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Smelter Development Slow, Government Potentially Loss

The slow development of smelters by mining companies has the potential to harm the government. Yet the government has given export recommendations to mining companies.

Executive Director of Indonesian Resources Studies GRESS) Marwan Batubara said that President Joko Widodo should pay attention to and follow up on the audit results reported by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) related to the impact of export relaxation and smelter development from some companies that have not been realized.

"There is a violation of the Law that has the potential to harm the government because of disobedience to the provisions that have been regulated by the Minerba Act," Marwan said in Jakarta yesterday.

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He mentioned that based on IHP Sumatera I, 2017 BPK's outlook on Freeport, for example, there is a potential loss from fixed contribution fee and royalty during 2009-2015 amounting to US $ 445.96 million or Rp 5.8 trillion.
Freeport should have adjusted the tariff requirements in accordance with Article 169 of Law Number 4 Year 2009 no later than 1 year. However, newly adjusted through a memorandum of understanding on July 25, 2014.

According to Marwan, Freeport is also required to build a smelter no later than five years since the Minerba Act comes into effect or no later than January 2014. However, the smelter has not been realized. The company can even export concentrate as it gets export recommendations.

Freeport is also called to export concentrates during the period of the embargo period from January to July 2014. BPK mentioned Freeport sent concentrate as much as seven invoices weighing 10,122.186 tons. Public Policy Observer Aryanto Nugroho said the Minerba Act obliged mining companies in Indonesia not to export raw minerals and concentrates.

To increase the added value in the country, the policy of development obligation of smelter is issued. However, the various rules of easing of exports given to private corporations, ultimately harm the national interest.

"Companies should no longer export raw minerals and concentrates, and that mining companies should build smelters. It is required by law or otherwise the government to bear the potential losses, "he said.

Mining observer from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Fahmi Radhi added that the construction of smelters, especially in remote areas in eastern Indonesia, is necessary because it will provide a multiplier effects or a big positive impact for economic growth and prosperity of the people in the region.

"For the local government the presence of this smelter will increase the GRDP significantly," Fahmi said.

Fahmi gave an example, the construction of a nickel smelter on Obi Island with an investment of US $ 350 million, is not only profitable for the domestic mining industry, but also provides multiplier effects such as the growth of new jobs and the emergence of related industries. The smelter is targeted to produce up to 200 thousand tons of ferronickel per year with a 10-12% purification rate.


Pembangunan Smelter Molor, Pemerintah Berpotensi Rugi    

Lambatnya pembangunan smelter yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan tambang berpotensi merugikan pemerintah. Padahal pemerintah telah memberikan rekomendasi ekspor kepada perusahaan tambang.

Direktur Eksekutif Indonesian Resources Studies GRESS) Marwan Batubara mengatakan, Presiden Joko Widodo harus memperhatikan dan menindaklanjuti hasil audit yang sudah dilaporkan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) terkait dengan dampak relaksasi ekspor dan pembangunan smelter dari beberapa perusahaan yang tidak kunjung direalisasikan.

“Ada pelanggaran terhadap Undang-Undang yang berpotensi merugikan pemerintah karena ketidaktaatan pada ketentuan yang sudah diatur oleh UU Minerba,” kata Marwan di Jakarta, kemarin.

Dia menyebutkan, berdasarkan Ikhtisar Hasil Pemeriksaan Semester (IHPS) I Tahun 2017 BPK terhadap Freeport misalnya, terjadi potensi kerugian dari penerimaan iuran tetap dan royalti selama tahun 2009-2015 senilai US$ 445,96 juta atau Rp 5,8 triliun. 

     Seharusnya Freeport sudah menyesuaikan ketentuan tarif sesuai pasal 169 UU Nomor 4 tahun 2009 paling lambat 1 tahun. Namun baru disesuaikan melalui nota kesepahaman pada 25 Juli 2014.

Menurut -Marwan, Freeport juga wajib membangun smelter paling lambat lima tahun sejak UU Minerba berlaku atau paling lambat Januari 2014., Tetapi, smelter tersebut tidak kunjung terealisasi. Perusahaan tersebut bahkan bisa mengekspor konsentrat karena mendapat rekomendasi ekspor.

Freeport juga disebut melakukan ekspor konsentrat selama kurun waktu embargo periode Januari-Juli 2014. BPK menyebutkan Freeport mengirim konsentrat sebanyak tujuh invoice dengan berat 10.122,186 ton. Pengamat Kebijakan Publik Aryanto Nugroho mengatakan, UU Minerba sudah mewajibkan perusahaan tambang di Indonesia tidak diperbolehkan mengekspor mineral mentah dan konsentrat. 

Untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah di dalam negeri, maka dikeluarkan kebijakan kewajiban pembangunan smelter. Namun, berbagai aturan pelonggaran ekspor yang diberikan kepada korporasi swasta, pada akhirnya merugikan kepentingan nasional.

“Perusahaan tidak boleh ada lagi ekspor mineral mentah dan konsentrat, dan bahwa perusahaan tambang harus membangun smelter. Itu yang diwajibkan oleh Undang-Undang atau sebaliknya pemerintah menanggung potensi kerugian tersebut,” ujarnya.

Pengamat pertambangan dari Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Fahmi Radhi menambahkan, pembangunan smelter, khususnya di pelosok daerah di Kawasan Indonesia Timur, sangat diperlukan karena akan memberikan multiplier effects atau dampak positif yang besar bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan masyarakat di daerah. 

“Bagi pemerintah daerah kehadiran smelter ini akan meningkatkan PDRB secara signitikan," kata Fahmi.

Fahmi memberi contoh, pembangunan smelter nikel di Pulau Obi dengan investasi US$ 350 juta, tidak hanya menguntungkan bagi industri tambang di dalam negeri, tetapi memberikan multiplier effects berupa tumbuhnya lapangan pekerjaan baru dan munculnya industri-industri terkait. Smelter ini ditargetkan mampu menghasilkan hingga 200 ribu ton feronikel per tahun dengan kadar pemurnian 10-12%.

Investor Daily, Page-14, Monday, October 23, 2017

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