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Resources Focused Exploration 2 Regions

Exploration of Gold Mine

PT J Resources Asia Pacific Tbk., A gold mining company, will focus on exploration activities to increase the amount of gold reserves, particularly at the Pani Mine in Goronlalo and Doup Mine in North Sulawesi.

Director of J Resources Asia Pacific (PSAB) William Sumata said that both mines have good reserve potential. Both mining areas are targeted to produce in 2019.

For the Mine Doup, the total reserves of gold until June 2017 as much as 1.509 million ounces, while the resources reached 2.594 million ounces. Total reserves of Pani Mine amount to 502,000 ounces of gold and resources of 1.524 million ounce.

"From the exploration activities, the company succeeded in increasing its resources in the Mine of Doup which in 2011 was only 996,000 ounces of gold to 2.594 million ounces of gold and at the Pani Mine from only 198,000 ounces of gold in December 2012 to 1.524 million ounces of gold in June 2017," he said over the weekend then.

Currently, the Pani Mine is in preparation for entering the pre-construction phase. The Environmental Assessment (AMDAL) analysis has been completed and the company has also obtained a license to borrow forest area (IPPKH) from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

From the mine, the company targets gold production of 50,000-70,000 ounces of gold per year. Meanwhile, from the Mine Doup, the company has just completed an amdal for its oxide ore production operation and is preparing AMDAL for sulphide production. The Company targets gold production from the Doup mine of 100,000 ounces per year.

William explains, the company's focus in recent years is exploration to increase reserves and resources. The gold reserves and resources data owned by the PSAB-coded mining company have increased significantly. The company's reserves and gold resources from June 2011 to June 2017 rose enormously.

The company's gold resources currently amounted to 7.946 million ounces, up from 3.2 million ounce in 2011. Meanwhile, the company's reserves as of June 2017 were 3.707 million ounces of gold, up from the 493,000 ounce reserve in 2011.

Chairman of the Indonesian Mining Institute (IMI) Irwandy Arif said, in general mining exploration activities until now still stagnant. He described that investment for mining exploration activities in Indonesia is still around 1.5% of world exploration cost.


J Resources Fokus Eksplorasi 2 Wilayah

Eksplorasi Tambang Emas

PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk., perusahaan tambang emas, akan fokus pada kegiatan eksplorasi untuk meningkatkan jumlah cadangan emas, khususnya di Tambang Pani di Goronlalo dan Tambang Doup di Sulawesi Utara.

Direktur J Resources Asia Pasifik (PSAB) William Sumata mengatakan bahwa kedua tambang tersebut memiliki potensi cadangan yang baik. Kedua wilayah tambang itu ditargetkan sudah bisa berproduksi pada 2019.

Untuk Tambang Doup, total cadangan emas sampai Juni 2017 sebanyak 1,509 juta ounce, sedangkan sumber dayanya mencapai 2,594 juta ounce. Total cadangan Tambang Pani sebesar 502.000 ounce emas dan sumber daya sebesar 1,524 juta ounce.

“Dari kegiatan eksplorasi perseroan berhasil meningkatkan sumber daya di Tambang Doup yang di 2011 hanya 996.000 ounce emas menjadi 2,594 juta ounce emas dan di Tambang Pani dari hanya sebesar 198.000 ounce emas pada Desember 2012 menjadi 1,524 juta ounce emas pada Juni 2017,” katanya akhir pekan lalu.

Saat ini, Tambang Pani sedang dalam persiapan masuk ke fase prakonstruksi. Analisis Mengenai DAmpak Lingkungan (AMDAL) sudah selesai dan perusahaan juga sudah mendapat izin pinjam pakai kawasan hutan (IPPKH) dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan.

Dari tambang itu, perseroan menargetkan produksi emas sebanyak 50.000-70.000 ounce emas per tahun. Sementara itu, dari Tambang Doup, perseroan baru saja menyelesaikan amdal untuk operasi produksi bijih oksida dan sedang mempersiapkan AMDAL untuk produksi sulfida. Perseroan menargetkan produksi emas dari tambang Doup sebesar 100.000 ounce per tahun.

William menjelaskan, fokus perseroan beberapa tahun terakhir adalah eksplorasi untuk meningkatkan cadangan dan sumber daya. Data cadangan dan sumber daya emas yang dimiliki emiten tambang berkode saham PSAB itu meningkat signifkan. Cadangan dan sumber daya emas perusahaan sejak Juni 2011 sampai Juni 2017 naik sangat besar.

Sumber daya emas yang dimiliki perseroan saat ini sebesar 7,946 juta ounce meningkat dari 3,2 juta ounce pada 2011. Sementara itu, cadangan yang dimiliki perseroan sampai Juni 2017 sebanyak 3,707 juta ounce emas naik dibandingkan dengan cadangan pada 2011 sebanyak 493.000 ounce.

Ketua Indonesian Mining Institute (IMI) Irwandy Arif mengatakan, secara umum kegiatan eksplorasi penambangan sampai saat ini masih stagnan. Dia menggambarkan, investasi untuk kegiatan eksplorasi pertambangan di Indonesia masih sekitar 1,5% dari biaya eksplorasi dunia.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Dec 18, 2017

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