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FBI Investigate CIA Data leaked to Wikileaks

US federal agencies are investigating the leaking of the document operation hacking US intelligence agency (CIA) to Wikileaks, the anti-secrecy profit organizations online. Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and CIA are both trying to uncover the document leaker.

CIA, FBI, and the White House declined to comment on the authenticity of the leaking of the document of 8771 pages of it. Even so, the CIA assesses American society is very disturbed by the Wikileaks disclosures. They assume Wikileaks wants to undermine the ability of intelligence agencies to protect Americans from terrorist attacks and other enemies.

"Disclosure-disclosure as it not only endanger American personnel and operations, but also give our enemies the tools and information that harm us," said spokesman 'talking CIA, Jonathan Liu, yesterday.

Two days ago, Wikileaks revealed the CIA hacking operation. Coded "Vault 7", the leaked disclosure of confidential documents claimed as the largest in the history of the CIA. The first part is called "Year Zero", which consists of 8761 documents and files hacked from Cyber ​​Intelligence Centre network CIA in Langley, Virginia.

CIA allegedly used segaIa types of "weapons" hacking, among other malware and Trojan vandal system, to enter into a variety of products the United States or Europe, such as the iPhone (Apple), Android (Google), Microsoft (Windows), and even a Samsung smart televisions.

All products can be turned into a microphone for the sake secret CIA intelligence operations. But Apple, Google, Windows and Samsung reluctant to say much. They said it would rectify the shortcomings of its products.

White House spokesman, Sean Spicer, also said he would pursue those who leaked the secret. "This is the disclosure that undermines security, state, and comfort us," he said.

Some cyber security experts and former intelligence officials who have seen the documents it says it appears the documents were genuine.

Reported by Voice of America (VOA), Wikileaks said it received the documents from a former US government hackers. An American intelligence official said the leaks made by a CIA contractor.


FBI Usut Pembocor Data CIA ke Wikileaks

Lembaga federal Amerika Serikat sedang menyelidiki bocornya dokumen operasi peretasan badan intelijen Amerika Serikat (CIA) ke Wikileaks, organisasi nirlaba anti-kerahasiaan online. Biro Investigasi Federal atau FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) dan CIA sama-sama berusaha mengungkap pembocor dokumen tersebut.

CIA, FBI, dan Gedung Putih menolak mengomentari keaslian bocornya dokumen setebal 8.771 halaman itu. Meski begitu, CIA menilai masyarakat Amerika sangat terganggu oleh pengungkapan Wikileaks. Mereka beranggapan Wikileaks ingin merusak kemampuan dinas intelijen dalam melindungi Amerika dari serangan teroris dan musuh-musuh lainnya.

”Pengungkapan-pengungkapan seperti itu tidak hanya membahayakan personel dan berbagai operasi Amerika, tapi juga memberi musuh-musuh kita peralatan dan informasi yang merugikan kita,” kata juru 'bicara CIA, Jonathan Liu, kemarin.

Dua hari lalu, Wikileaks mengungkapkan operasi peretasan CIA. Berkode ”Vault 7”, bocoran itu diklaim sebagai pengungkapan dokumen rahasia terbesar dalam sejarah CIA. Bagian pertama disebut "Year Zero", yang terdiri atas 8.761 dokumen dan file yang diretas dari jaringan Pusat Intelijen Cyber CIA di Langley, Virginia. 

CIA diduga menggunakan segaIa jenis ”senjata”peretasan, antara lain sistem perusak malware dan Trojan, untuk masuk ke berbagai produk Amerika ataupun Eropa, seperti iPhone(Apple), Android (Google), Microsoft (Windows), bahkan televisi pintar buatan Samsung.

Semua produk itu bisa berubah menjadi mikrofon rahasia demi operasi intelijen CIA. Tapi Apple, Google, Windows dan Samsung enggan berkomentar banyak. Mereka menyatakan akan memperbaiki kelemahan produknya. 

Juru bicara Gedung Putih, Sean Spicer, juga menegaskan akan mengejar orang-orang yang membocorkan rahasia itu. “Ini adalah pengungkapan yang merongrong keamanan, negara, dan kenyamanan  kita,”ujar dia.

Beberapa pakar keamanan dunia maya dan bekas pejabat intelijen yang telah melihat dokumen-dokumen itu mengatakan tampaknya dokumen-dokumen itu asli.

Dilansir Voice of America (VOA), Wikileaks mengatakan mendapat dokumen-dokumen itu dari seorang bekas peretas pemerintah Amerika. Seorang pejabat intelijen Amerika mengatakan pembocoran itu dilakukan seorang kontraktor CIA.

Koran Tempo, Page-5, Friday, March, 10, 201t

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