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Inalum Officially Becomes a Holding of SOE Mine

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (lnalum) is officially designated as holding company of Bada Usaha Negara (BUMN) of mining industry. As a subsidiary of PT Aneka Tambang (Antam) Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk and PT Timah Tbk.

The decision was marked by the signing of the deed of transfer of shares of series B or government property in the three SOEs to PT Inalum by SOE Minister Rini M Soemarno in Jakarta. Government-owned shares in PT Aneka Tambang Tbk amounted to 65%, PT Bukit Asam Tbk (65.02%), PT TimahTbk (65%).

On the occasion, Minister Rini also signed the transfer of government shares in PT Freeport Indonesia by 9.36% to Inalum. The transfer of such shares in the framework of the addition of state capital participation into the company's capital.

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"The long-standing holding process started with the roadmap of SOE development by the Ministry of SOEs to the House of Representatives Commission VI by the end of 2015 has finally come to an end," said Minister Rini Soemarno.

Subsequently, approval of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of Antam, Bukit Asam and Tin will be conducted simultaneously with the agenda to amend the articles of association in connection with the transfer of ownership of Series B shares to PT Inalum which is 100% owned by the state.

In addition, after the publication of Government Regulation No 47/2017, then proceed with the administrative process including the deed of transfer of shares that have been signed. Approval of Holding of SOEs of Mining Industry will be taken to Antam's Antam, Bukit Asam and Tin Meeting simultaneously in Jakarta on Wednesday (29/11).

Despite its changed status, the three holding members remained treated equally with SOEs for strategic matters. Therefore, the state retains control over the three companies, either directly through dwiwarna or indirect shares through PT Semalum as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 72/2016.

"All strategic things undertaken by the holding member companies, all remain under state control, the same as before becoming a holding member, including those related to the Parliament if it is to be privatized.

The change of name with the loss of Persero also does not give the consequences of loss of state control, "said Rini.

The formation of Holding BUMN Mining Industry aims to increase business capacity and funding, management of natural resources of mineral and coal, increase value added through downstream and increase local content, and cost efficiency of synergy.

PT Inalum as holding parent has a strategic duty to take over PT Freeport Indonesia's shares divestment. Until now, the negotiation process is still continuing and it is believed that by increasing the assets of SOE Holding of Mining Industry, it will be able to absorb PT Freeport Indonesia's acquisition value.

Vice Chairman of Commission V of the People's Representative Council (DPR) Inas Nasrullah Zubir supports the establishment of this Mining Holdings BUMN, which is important that the holding is still in accordance with the applicable legislation framework. For that, the House of Representatives in the near future plans to call the Minister of SOEs Rini M Soemarno.

"In the near future, we will call on the government to explain the formation of Holding BUMN Mining, he said.

BUMN observer who is also former Secretary of the Ministry of SOEs Said Didu said, the formation of state-owned holding does not have to wait for approval of the House. According to him, there is no article in the law that regulates it.

"There is no provision in any law governing it. This is purely a corporate action, just like mergers or acquisitions of SOEs. So, does not require the approval of the House, "he said.

He acknowledged, the process of establishing Mining SOE Holding is running slowly. While the main obstacles, namely the five authorities of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) which is not delegated to the Ministry of SOEs as the majority shareholder. All five are holding, privatization, merger, acquisition, and liquidation.


Inalum Resmi Menjadi Holding BUMN Tambang

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (lnalum) resmi ditetapkan sebagai induk perusahaan (holding) Bada Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) industri pertambangan. Sebagai anak usaha PT Aneka Tambang (Antam)Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk, dan PT Timah Tbk.

Keputusan itu ditandai dengan ditandatanganinya akta pengalihan saham seri B atau milik pemerintah di ketiga BUMN tersebut kepada PT Inalum oleh Menteri BUMN Rini M Soemarno di Jakarta. Saham milik pemerintah di PT Aneka Tambang Tbk sebesar 65%, PT Bukit Asam Tbk (65,02%), PT TimahTbk (65%).

