, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Freeport Naughty, Get Away! - MEDIA MONITORING GOLD MINE -->

Freeport Naughty, Get Away!

PT Freeport's misbehavior re-audible. The giant US gold mining giant has dared to be curt to the government. Finally, Freeport threatened that the government would lay off thousands of indigenous employees and would sue the Indonesian government to the International Arbitration Agency.

In fact, the government only asked Freeport to build a smelter (purification of minerals) that has not been complied with as long as the company is entrenched in the land of Papua. The government must be firm. Should not nod to Freeport's will.

Should all types of mining contracts be terminated as opposed to sharia law in the case of the management of natural resources have the public Freeport should be expelled for having repeatedly violated the agreement.

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If the government follows Freeport's will, it is certainly very clear that our rulers only sided with large corporations forgetting the interests of the people.


Freeport Nakal, Usir Saja!

Tingkah nakal PT Freeport kembali terdengar. Perusahaan raksasa tambang emas milik AS itu berani bersikap culas kepada pemerintah. Terakhir, Freeport mengancam pemerintah akan mem-PHK ribuan karyawan pribumi dan akan menggugat pemerintah Indonesia ke Badan Arbitrase lnternasional.

Padahal, pemerintah hanya meminta Freeport untuk membangun smelter (pemurnian mineral) yang belum dipatuhinya selama perusahaan tersebut bercokol di tanah Papua. Pemerintah harus bersikap tegas. Tidak boleh manggut-manggut mengikuti kemauan Freeport.

Seharusnya semua jenis kontrak pertambangan dihentikan karena bertentangan dengan hukum syariah dalam hal pengelolaan SDA miliki publik Freeport mesti diusir karena telah berkali-kali melanggar kesepakatan.

Jika pemerintah mengikuti kemauan Freeport, tentu sangat jelas penguasa kita hanya berpihak kepada korporasi besar melupakan kepentingan rakyat.

Deni Heryani
Pasir Eurih RT 4/13 Kec. Tamansari, Bogor

Global Energy, Page-4, Monday, October 21, 2017

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