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Deally Freeport Contract Status Change Tiered

Changes in the status of PT Freeport Indonesia contract of work (COW) into a special mining license (IUPK) suddenly and unilaterally by the Ministry of Energy and Resources Mineral Resources are considered not wise. Changes in the status of KK into IUPK need to do several stages and requirements.

It is said natural resource law expert from the University Tarumanagara Jakarta, Ahmad Redi. According to him, there are three conditions be IUPK KK changes that must be taken. "First, if the period of KK was already exhausted. Secondly if there is an agreement between two parties. Third court decision, "said Redi

Redi said PT Freeport Indonesia COW actually going to end in 2021, so the government must respect the COW agreed in advance. "If one party does not want an end, can not be revoked or changed KK into IUPK unilaterally. So, should respect, completing his time until 2021, "he explained.

Dissenting opinion expressed by the Coordinating Minister for maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. According to him, Freeport must respect the laws and regulations of Indonesia. Giant mining company from the United States should be aware of its position as a long investor in Indonesia.

"Freeport has nearly 50 years here. So, they also must respect our laws, "said

Luhut precisely assess during this time the company did not carry out obligations. Construction of purification facilities (smelter), which was originally scheduled for completion in 2009, it is yet visible form. In addition, the divestiture of up to 51% have not implemented the giant mining company.

"It's actually old problems. So, now the government does not want to retreat about it. The period after 50 years (of ownership) we should not have a majority there? "He said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of House Commission VII Gus lrawan Pasaribu Freeport considers steps to prepare the arbitration process is considered less wise though it has become a right of the company where the dispute deal with the government.

"They threatened to arbitration. As in any market. But if there is no solution, the solution could be through arbitration, "said Gus Irawan.


Perubahan Status Kontrak Freeport Idealnya Berjenjang

Perubahan status PT Freeport Indonesia dari kontrak karya (KK) menjadi izin usaha pertambangan khusus (IUPK) secara mendadak dan sepihak oleh Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral dinilai tidak bijak. Perubahan status dari KK menjadi IUPK perlu dilakukan beberapa tahap dan persyaratan.

Hal itu dikatakan pakar hukum sumber daya alam dari Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta, Ahmad Redi. Menurutnya, ada tiga syarat perubahan KK menjadi IUPK yang harus ditempuh. “Pertama jika masa KK itu sudah habis. Kedua jika ada kesepakatan di antara dua pihak. Ketiga putusan pengadilan,” ujar Redi 

Redi menuturkan sejatinya KK PT Freeport Indonesia akan berakhir pada 2021 sehingga pemerintah pun harus menghormati KK yang telah disepakati sebelumnya. “ Jika Salah satu pihak tidak menginginkan berakhir, tidak bisa dicabut atau diubah KK menjadi IUPK secara sepihak. Jadi, harus menghormati, menyelesaikan waktunya hingga 2021,” jelasnya.

Pendapat berbeda diutarakan Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. Menurut dia, Freeport harus menghormati peraturan perundang-undangan Indonesia. Perusahaan tambang raksasa asal Amerika Serikat tersebut mesti menyadari posisinya sebagai investor lama di Indonesia.

“Freeport sudah hampir 50 tahun di sini. Jadi, mereka juga harus menghormati undang-undang kita,” tegas Luhut

Luhut justru menilai selama ini Freeport tidak menjalankan kewajiban. Pembangunan fasilitas pemurnian (smelter) yang pada awalnya ditargetkan selesai pada 2009, hingga kini masih belum tampak wujudnya. Selain itu, divestasi saham hingga 51% juga belum dilaksanakan perusahaan tambang raksasa tersebut.

“Itu malah persoalan lama. Jadi, sekarang pemerintah tidak mau lagi mundur soal itu. Masa setelah 50 tahun, (kepemilikan) kita tidak boleh mayoritas di sana?” cetusnya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Komisi VII DPR Gus lrawan Pasaribu mengganggap langkah Freeport menyiapkan proses arbitrase dinilai kurang bijak meskipun itu sudah menjadi hak perusahaan bila terjadi sengketa kesepakatan dengan pemerintah.

“Mereka  mengancam ke arbitrase. Seperti di pasar saja. Tapi kalau memang tidak ada solusi, penyelesaiannya bisa lewat arbitrase,” ujar Gus Irawan.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Tuesday, Feb, 21, 2017

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