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Google tax Completed Month

Tax Ditien claiming Google will pay arrears and penalties.

Head of the Regional Office of Directorate General of Tax Special Jakarta, Muhammad Haniv has told Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd has agreed to pay the tax bill in the near future. According to him, settlement of tax issues Google almost reached an agreement and the two sides understand each other's interests.

"Soon, the point is less than a month. During this time there are attempts calculations, "he said at the Ministry of Finance.

Haniv claimed Google was willing to pay taxes in accordance with the provisions outlined by the government. But he refused to specify the value of the tax to be paid by companies headquartered in the Silicon Valley, San Francisco, USA, it was.

Haniv just say the bill will be paid Google has included penalties and other arrears. "Essentially all of the package, is complete," he said.

Earlier, the Directorate General of Taxation is waiting Google to deposit the supporting data to prove the claim income pretax profit reached USD 74.5 billion in 2012-2015.

Google claims to have paid tax of Rp 18.5 billion in the same period. As in 2015, Google claimed to produce a profit of Rp 20.9 billion and Rp 5.2 billion tax deposit from 282 thousand transactions, only 35 thousand were from Indonesia, the figure is far compared to estimates of the tax authorities estimate Google arrears reached Rp 5 trillion to 2015 tax year.

Executive Director of the Indonesian Center for Taxation Analysis, Yustinus Prastowo, said the path of peace has become the best solution for both parties. According to him, the lack of rules about technology and Internet companies must establish a permanent establishment (BUT) is a barrier to collect taxes.

In addition, said Prastowo, Google is likely to win in the international tax disputes because there are no rules against corporate tax Over The Top (OTT) until today. Minister of Communications and Information Technology has issued Suraedaran Rudiantara which requires companies over the top to form BUT. But he did not dismiss the Circular was not strong enough to force because it is not as strong as statute law.

In addition, it is difficult to go to extremes, because the search engines and engine Google maps are very useful for the community. In the middle of last month, the Directorate General of Taxation issued the Notice Examination Results (SPHP) to Google Asia Pacific. The letter contains the audit findings, the post and the corrected value, the count while the principal amount of tax payable, as well as administrative sanctions.

After receiving SPHR, taxpayer Shall provide a written response to the letter in the form of sheet statement of consent if approved all the results of the examination or rebuttal letter otherwise agree. This response must be deposited no later than within seven working days from SPHP received.

Google is registered as a legal entity in Tanah Abang Tax Office III with the status of foreign investment since Sept. 15, 2011. Google Indonesia is a dependent agent of Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd in Singapore.


Pajak Google Rampung Sebulan

Ditien Pajak mengklaim Google akan membayar tunggakan dan denda.

Kepala Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Jakarta Khusus, Muhammad Haniv, mangatakan Google' Asia Pacific Pte Ltd telah bersepakat membayar tagihan pajaknya dalam waktu dekat. Menurut dia, penyelesaian masalah pajak Google hampir mencapai kesepakatan dan kedua pihak saling memahami kepentingan masing-masing.

“Segera, intinya kurang dari sebulan. Selama ini ada upaya-upaya perhitungan,” kata dia di kantor Kementerian Keuangan.

Haniv mengklaim Google bersedia membayar pajak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditekankan pemerintah. Tapi dia menolak merinci nilai pajak yang akan dibayarkan perusahaan yang bermarkas di Lembah Silikon, San Francisco, Amerika Serikat, itu. 

Haniv hanya mengatakan tagihan yang akan dibayar Google sudah termasuk denda dan tunggakan lainnya. “Intinya semuanya satu paket, selesai,” ucapnya.

Sebelumnya, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak menunggu Google untuk menyetorkan data pendukung yang membuktikan klaim penghasilan laba sebelum pajaknya mencapai Rp 74,5 miliar pada 2012-2015.

Google mengklaim telah menyetorkan pajak Rp 18,5 miliar pada periode yang sama. Adapun pada 2015 Google mengaku menghasilkan laba Rp 20,9 miliar dan telah menyetor pajak Rp 5,2 miliar Dari 282 ribu transaksi, hanya 35 ribu yang berasal dari Indonesia, Angka itu jauh dibanding perkiraan aparat pajak yang menaksir tunggakan Google mencapai Rp 5 triliun untuk tahun pajak 2015.

Direktur Eksekutif Centre for Indonesia Taxation Analysis, Yustinus Prastowo, mengatakan jalur damai memang menjadi solusi yang paling baik bagi kedua pihak. Menurut dia, minimnya aturan soal keharusan perusahaan teknologi dan Internet membentuk badan usaha tetap (BUT) menjadi penghalang untuk menarik pajak.

Selain itu, kata Prastowo, Google berpeluang menang dalam sengketa pajak internasional karena belum adanya aturan terhadap pajak perusahaan Over The Top (OTT) hingga saat ini. Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Rudiantara telah menerbitkan Suraedaran yang mengharuskan perusahaan over the top membentuk BUT. Tapi dia tidak menampik Surat Edaran itu tidak cukup kuat memaksa karena tidak sekuat hukum undang-undang. 

Selain itu, sulit untuk bertindak ekstrem, karena mesin pencari dan mesin peta Google sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Pada pertengahan bulan lalu, Ditjen Pajak menerbitkan Surat Pemberitahuan Hasil Pemeriksaan (SPHP) untuk Google Asia Pacific. Surat tersebut berisi temuan pemeriksaan, pos dan nilai yang dikoreksi, penghitungan sementara jumlah pokok pajak terutang, serta sanksi administrasi.

Setelah menerima SPHR, subyek pajak Wajib memberikan tanggapan tertulis atas surat tersebut dalam bentuk lembar pernyataan persetujuan jika menyetujui seluruh hasil pemeriksaan, atau surat sanggahan jika tidak setuju. Tanggapan ini paling lambat harus disetorkan dalam tujuh hari kerja sejak SPHP diterima.

Google terdaftar sebagai badan hukum di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Tanah Abang III dengan status penanaman modal asing sejak 15 September, 2011. Google Indonesia merupakan dependent agent dari Google Asia Pacific Pte Ltd di Singapura.

Koran Tempo, Page-4, Saturday, March, 4, 2017

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