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Google Will Use Withdrawal Tax United Way

"Application of profit tax diverted need seriousness of the government."

Directorate General of Taxation study of taxation for company data service applications, information, and multimedia-based Internet (over the top / OTT) scheme diverted profits tax. Scheme of taxation is larger than the general tax rate applied to the Department of Taxation England.

Through the scheme, the UK can levy a 25 percent tax on companies that deliberately avoid the establishment of a permanent establishment (BUT). "We are still studying. This is to prevent where state where the economy was not getting the right taxation on income arising, "said Director of International Taxation, John Hutagaol.

Department of Taxation England managed to attract Google's tax of 25 percent or 5 percent higher than the prevailing corporate tax rate. In January 2016, Google agreed to pay 130 million pounds tax to the British government. Later, the scheme diverted profits tax is often referred to as the Google Tax.

According to John, the scheme was effective to attract the corporate tax that has not been shaped BUT although the taxpayer appealed to the court. "Worn by the official assessment if the taxpayer does not comply with the
the next tax year. "

Executive director Society Initiative, Ah Maftuchan, said the scheme has also been used different countries. Australia plans to impose a tax of up to 40 percent of aggressive or well above the specified corporation tax. "It's so we can do. The key is the courage and legal certainty DG Taxation well as the sectoral ministries, "he said.

A number of companies over the top generally aggressive tax planning by setting up a holding company in a tax-free state (tax heaven). While the branch companies spread across a number of countries, without any establishment
the permanent establishment.

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has not had the best solution for the withdrawal of the tax foreign application. "If the Minister of Finance issued regulations now, can not be implemented, it'll actually could not walk. We look after Google, the model bagimana, "said Minister of Communications and Information Technology Rudiantara.

Later, Head of Regional Office of Directorate General of Tax Special Jakarta, Muhammad Haniv, claiming Google was willing to pay taxes in accordance with the provisions outlined by the government. Haniv said the bill will be paid Google has included penalties and other arrears. But he kept the value that is ready to be paid.

"Essentially all of the package, is completed." Google has been claiming income pretax profit reached USD 74.5 billion in 2012-2015, and has paid tax of Rp 18.5 billion in the same period. As in 2015, Google claimed to produce a profit of Rp 20.9 billion and has paid taxes of Rp 5.2 milian From 282 thousand transactions, only 35 thousand from Indonesia. That figure is far compared to estimates of tax officials who mempekirakan Google arrears reached Rp 5 trillion for fiscal year 2015.


Penarikan Pajak Google Bakal Gunakan Cara Inggris

“Penerapan diverted profit tax butuh keseriusan pemerintah.”

Direktorat Jenderal Pajak mempelajari penarikan pajak bagi perusahaan aplikasi layanan data, informasi, dan multimedia berbasis Internet (over the top/OTT) dengan skema diverted profit tax. Skema penarikan pajak lebih besar daripada tarif pajak umum itu diterapkan Departemen Perpajakan Inggris.

Melalui skema tersebut, Inggris dapat memungut pajak 25 persen dari perusahaan yang sengaja menghindari pendirian badan usaha tetap (BUT). “Kami masih pelajari. Ini untuk mencegah di mana negara tempat ekonomi berlangsung tidak mendapatkan hak pemajakan atas penghasilan yang timbul,” kata Direktur Perpajakan Internasional, John Hutagaol.

Departemen Perpajakan Inggris berhasil menarik pajak Google sebesar 25 persen atau lebih tinggi 5 persen dibanding tarif pajak badan yang berlaku. Pada Januari 2016, Google setuju membayar pajak 130 juta pound sterling
kepada pemerintah Inggris. Belakangan, skema diverted profit tax kerap disebut sebagai Google Tax.

Menurut John, skema itu ampuh untuk menarik pajak korporasi yang belum berbentuk BUT walaupun wajib pajak mengajukan banding ke pengadilan. “Dikenakan berdasarkan penilaian resmi apabila wajib pajak tidak patuh pada tahun pajak berikutnya.”

     Direktur Eksekutif Perkumpulan Prakarsa, Ah Maftuchan, mengatakan skema tersebut juga telah dipakai berbagai negara. Australia berencana mengenakan pajak agresif hingga 40 persen atau jauh di atas pajak korporasi yang ditetapkan. “Ini sangat bisa kita lakukan. Kuncinya adalah keberanian dan kepastian hukum Ditjen Pajak Serta kementerian sektoral,” kata dia.

Sejumlah perusahaan over the top umumnya merencanakan pajak agresif dengan mendirikan perusahaan induk di negara bebas pajak (tax heaven). Sedangkan cabang perusahaan tersebar di sejumlah negara, tanpa ada pendirian badan usaha tetap. 

Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika belum memiliki solusi terbaik untuk penarikan pajak dari perusahaan aplikasi asing. ”Kalau peraturan Menteri Keuangan dikeluarkan sekarang, belum bisa diimplementasikan, nanti malah tidak bisa jalan. Kita lihat setelah Google, modelnya bagimana,” kata Menteri Kominfo Rudiantara.

Belakangan, Kepala Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Jakarta Khusus, Muhammad Haniv, mengklaim Google bersedia membayar pajak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditekankan pemerintah. Haniv mengatakan tagihan yang akan dibayarkan Google sudah termasuk denda dan tunggakan lainnya. Tapi ia merahasiakan nilai yang siap dibayarkan.

“Intinya semuanya satu paket, selesai.” Google pernah mengklaim penghasilan laba sebelum pajaknya mencapai Rp 74,5 miliar pada 2012-2015, dan telah menyetorkan pajak Rp 18,5 miliar pada periode yang sama. Adapun pada 2015 Google mengaku menghasilkan laba Rp 20,9 miliar dan telah menyetor pajak Rp 5,2 milian Dari 282 ribu transaksi, hanya 35 ribu yang berasal dari Indonesia. Angka itu jauh dibanding perkiraan aparat pajak yang mempekirakan tunggakan Google mencapai Rp 5 triliun untuk tahun pajak 2015.

Koran Tempo, Page-18, Thursday, March, 9, 2017

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