengakomodasi kepentingan penggugat yaitu Freeport karena penggugat merupakan pihak yang merumuskan gugatan. Freeport juga memiliki kesempatan lebih besar untuk mengungkapkan permasalahan yang rnereka anggap tidak adil atau tidak sesuai ke majelis arbiter ICSID.

Selain itu, risiko penyelesaian di arbitrase nasional bagi Indonesia adalah putusan ICSID bersifat terbuka. Hal ini diakui berbeda dengan badan arbitrase komersial antar perusahaan yang bersifat rahasia. Artinya, putusan ICSID dapat dikonsumsi oleh khalayak ramai. Hal ini bisa menjadi preseden buruk apabila Pemerintah Indonesia kalah di tingkat arbitrase. 

Di sisi lain, keuntungan yang didapat oleh pemerintah adalah mendapatkan kepastian hukum apabila dinyatakan tidak bersalah. Sejauh ini, PTFI telah membuka jalan arbitrase dengan menetapkan 120 hari masa negosiasi dengan pemerintah. Sebelum tercapai kesepakatan, Freeport-McMoRan Inc., induk usaha PT FI di AS, akan terus menekan investasinya, termasuk pengurangan karyawan.

Presiden dan CEO Freeport-McMoRan Richard C. Adkerson menuturkan pihaknya sedang melakukan investasi senilai US$15 miliar untuk pengembangan tambang bawah tanah. Namun, investasi tersebut kini terancam karena tidak ada kepastian stabilisasi investasi dari pemerintah.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Wednesday, Feb, 22, 2017

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