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Freeport Driven IPO After Divestment Completed

PT Freeport Indonesia is encouraged to slaughter the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IPO) after the divestment process is over or the Government of Indonesia has controlled 51% of the shares.

"Hopefully, if (divestment) is completed I hope to be listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange PT Freeport Indonesia," said Minister-Energy and Mineral Resources Jonan when opening Stock Trading at BEI, Jakarta.

According to him, now that needs to be solved is the process of divesting Freeport to the Government of Indonesia. After the entire divestment process is completed, after that the mining company from the United States can be recorded dibursa.

"After the central government, the provincial government and the territory of Papua have 51% of the shares cumulatively, it should be Freeport thought to go public in the future," he said.

It declined if the divestment process 51% of shares made through the stock. Freeport must divest its shares through a direct bidding mechanism to the Government of Indonesia, including the central government, provincial government and local district governments, then state-owned enterprises (BUMN) and local enterprises (BUMDs).

So not now. If now offer no IPO. Must be divested, "he said.

He targets, the divestment process can be completed as soon as according to President Joko Widodo's direction is done gradually according to the ability of the government.

"it is in accordance with the President's direction will be done gradually, in accordance with the ability," he said.

Not only that, Jonan also encourage mining companies that still have the status of Foreign Investment (PMA) to floor on the BEI, According to Jonan, currently from 600 companies listed on the stock, the portion of mining companies is still very small.

In fact, by floating in the stock, mining companies will be more transparent. Moreover, the income of the mining sector is huge. The general mining sectors such as coal and minerals contribute around Rp 240 trillion with the assumption of an average coal price of USD 60 per ton for the quality of 6,300 kilo calories per kilogram.

Jonan explained, large mining companies such as PT Aneka Tambang Tbk and PT Adaro Energy Tbk contribute around Rp240

In this way, the total energy and mineral resources industry contributes more than Rp 2,000 trillion, or nearly 17-18% of the nation's domestic product of bruto (GDP). Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution previously said the IPO is not an option to complete the divestment process of 51% of shares. The reason, in the contract of work (KK) there is no divestment option through the IPO.

However, he admitted, the previous government was inconsistent with issuing Government Regulation (PP) which allowed divestment through IPO.

"In the past our regulation was inconsistent in the contract, whose name the divestment was never part of the IPO," he said.

He said the regulation is now revoked so that the IPO is not a solution to release shares. According to Darmin, the divestment process must be purchased directly by the government. So, the government buys its shares. Once there are rules that say IPO may, but the Government Regulation has been revoked, "he explained.


Freeport Didorong IPO Setelah Divestasi Selesai

PT Freeport Indonesia didorong melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Initial Public Offering /IPO) setelah proses divestasi selesai atau Pemerintah Indonesia telah menguasai 51 % saham.

"Mudah-mudahan kalau (divestasi) selesai saya harap akan listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia PT Freeport Indonesia," ujar Menteri-Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Jonan saat membuka Perdagangan Saham di BEI, Jakarta. 

Menurut dia, saat ini yang perlu diselesaikan adalah proses divestasi Freeport kepada Pemerintah Indonesia. Setelah seluruh proses divestasi selesai, setelah itu perusahaan tambang asal Amerika Serikat tersebut dapat tercatat dibursa.

"Setelah pemerintah pusat, pemerintah provinsi, dan wilayah Papua punya 51% saham secara kumulatif, semestinya dipikirkan Freeport untuk go public di kemudian hari,” kata dia.

Pihaknya menolak jika proses divestasi 51% saham dilakukan meIalui bursa. Adapun Freeport harus mendivestasikan sahamnya melalui mekanisme penawaran langsung kepada Pemerintah Indonesia, meliputi pemerintah pusat, pemerintah provinsi, dan pemerintah daerah kabupaten setempat, kemudian BUMN dan BUMD. 

Jadi tidak sekarang. Kalau sekarang menawarkan IPO tidak. Harus divestasi," katanya.

Dia menargetkan, proses divestasi dapat selesai secepatnya sesuai arahan Presiden Joko Widodo yaitu dilakukan secara bertahap sesuai kemampuan pemerintah.

"itu sesuai arahan Presiden akan dilakukan bertahap, sesuai juga dengan kemampuan,” kata dia.

Tidak hanya itu, Jonan juga mendorong perusahaan tambang yang masih berstatus Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) untuk melantai di BEI, Menurut Jonan, saat ini dari 600 perusahaan yang terdaftar di bursa, porsi perusahaan tambang masih sangat sedikit.

Padahal dengan melantai di bursa, perusahaan tambang akan lebih transparan. Apalagi, pendapatan sektor pertambangan sangat besar. Sektor pertambangan umum seperti batu bara dan mineral berkontribusi sekitar Rp 240 triIiun dengan asumsi harga rata-rata batu bara USD 60 per ton untuk kualitas 6.300 kilo kalori per kilogram.

Jonan menjelaskan, perusahaan pertambangan besar seperti PT Aneka Tambang Tbk dan PT Adaro Energi Tbk berkontribusi sekitar Rp 240 triliun.

Dengan begitu, total industri energi dan sumber daya mineral berkontribusi sekitar lebih dari Rp 2.000 triliun atau hampir 17-18% produk domesti kbruto (PDB) nasional. Menteri Koordinator bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution sebelumnya mengatakan, IPO bukan pilihan merampungkan proses divestasi 51% saham. Pasalnya, di dalam kontrak karya (KK) tidak ada pilihan divestasi lewat IPO.

Namun begitu, pihaknya mengakui, pemerintah sebelumnya tidak konsisten dengan menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) yang mengizinkan divestasi lewat IPO.

"Dahulu peraturan kita tidak konsisten di dalam kontrak, yang namanya divestasi itu tidak pernah dibilang bagian dari IPO," kata dia.

Dia mengatakan regulasi tersebut saat ini sudah dicabut sehingga IPO bukan solusi meIepas saham. Menurut Darmin, proses divestasi harus dibeli langsung oleh pemerintah. Jadi, pemerintah membeli sahamnya. Pernah ada aturan yang bilang IPO boleh, tapi Peraturan Pemerintah itu sudah dicabut,” paparnya.

Koran Sindo, Page-17, Wednesday, Nov 8, 2017

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