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Freeport Can IPO Post Divestment

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has a plan to register 51 percent of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares in the stock market. The event will be pursued through an initial public offering (IPO). But the plan can be done if the government completes the purchase of Freeport's 51% share divestment.

In other words, the IPO option is not a takeover option of 51% of Freeport Indonesia's shares divestment.

"Now that the divestment must start first, after the central government, local governments and Papua have 51% cumulatively, it should be considered to go pufblic in the future," said Ignasius Jonan, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources at Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) after attending the event Alumni Association of Airlangga University, Tuesday (7/11)

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Jonan stressed, still does not agree with the plan of Freeport Indonesia which will offer its shares divestment through IPO. The reason, the government is preparing the stage of completion of the shares divestment, which is claimed to be resolved as soon as possible.

Just so you know, the government previously targeted to finish negotiations with Freeport in October Ialu. However, so far, negotiations have been extended until January 2018.

"According to the direction of the President (divestment) will be done gradually in accordance with our ability, but it should be finished, hopefully if done, immediately listing on Indonesia Stock Exchange," he said.

On the other hand, Jonan said, there are still a few foreign mining companies that conduct stock listing on the stock exchange. Mining companies that enter the stock market so far are Indonesian companies, such as PT Adaro Energy Tbk and PT Indika Energy Tbk.

Foreign mining companies, including Freeport Indonesia, rarely enter the stock market. In fact, the government and society need transparency what is done by the company. Therefore, the government asked the company to fulfill the program for listing on the exchange.

"We will ask, in the future they should have a listing program on the Indonesia Stock Exchange," he said.

Jonan counts, if the company of PT Pertamina and State Electricity Company (PLN) is interested to participate in BEI listing, the stock market capitalization will be very big.


Freeport Bisa IPO Pasca Divestasi

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mempunyai rencana mencatatkan saham PT Freeport Indonesia sebesar 51% di bursa saham. Perhelatan itu akan ditempuh melalui penawaran saham perdana atau initial public offering (IPO). Namun rencana tersebut bisa dilakukan apabila pemerintah tuntas membeli divestasi saham 51% Freeport.

Dengan kata lain, opsi IPO bukan merupakan opsi pengambil-alihan 51% saham divestasi Freeport Indonesia. 

"Sekarang divestasi harus dimulai dulu. Nanti, setelah pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah dan Papua punya 51% secara kumulatif, mestinya dipikirkan untuk go pufblic di kemudian hari," kata Ignasius Jonan, Menteri ESDM di Kantor Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI),
usai menghadiri acara Ikatan Alumni Universitas Airlangga, Selasa (7/11)

Jonan menegaskan, masih tidak setuju dengan rencana Freeport Indonesia yang akan menawarkan divestasi sahamnya melalui IPO. Pasalnya, pemerintah sedang menyiapkan tahapan penyelesaian divestasi saham tersebut, yang diklaim akan dituntaskan secepat mungkin.

Asal tahu saja, sebelumnya pemerintah menargetkan bisa menyelesaikan perundingan dengan Freeport pada Oktober Ialu. Namun, sejauh ini, perundingan diperpanjang sampai Januari 2018. 

"Sesuai arahan Presiden (divestasi) akan dilakukan bertahap sesuai dengan kemampuan kita. Tapi mestinya selesai. Mudah-mudahan kalau selesai, segera listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia," ujarnya.

Di sisi lain Jonan menuturkan, saat ini masih sedikit perusahaan pertambangan asing yang melakukan pencatatan Saham di bursa efek. Perusahaan pertambangan yang masuk ke bursa saham sejauh ini adalah perusahaan-perusahaan Indonesia, seperti PT Adaro Energy Tbk dan PT Indika Energy Tbk.

Sedangkan perusahaan tambang asing, termasuk Freeport Indonesia, masih jarang masuk ke bursa saham. Padahal, pemerintah dan masyarakat memerlukan transparansi apa saja yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah meminta perusahaan itu memenuhi program untuk listing di bursa.

"Kami akan minta, di kemudian hari mereka harus punya program listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia," tegasnya.

Jonan berhitung, bila perusahaan Sekelas PT Pertamina dan Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) berminat ikut listing dalam BEI, kapitalisasi pasar bursa akan sangat besar.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Nov 8, 2017

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