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Learning to Pursue Tax Google to UK

Directorate General of Taxes (DIP), Ministry of Finance conducted a study among tax authorities in London, England. Visits were carried out Tax Director General Ken Dwijugiasteadi along the ranks at the Head Office HMRC (HM Revenue and Custom) in London, England. DJP International Tax Director John Hutagaol said the visit was to discuss issues of global taxes are also faced by both countries as tax issues over the top (OTT).

"In relation to the handling of tax evasion through the media over the top which is currently a Hot Topic in Indonesia and other countries, HMRC share their experiences in applying diverted profit tax (DPT)' John told Jawa Pos. England were among the successful pursuit of the corporate tax OTT like Google.

He continued, globalization and the practice of aggressive tax planning transnational scale enterprises and the rich has eroded the tax base in each country. Two leaders of the highest authorities are aware of the need for commitment taxation and common approach to resolving the current global tax issues

These should include the exchange of experience and information related to the preparation of the implementation of Recommendation Anti-Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS Deliverables) and the Financial Information Exchange Automatic


Belajar Kejar Pajak Google ke Inggris

Direktorat jenderal Pajak (DIP) Kementerian Keuangan melakukan studi antar otoritas pajak di London, Inggris. Kunjungan yang dilakukan Dirjen Pajak Ken Dwijugiasteadi bersama jajarannya tersebut bertempat di Kantor Pusat
HMRC (HM Revenue and Custom) di London, Inggris. Direktur Pajak Internasional DJP John Hutagaol mengungkapkan, kunjungan itu membahas masalah pajak global yang juga dihadapi kedua negara seperti masalah perpajakan over the top (OTT).

”Terkait dengan penanganan atas penghindaran pajak melalui media over the top yang saat ini menjadi Hot Topic di Indonesia dan negara-negara lain, HMRC membagikan pengalamannya dalam menerapkan diverted profit tax (DPT)’
kata John kepada Jawa Pos. Inggris termasuk yang berhasil mengejar pajak perusahaan OTT seperti Google.

Dia melanjutkan, globalisasi dan praktik agresif perencanaan pajak yang dilakukan perusahaan berskala lintas negara dan para orang kaya telah menggerus basis perpajakan di masing-masing negara. Dua pimpinan otoritas tertinggi perpajakan tersebut menyadari diperlukannya komitmen dan pendekatan bersama untuk menyelesaikan masalah pajak global saat

Dilakukan pula pertukaran pengalaman dan informasi terkait dengan persiapan pelaksanaan Rekomendasi Anti-Base Erosion & Profit Shifting (BEPS Deliverables) serta Pertukaran Informasi Keuangan secara Otomatis

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Thursday, March, 9, 2017

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