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Freeport Divestment Completed December

The House of Representatives (DPR) requested the Freeport negotiation process with the government, including the divestment of 51% of shares, to be completed by the end of this year. This was confirmed by the Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission VII Gus Irawan Pasaribu after attending a closed working meeting with Freeport Indonesia and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) in Jakarta.

"We give it time to let the government negotiate once again with Freeport, but it must be underlined, whatever it is a rational decision. We give until the end of the year, "he asserted.

Regarding the value of vaIuasi 51% of Freeport share divestment, according to him, will not be far from that delivered by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan in previous working meeting.

Jonan said that if Freeport McMoran sees the market cap of US $ 20 billion, Freeport Indonesia contributes 40 percent (US $ 8 billion) to its parent. Thus, the divestment of the shares is US $ 4 billion.

"But the value is not there yet, yes. Whatever it is, it's a big number, I guess it's not easy. We hope that the end of December there has been an agreement. The deal mechanism is gradual and completed in 2019, "he said.

Regarding the facility of smelter development obligated to Freeport, Irawan said, it is mandate of Law Number 4 Year 2009 about Mineral and Coal.

Supposedly, five years since the enactment, the construction of the smelter has been completed. However, through the Government Regulation (PP) then be given two additional years. Until finally out again Government Regulation No. 1 of 2017.

"The fact is there is no physical progress until 2016 from the law of 2009."

Therefore, the House of Representatives wants to ensure the construction of the smelter will be completed five years since the Government Regulation no. 1/2017 ie in 2022.

"The government will guard it and PTFI is also committed to finish the smelter within the deadline until 2022," he said.


Divestasi Freeport Tuntas Desember

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) meminta proses perundingan Freeport dengan pemerintah, termasuk soal divestasi 51% saham, selesai di akhir tahun ini. Hal itu ditegaskan Ketua Komisi VII DPR Gus Irawan Pasaribu seusai mengikuti rapat kerja tertutup dengan Freeport Indonesia dan Kementerian Energi dan Sumher Daya Mineral (ESDM) di Jakarta.

“Kita beri waktu biarlah pemerintah berunding sekali lagi dengan Freeport, Tapi harus digaris bawahi, apa pun itu sesuatu keputusan rasional. Kita kasih waktu sampai akhir tahun,” tegasnya.

Mengenai nilai vaIuasi 51% divestasi saham Freeport, menurutnya, tidak akan jauh dari yang disampaikan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan daIam rapat kerja sebelumnya.

Jonan menyampaikan, jika melihat market cap Freeport McMoran nilanya mencapai US$ 20 miliar, kontribusi Freeport Indonesia ke induknya itu 40% (US$ 8 miliar). Dengan demikian, divestasi saham tersebut sebesar US$ 4 miliar.

“Tapi nilainya belum ada, ya. Apa pun itu, ini angka besar, saya kira ini tidak mudah. Kita harap akhir Desember sudah ada kesepakatan. Kesepakatan mekanismenya bertahap dan selesai di 2019,” tuturnya.

Mengenai fasilitas pembangunan smelter yang diwajibkan kepada Freeport, kata Irawan, hal itu merupakan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 tentang Mineral dan batubara.

Seharusnya, lima tahun sejak diundangkan, pembangunan smelter itu sudah selesai. Akan tetapi, melalui Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) kemudian diberikan waktu tambahan dua tahun. Hingga akhirnya keluar lagi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 1 Tahun 2017. 

“Faktanya secara fisik belum ada kemajuan sampai 2016 dari undang-undang tahun 2009.”

Oleh karena itu, DPR ingin kepastian pembangunan smelter bakal selesai lima tahun sejak Peraturan Pemerintah No. 1/2017 yakni pada 2022. 

“Pemerintah akan mengawalnya dan PTFI juga berkomitmen menyelesaikan smelter tersebut sesuai batas waktu hingga 2022,” tegasnya.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Monday, Nov 28, 2017

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