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Full Holding Mine Remains in Government's Hand

The Government guarantees all the actions of state-owned holding companies under state control

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Rini Soemarno officially signed the deed of the Series B share transfer. PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) Tbk of 65%, PT Bukit Asam Tbk of 65.02%, PT Timah Tbk by 65%, and 9.36% shares PT Freeport Indonesia, turned to PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum).

Inalum also now holds the status as a holding company of mining SOEs. SOE Minister Rini Soemarno said the process of holding the state-owned mining company has long been started with the delivery of roadmap for the development of SOEs by the Ministry of SOEs to the House of Representatives Commission VI by the end of 2015.

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Furthermore, the process will seek approval of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of Antam, Bukit Asam and Timah simultaneously on Wednesday (29/11)

The agenda is to amend the articles of association in connection with the transfer of ownership of shares to Inalum, which is 100% state-owned. Although the holding member status changed, Rini confirmed that the three holding members were still treated the same as state-owned enterprises for strategic matters.

That way, the state still has control over the three companies that floor on the exchange. Either directly through the dwiwarna share, or indirectly through lnalum, as regulated by Government Regulation no. 72/2016.

"All the strategic things undertaken by member holding companies, all remain in state control equal to before becoming a holding member," he said.

Deputy for Mining Business, Strategic Industries and Media Ministry of State Enterprises Fajar Harry Sampurno added that although the status is no longer a persero, the holding subsidiary's activities, such as selling shares or privatization, are still required to approve the DPR.

"All activities dealing with parliamentary oversight are unchanged," he said.

Fajar stated that the current state mining is still small. Currently, Inalum has no reserves yet, but Inalum is downstream. Just so you know, Tin hilirisasi in 1970 and is almost 80% processed.

"Hilirisasi requires very large funds. One of the pillars of development is downstream, "he said.

PTBA President Director Arviyan Arifin agrees that although 65% of PTBA's shares are transferred, there is still a government share, dwiwarna.

"Antam, PTBA, Tin remains the property of the government," he said

Antam President Arie Prabowo Ariotedio said the Series A shares control four things. The first is the appointment of commissioners and directors. Second, the control of capital structure changes. Third, the amendment of the articles of association. Cold divestment.

"So for example the question arises, can not Inalum sell the company? Can not. It remains in the Series A shareholders, "he said.


Kendali Holding Tambang Tetap di Tangan Pemerintah

Pemerintah menjamin semua aksi korporasi anggota holding BUMN di bawah kendali negara

Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Rini Soemarno resmi menandatangani akta peralihan saham Seri B. Saham negara di
PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) Tbk yang sebesar 65%, PT Bukit Asam Tbk sebesar 65,02%, PT Timah Tbk sebesar 65%, serta 9,36% saham
PT Freeport Indonesia, beralih kepada PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum).

Inalum pun kini menyandang status sebagai induk usaha pertambangan BUMN. Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno mengatakan, proses
pembentukan holding BUMN pertambangan ini sudah lama dimulai dengan penyerahan roadmap pengembangan BUMN oleh Kementerian BUMN kepada Komisi VI DPR pada akhir tahun 2015. 

Selanjutnya, proses ini akan meminta persetujuan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) Antam, Bukit Asam, dan Timah secara bersamaan pada Rabu (29/11)

Agendanya adalah melakukan perubahan anggaran dasar sehubungan dengan telah beralihnya kepemilikan saham ke Inalum, yang 100% milik negara. Meski status anggota holding berubah, Rini memastikan, ketiga anggota holding itu tetap diperlakukan sama dengan BUMN untuk hal-hal bersifat strategis.

Dengan begitu, negara tetap memiliki kontrol terhadap ketiga perusahaan yang melantai di bursa itu. Baik secara langsung melalui saham dwiwarna, maupun tidak langsung melalui lnalum, seperti diatur Peraturan Pemerintah No. 72/2016. 

"Segala hal strategis yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan anggota holding, semua tetap dalam kontrol negara sama dengan sebelum menjadi anggota holding," katanya.

Deputi Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis dan Media Kementerian BUMN Fajar Harry Sampurno menambahkan, meskipun status bukan lagi persero, aktivitas anak usaha holding, misalnya melakukan penjualan saham atau privatisasi, tetap wajib melakukan persetujuan DPR. 

"Semua kegiatan yang berurusan dengan pengawasan DPR tidak ada perubahan," katanya.

Fajar menyatakan, penguasaan tambang negara saat ini masih kecil. Saat ini, Inalum belum memiliki cadangan, tapi Inalum melakukan hilirisasi. Asal tahu saja, hilirisasi Timah pada tahun 1970 dan sudah hampir 80% diolah. 

“Hilirisasi memerlukan dana sangat besar. Salah satu pilar pengembangan adalah hilirisasi," katanya.

Direktur Utama PTBA Arviyan Arifin sepakat, meskipun 65% saham PTBA dialihkan, tetap ada saham pemerintah, dwiwarna. 

"Antam, PTBA, Timah tetap menjadi milik pemerintah," katanya 

Direktur Utama Antam Arie Prabowo Ariotedio mengatakan, saham Seri A mengendalikan empat hal. Pertama mengenai penunjukan komisaris maupun direksi. Kedua, kendali perubahan struktur permodalan. Ketiga, perubahan anggaran dasar. Keempal mengenai divestasi.

“Jadi misalnya muncul pertanyaan, bisa tidak Inalum menjual perusahaan? Tidak bisa. Tetap itu di pemegang saham Seri A," katanya.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Nov 29, 2017

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