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Freeport Affairs Still Make Fuss

The desire to become the majority shareholder of PT Freeport Indonesia should be delayed. The Government of Indonesia and Freeport-McMoran Inc., has indeed agreed on the divestment of shares of PT Freeport Indonesia. Indonesia will be the holder of 51% of the company's shares operating in Papua.

Only, this agreement still contains the terms Freeport wants to get an extension of operations for 20 years, until 2041, before discussing the divestment. Instead, the Government wants to divest first before giving the extension. Not to mention, there are differences in stock price calculation scheme proposed by both parties.

At the same time, the Government must also accommodate Papua's desire to own Freeport shares. To be preceded, regional share rations should not fall into private hands.


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Urusan Freeport Masih Bikin Report

Keinginan menjadi pemegang Saham mayoritas PT Freeport Indonesia sepeRtinya harus Tertunda. Pemerintah Indonesia dan Freeport-McMoran Inc., memang sudah bersepakat soal divestasi saham PT Freeport Indonesia. Indonesia akan menjadi pemegang 51% saham perusahaan yang beroperasi di Papua itu.

Hanya, kesepakatan ini masih mengandung syarat Freeport ingin mendapat perpanjangan operasi selama 20 tahun, hingga 2041, sebelum membahas divestasi. Sebaliknya, Pemerintah ingin divestasi dulu sebelum memberikan perpanjangan. Belum lagi, ternyata ada perbedaan skema perhitungan harga saham yang diajukan kedua pihak.

Di saat bersamaan, Pemerintah juga mesti menampung keinginan Papua untuk memiliki saham Freeport. Yang harus diiaga, jatah saham daerah jangan sampai jatuh ke tangan swasta.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Sept 16, 2017

Tabloid Kontan, Page-1, Saturday, Sept 16, 2017

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