Pada kesempatan tersebut, Menteri Rini juga menandatangani pengalihan saham pemerintah di PT Freeport Indonesia sebesar9,36% ke Inalum. Pengalihan saham tersebut dalam rangka penambahan penyertaan modal negara ke dalam modal perseroan.

”Proses holding yang sudah lama dimulai dengan penyerahan roadmap pengembangan BUMN oleh Kementerian BUMN ke Komisi VI DPR pada akhir 2015 ini akhirnya telah mendekati akhir,” kata Menteri Rini Soemarno.

Selanjutnya, akan dilakukan persetujuan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) Antam, Bukit Asam, dan Timah secara bersamaan dengan agenda melakukan perubahan anggaran dasar sehubungan dengan telah beralihnya kepemilikan saham seri B kepada PT Inalum yang sahamnya 100% dimiliki negara.

Selain itu, setelah terbit Peraturan Pemerintah No 47/ 2017, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan proses administrasi termasuk akta pengalihan saham yang telah ditanda-tangani. Persetujuan Holding BUMN lndustri Pertambangan akan dibawa ke RUPSLB Antam, Bukit Asam, dan Timah secara bersamaan di Jakarta pada Rabu (29/11).

Meski statusnya berubah, ketiga anggota holding itu tetap diperlakukan sama dengan BUMN untuk hal-hal yang sifatnya strategis. Dengan begitu, negara tetap memiliki kontrol terhadap ketiga perusahaan itu, baik secara langsung melalui saham dwiwarna maupun tidak langsung melalui PT lnalum seperti diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah No 72/ 2016.

”Segala hal strategis yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan anggota holding, semua tetap dalam kontrol negara, sama dengan sebelum menjadi anggota holding, termasuk yang terkait dengan DPR apabila akan diprivatisasi. 

Perubahan nama dengan hilangnya Persero juga tidak memberikan konsekuensi hilangnya kontrol negara," ujar Rini.

Pembentukan Holding BUMN lndustri Pertambangan ini bertujuan meningkatkan kapasitas usaha dan pendanaan, pengelolaan sumber daya alam mineral dan batu bara, peningkatan nilai tambah melalui hilirisasi dan meningkatkan kandungan lokal, serta efisiensi biaya dari sinergi yang dilakukan.

PT Inalum sebagai induk holding memiliki tugas strategis untuk mengambil alih divestasi saham PT Freeport Indonesia. Sampai saat ini proses negosiasi masih terus berlanjut dan diyakini dengan peningkatan aset Holding BUMN Industri Pertambangan, maka akan mampu menyerap nilai akuisisi PT Freeport Indonesia.

Wakil Ketua Komisi V Dewan Perwakialn Rakyat (DPR) Inas Nasrullah Zubir mendukung pembentukan Holding BUMN Pertambangan ini, yang penting holding tersebut masih sesuai dengan kerangka undan-undang yang berlaku. Untuk itu, DPR dalam waktu dekat berencana memanggil Menteri BUMN Rini M Soemarno. 

"Dalam waktu dekat, kami akan memanggil pemerintah untuk menjelaskan pembentukan Holding BUMN Pertambangan ini, katanya.

Pengamat BUMN yang juga mantan Sekretaris Kementerian BUMN Said Didu mengatakan, pembentukan holding BUMN tidak harus menunggu persetujuan DPR. Menurut dia, tidak ada pasal dalam undang-undang yang mengatur hal tersebut.

”Tidak ada pasal dalam Undang-Undang mana pun yang mengaturnya. Ini murni aksi korporasi, seperti halnya merger atau akuisisi BUMN. Jadi, tidak membutuhkan persetujuan DPR," katanya.

Dia mengakui, proses pembentukan Holding BUMN Pertambangan memang berjalan lamban. Sementara yang menjadi hambatan utama, yaitu lima kewenangan Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) yang tidak dilimpahkan ke Kementerian BUMN sebagai pemegang saham mayoritas. Kelimanya yaitu holding, privatisasi, merger, akuisisi, dan likuidasi.

Koran Sindo, Page-17, Wednesday, Nov 29, 2017

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