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Wikileaks Reveal Operations Hacking CIA

Goal hacking is a mobile computer, even television.

Trip leaked state secrets, WikiLeaks, hacking operations reveal US intelligence agency (CIA). Coded "Vault 7", the leaked disclosure of confidential documents claimed as the largest in the history of the CIA.

The first part is called "Year Zero", which consists of 8761 documents and files hacked from Cyber ​​Intelligence Centre network CIA in Langley, Virginia.

WikiLeaks called the intelligence center that has a secret branch at the US Consulate General in Frankfurt, Germany. Coverage area covers Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

US intelligence suspected of using any kind of "arms" of hacking, including systems destroyer malware and Trojans, to enter into a variety of products the United States or Europe, such as the iPhone (Apple), Android (Google), Microsoft (Windows), and even smart televisions artificial Samsung. All products can be transformed into a secret microphone sake inteIijen CIA operation.

The CIA declined to comment on the content of the leaked by WikiLeaks. "We do not comment on the authenticity or content of intelligence documents," said CIA spokesman, Heather Fritz Horniak, reported the Guardian.

As Apple says it has fix some of the weaknesses. "Technology iPhone now provides data security for consumers. We encourage customers to download the latest iOS system to ensure security, "said Apple's management, as reported by the BBC.

As for Samsung, the television series F8000 its touted to have been hacked Iewat technology in collaboration with the British intelligence agency M-15, replied simply, "Protecting consumer privacy and security of our devices is a key priority Samsung." Management Samsung said it has to know the news that.

"We are aware of the report and are being examined," said Microsoft spokesman, responding to allegations that the CIA has created malware that target personal computer (PC) operating system running Microsoft Windows.

Google declined to comment about an Android phone that can be penetrated and controlled CIA. Linux Foundation also has yet to react about the allegations that the CIA has been hacked and control computer systems supported Linux-based software.

According to WikiLeaks, malware and hacking devices made by Engineering Development Group (Engineering Development Group / EDG), group development Iunak devices that are part of the Cyber ​​Intelligence Centre (CCI). CCI is part of the Department of the Directorate of Digital Innovation (DDI), one of the five main directorate of the CIA.

Hacking techniques "Weeping Angel" CIA developed alongside the British intelligence agency, M15, to be installed on the smart television. Systems that transform television into a secret microphone, even when the owner thought he had turned it off by modifying the off button.

In October 2014, the CIA also attempted to get into the control systems of modern cars and trucks. "The purpose of control is not known, but allows the CIA to murder is not detected," says WikiLeaks.


Wikileaks Bongkar Operasi Peretasan CIA

Sasaran peretasan adalah ponsel komputer, bahkan televisi.

Situs pembocor rahasia negara, WikiLeaks, mengungkap operasi peretasan badan intelijen Amerika Serikat (CIA). Berkode “Vault 7”, bocoran itu diklaim sebagai pengungkapan dokumen rahasia terbesar dalam sejarah CIA.

Bagian pertama disebut “Year Zero”, yang terdiri atas 8.761 dokumen dan file yang diretas dari jaringan Pusat Intelijen Cyber CIA di Langley, Virginia.

WikiLeaks menyebut pusat intelijen itu punya cabang rahasia di Konsulat Jenderal Amerika Serikat di Frankfurt, Jerman. Cakupan wilayahnya meliputi Eropa, Timur Tengah, dan Afrika.

Badan intelijen Amerika Serikat diduga menggunakan segala jenis “senjata” peretasan, antara lain sistem perusak malware dan Trojan, untuk masuk ke berbagai produk AS ataupun Eropa, seperti iPhone (Apple), Android (Google), Microsoft (Windows), bahkan televisi pintar buatan Samsung. Semua produk itu bisa berubah menjadi mikrofon rahasia demi operasi inteIijen CIA.

CIA menolak berkomentar atas konten yang dibocorkan oleh WikiLeaks tersebut. “Kami tidak berkomentar atas keaslian atau konten dokumen-dokumen intelijen," kata juru bicara CIA, Heather Fritz Horniak, seperti dilaporkan Guardian.

Adapun Apple menyatakan telah memperbaiki beberapa kelemahannya. “Teknologi iPhone saat ini memberi keamanan data terbaik bagi konsumen. Kami mendorong para pelanggan mengunduh sistem iOS terbaru untuk menjamin pengamanan," kata manajemen Apple, seperti dilansir BBC.

Adapun Samsung, yang televisi seri F8000-nya disebut-sebut telah diretas Iewat teknologi hasil kerja sama dengan badan intelijen Inggris M-15, menjawab singkat, “Melindungi privasi konsumen dan keamanan perangkat kami merupakan prioritas utama Samsung.” Manajemen Samsung menyatakan telah mengetahui kabar itu.

“Kami mengetahui adanya laporan itu dan sedang memeriksanya," kata juru bicara Microsoft, menanggapi dugaan bahwa CIA telah menciptakan malware yang membidik komputer pribadi (PC) yang menjalankan sistem operasi Microsoft Windows.

Google menolak berkomentar soal ponsel Android yang dapat ditembus dan dikendalikan CIA. Linux Foundation juga belum bereaksi soal tudingan bahwa CIA telah meretas dan mengendalikan sistem komputer yang didukung perangkat lunak berbasis Linux.

Menurut WikiLeaks, malware dan peranti peretas dibuat oleh Grup Pengembangan Rekayasa (Engineering Development Group/EDG), kelompok pengembangan peranti Iunak yang merupakan bagian dari Pusat Intelijen Cyber (CCI). Departemen CCI merupakan bagian dari Direktorat Inovasi Digital (DDI), satu dari lima direktorat utama CIA.

Teknik peretasan “Weeping Angel” dikembangkan CIA bersama lembaga intelijen Inggris, M15, untuk dipasang pada televisi pintar. Sistem itu mengubah televisi menjadi mikrofon rahasia, bahkan saat pemilik mengira telah mematikannya dengan memodifikasi tombol off.

Pada oktober 2014, CIA juga berupaya masuk ke sistem kendali mobil dan truk modern. “Tujuan pengendalian tidak diketahui, tapi memungkinkan CIA melakukan pembunuhan yang tidak terdeteksi,” kata WikiLeaks.

Koran Tempo, Page-6, Thursday, March, 9, 2017

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