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CIA Hacking Smartphone until television

Wikileaks released the information that surprised many. According to them, the United States Central Intelligence Agency over the years paved the electronic tools. This information is delivered on Tuesday (7/3). Nearly all devices, according to Wikileaks, vulnerable to hacking. US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) could record the conversations of citizens through a variety of electronic devices. They can also overcome the encryption that is applied in communication via WhatsApp.

In their statement, Wikileaks said, CIA hacking devices owned by employees of the government, so that they can see a computer user, mobile phone users, even a Samsung smart TV products (smart television).

Wikileaks claims that the CIA cooperated with British intelligence officials to set up a microphone in smart televisions that can be a device for listening to the voice.

It's unclear how Wikileaks obtained the information. Details of the document could not immediately be verified. According to Wikileaks, information material was obtained from CIA isolated cyber center and the security level is very tight.

Documents seem to have circulated among former hackers in the US government and contractor who is misbehaving. "One of them has provided parts archives to Wikileaks," Wikileaks said in a statement.

They claim to hold the secret documents. Wikileaks claims to hold details of tens of thousands of people who were subjected to CIA in Latin America, Europe, and the US.

Data owned Wikileaks include "important collection of" digital espionage techniques borrowed from other countries, such as Russia.

Very worried

Wikileaks recorded once leaked key documents that are confidential. The US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes expressed concern about the Wikileaks announcement. He claimed to have asked for the intelligence community to provide more information to him about the matter.

Former CIA Director Mike Hayden, who claimed only a cursory read the document, said that if the goal of Wikileaks is a CIA hacking, it is very damaging. Jiiru talking CIA, Jonathan Liu, refused to comment on the authenticity and content of the document from Wikileaks dokLunen. The same is done the White House spokesman, Sean Spicer, who was reluctant to comment.


CIA Disebut Meretas Gawai hingga Televisi

Wikileaks kembali merilis informasi yang mengejutkan banyak pihak. Menurut mereka, Badan Intelijen Pusat Amerika Serikat selama bertahun-tahun meretas alat-alat elektronik. Informasi ini disampaikan pada Selasa (7/3). Hampir semuA gawai, menurut Wikileaks, rentan terhadap peretasan.  Badan Intelijen Pusat AS (CIA) bisa merekam percakapan warga lewat berbagai perangkat elektronik. Mereka juga dapat mengatasi enkripsi yang diterapkan dalam komunikasi via WhatsApp.

Dalam pernyataan mereka, Wikileaks menyebutkan, CIA meretas gawai milik pegawai pemerintah, sehingga mereka bisa melihat pengguna komputer, pemakai telepon genggam, bahkan produk televisi pintar Samsung (smart television).

Wikileaks mengklaim bahwa CIA bekerja sama dengan pejabat intelijen Inggris untuk menyetel mikrofon di televisi pintar agar bisa menjadi perangkat untuk mendengarkan suara.

Belum jelas bagaimana Wikileaks memperoleh informasi itu. Rincian dokumen juga tidak bisa segera diverifikasi. Menurut Wikileaks, materi informasi itu diperoleh dari pusat siber CIA yang terisolasi dan tingkat keamanannya sangat ketat. 

Dokumen tampaknya sudah beredar di antara mantan peretas di pemerintahan AS dan kontraktor yang berperilaku tidak semestinya. ”Salah satunya telah memberikan bagian-bagian arsip kepada Wikileaks,” demikian pernyataan Wikileaks.

Mereka mengaku memegang dokumen-dokumen rahasia. Wikileaks mengklaim memegang rincian puluhan ribu orang yang menjadi sasaran CIA di Amerika Latin, Eropa, dan AS.

Data yang dimiliki Wikileaks termasuk ”kumpulan penting” teknik mata-mata digital yang dipinjam dari negara lain, seperti Rusia.

Sangat Khawatir

Wikileaks tercatat pernah membocorkan dokumen-dokumen penting yang bersifat rahasia. Ketua Komite Intelijen DPR AS Devin Nunes menyatakan kekhawatirannya terhadap pengumuman Wikileaks itu. Ia menyatakan telah meminta komunitas intelijen untuk memberi informasi lebih lanjut kepada dirinya tentang masalah itu.

Mantan Direktur CIA, Mike Hayden, yang mengaku hanya sepintas membaca dokumen, mengatakan, jika sasaran peretasan Wikileaks adalah CIA, hal tersebut sangat merusak. Jiiru bicara CIA, Jonathan Liu, menolak berkomentar tentang keaslian dan isi dokLunen-dokumen dari Wikileaks. Hal yang sama dilakukan juru bicara Gedung Putih, Sean Spicer, yang enggan memberi komentar.

Kompas, Page-11, Thursday, March, 9, 2017

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