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The fate of Freeport-Rio Tinto was immediately decided

Clarity of the fate of Freeport-McMoRan's operations. and Rio Tinto is expected to be obtained before the end of the year to smooth the negotiation process with the Indonesian government. In a cooperation signed in 1995, Rio Tinto cooperates with Freeport-McMoRan and the management of the Grasberg Mine in Papua.

Rio Tinto has a 40% right when production reaches a certain level. After 2021, Rio Tinto gets a quota of 40% calculated from all production. There are five things in the cooperation, namely operations, technical, exploration, mine development, and tailings management.

The director of PT Freeport Indonesia, a subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan, Tony Wenas, said it and the Indonesian government agreed to complete the negotiation process, including the divestment issue, by December 2017.

In relation to the divestment, Freeport McMoRan needs to negotiate with Rio Tinto first. Because the ownership of Freeport-McMoRan in Freeport Indonesia will be 49%, thus affecting the cooperation between the two.

The government's stake in Freeport is currently only at 9.36%. That is, with the divestment obligation up to 51%, there are still 41.64% shares to be released to national parties.

"It should be finished by December. We also hope that everything can be finished, "he said on Monday (27/11).

Previously, Deputy for Mining Business, Strategic Industries and Media Ministry of SOEs Fajar Harry Sampurno said that the divestment of Freeport Indonesia shares is still being discussed by involving the Ministry of SOEs, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and Ministry of Finance. One of the technical issues is about the cooperation between Freeport-McMoRan and Rio Tinto.

There are things that are very technical because there is Rio Tinto in it turned out. Rio Tinto has an agreement with Freeport on funding and then split the profits. It's very technical and detailed and is currently being discussed with Freeport, "he said. According to Fajar, there is no decision whether 40% of Rio Tinto's shares will be converted into shares or not.

"Clearly this has not yet reached the level of operation. That is, still the government with Freeport-McMoRan for details, "he said.


Nasib Freeport-Rio Tinto Segera Diputuskan

Kejelasan nasib kerja sama operasi Freeport-McMoRan Inc. dan Rio Tinto diharapkan bisa diperoleh sebelum akhir tahun ini untuk memuluskan proses negosiasi dengan pemerintah Indonesia. Dalam kerja sama yang diteken pada 1995, Rio Tinto berkerja sama dengan Freeport-McMoRan dan pengelolaan Tambang Grasberg di Papua. 

Rio Tinto memiliki hak 40% apabila produksi mencapai level tertentu. Setelah 2021, Rio Tinto mendapat jatah 40% dihitung dari seluruh produksi. Ada lima hal yang ada dalam kerja sama tersebut, yakni operasi, teknis, eksplorasi, pengembangan tambang, dan manajemen tailing.

Direktur PT Freeport Indonesia, anak usaha Freeport-McMoRan, Tony Wenas mengatakan bahwa pihaknya dan pemerintah Indonesia sepakat untuk menyelesaikan proses negosiasi, termasuk masalah divestasi, pada Desember 2017.

Dalam kaitannya dengan divestasi, pihak Freeport McMoRan perlu berunding dengan Rio Tinto terlebih dahulu. Pasalnya, kepemilikan Freeport-McMoRan di Freeport Indonesia akan menjadi 49% sehingga memengaruhi kerja sama antara keduanya.

Adapun saham pemerintah di Freeport saat ini hanya mencapai 9,36%. Artinya, dengan kewajiban divestasi hingga 51%, masih ada 41,64% saham yang harus dilepas kepada pihak nasional.

“Mestinya semuanya bisa selesai Desember. Kita juga berharap agar semuanya bisa selesai,” katanya, Senin (27/11). 

Sebelumnya, Deputi Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis dan Media Kementerian BUMN Fajar Harry Sampurno mengatakan bahwa proses divestasi saham Freeport Indonesia masih terus dibahas dengan melibatkan Kementerian BUMN, Kementerian ESDM, dan Kementerian Keuangan. Salah satunya hal teknis mengenai kerja sama antara Freeport-McMoRan dan Rio Tinto.

Ada hal-hal yang sangat teknis karena ada Rio Tinto di situ ternyata. Rio Tinto itu punya perjanjian dengan Freeport mengenai pendanaan dan kemudian membagi keuntungan. Itu sangat teknis dan detail dan sekarang ini sedang dibahas dengan Freeport,” katanya.  Menurut Fajar, belum ada keputusan apakah 40% bagian Rio Tinto tersebut akan dikonversi menjadi saham atau tidak.

“Yang jelas ini belum sampai ke level operasi. Artinya, masih pemerintah dengan Freeport-McMoRan untuk detailnya,” ujarnya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Nov 28, 2017

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