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RI-Freeport Negotiations Completed in December

Negotiations between the Indonesian government and PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) related to the preparation of the Special Mining Business License (IUPK) will be completed by the end of this year. This was expressed by the Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives, Gus Irawan Pasaribu, after a meeting of Commission VII with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and PTFI, in Jakarta, Monday (27/11). The meeting which started at 14:22 WIB in Commission VII's office was conducted closed for about two hours.

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources represented by Director General of Mineral and Coal Bambang Gatot. While from the Freeport side represented by Director and Executive Vice President Tony Wenas.

Gus Irawan Pasaribu said, in the meeting there are at least three things that are observed in the negotiation process related to smelter, divestment, and extension of operations. He said the negotiation process is still running and is targeted to be completed by the end of this year.

"So this year, they said. But not explained date. We just wait like what results and explanations from the government, "said Gus Irawan when met after a meeting in Jakarta.

The previous IUPK compulsory negotiations have been taking place from 10 February to 10 October 2017. However, until that time period the agreement has not been reached so the agreement is agreed to extend the three-month negotiation period.

     There are four points in the negotiations, namely the extension of Freeport operations post 2021, divestment 51%, increased state revenues and smelter development.

Actually ahead of the deadline last October has been reached a general agreement that the government will grant a gradual extension of operations Freeport or 2x10 years until 2021. Then, Freeport completed the construction of the smelter no later than 2022.

The US-based mining company is also willing to divest 51% of its shares through the divestment of shares. In addition, it was agreed to increase state revenues. These last two points are being discussed in detail about the mechanism of divestment and the legal umbrella of state revenue. Later, the details of the agreement will be included in the attachment of IUPK. Gus Irawan explained, there is no agreement on the price of divestment shares between the two parties. However, it is explained that the divestment is the slowest.


Regarding the holding of mining SOEs, Commission VII of the House of Representatives revealed that mining holders have the financial and technical capability to control Freeport's copper mine in Papua. This is based on the result of a working meeting of Commission VII DPR with PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) recently.

Inalum will be the parent company of three other SOEs namely PT Timah Tbk, PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) and PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PT BA).

"They are ready financially to take over 51% of Freeport shares. They are also technically ready despite underground (underground mines). They have experience, "said Gus Irawan.

Gus Irawan said Antam has a mining holding experience in managing underground mines. The reason is, Antam already has an underground mine located in Pongkor, Bogor, West Java.

However, he awaits the government's stance in controlling Freeport shares. Whether fixed through divestment or choose to wait until 2021 by not renewing the contract. This is because the mining holding is ready to follow the government's direction.

"Inalum is ready. Well, this is what the deal we want there are rational reasons, "he said.

Freeport McMoRan Inc. CEO Richard C Adkerson previously revealed that it is willing to release 51% of the shares through divestment. But he said he wanted to remain an operator at the Grasberg mine; Papua is no longer a majority owner.

"We have the right to operate the business as it should and we must have control over operational management," he said.


Perundingan RI-Freeport Rampung Desember

Perundingan antara pemerintah Indonesia dan PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) terkait penyusunan Iampiran Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) akan selesai pada akhir tahun ini. Hal itu diungkapkan Ketua Komisi VII DPR Gus Irawan Pasaribu usai rapat Komisi VII dengan Kementerian ESDM dan PTFI, di Jakarta, Senin (27/11). Rapat yang dimulai pukul 14.22 WIB di ruang kerja Komisi VII itu dilakukan secara tertutup selama sekitar dua jam.

Kementerian ESDM diwakili oleh Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Bambang Gatot. Sedangkan dari pihak Freeport diwakili oleh Direktur dan Executive Vice President Tony Wenas.

Gus Irawan Pasaribu mengatakan, dalam rapat tersebut setidaknya ada tiga hal yang dicermati dalam proses negosiasi yakni terkait smelter, divestasi, dan perpanjangan operasi. Dia menyatakan proses negosiasi masih berjalan dan dinargetkan selesai pada akhir tahun ini. 

“Jadi akhir tahun ini, tadi mereka katakan. Tapi tidak dijelaskan tanggalnya. Kami tunggu saja seperti apa hasil dan penjelasan dari pemerintah,” kata Gus Irawan saat ditemui usai rapat di Jakarta.

Perundingan penyusunan IUPK sebelumnya sudah berlangsung sejak 10 Februari hingga 10 Oktober 2017. Namun, sampai batas waktu tersebut belum tercapai kesepakatan sehingga disepakati perpanjangan masa perundingan selama tiga bulan.
Ada empat poin dalam negosiasi, yakni perpanjangan operasi Freeport pasca 2021, divestasi 51%, peningkatan penerimaan negara dan pembangunan smelter. 

Sebenarnya jelang batas waktu Oktober lalu sudah dicapai kesepakatan umum yakni pemerintah bakal memberi perpanjangan operasi Freeport secara bertahap atau 2x10 tahun hingga 2021. Kemudian, Freeport merampungkan pembangunan smelter paling lambat 2022.

Perusahaan tambang asal Amerika Serikat itu pun bersedia melepas 51% kepemilikan sahamnya melalui divestasi saham. Selain itu, disepakati peningkatan penerimaan negara. Dua poin terakhir ini yang sedang dibahas secara detail mengenai mekanisme divestasi dan payung hukum penerimaan negara. Nantinya, detail kesepakatan itu akan dimasukkan ke dalam lampiran IUPK. Gus Irawan menerangkan, belum ada kesepakatan harga saham divestasi antara kedua pihak. Namun, dijelaskan bahwa divestasi paling lambat.


Mengenai holding BUMN pertambangan, Komisi VII DPR mengungkapkan holding pertambangan memiliki kemampuan finansial dan teknis dalam menguasai tambang tembaga Freeport di Papua. Hal ini berdasarkan hasil rapat kerja Komisi VII DPR dengan PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) belum lama ini.

Inalum akan menjadi induk perusahaan dari tiga BUMN lain yakni PT Timah Tbk, PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) dan
PT BukitAsam Tbk (PT BA).

“Mereka siap secara finansial untuk ambil alih 51% saham Freeport. Mereka juga siap secara teknis meskipun underground (tambang bawah tanah). Mereka ada pengalaman,” kata Gus Irawan.

Gus Irawan menuturkan, Antam memiliki pengalaman holding pertambangan dalam mengelola tambang bawah tanah. Pasalnya, Antam sudah memiliki tambang bawah tanah yang berada di Pongkor, Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Namun, dia menunggu sikap pemerintah dalam menguasai saham Freeport. Apakah tetap melalui divestasi atau memilih menunggu hingga 2021 dengan tidak memperpanjang kontrak. Hal ini lantaran holding pertambangan sudah siap mengikuti arahan pemerintah. 

“Inalum sudah siap. Nah, ini apa saja kesepakatannya kita mau ada alasan rasional,” ujarnya.

CEO Freeport McMoRan Inc Richard C Adkerson sebelumnya mengungkapkan, pihaknya bersedia melepas 51% saham melalui divestasi. Namun dia menyebut ingin tetap menjadi operator di tambang Grasberg; Papua meski tidak lagi sebagai pemilik mayoritas. 

“Kami punya hak untuk mengoperasikan bisnis sebagaimana seharusnya dan kami harus memiliki kendali atas manajemen operasional,” tutur dia. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Nov 28, 2017

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