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Gazing at Freeport's face in the lnalum

If there is no problem, the government will announce the final outcome of negotiations with Freeport McMoran by mid-December. One important point is about the remaining 41.64% divestment shares owned by Freeport McMoran at PT Freeport Indonesia. The acquisition of Freeport shares up to 51% from its current position of 9.36% is an important point as it becomes a historic milestone of the country's sovereignty over its natural wealth.

The process that took place in the acquisition of Freeport shares was coincidentally similar to what happened to the process of transferring 58.8% of Nippon Asahan Aluminum (NAA) Japanese shares to the government. There is a difficult negotiation on stock prices, as well as doubt as to whether Indonesia is able to continue its operations such as when it was operated by a Japanese company.

A bit of a flashback, the Indonesian and Japanese government agrees to end cooperation in Inalum at the end of the contract on November 30, 2013. There was a difficult negotiation to determine the 58.8% value of NAA's shares. From the initial value of the government version of US $ 453 million and the Japanese side of US $ 650 million, an agreement was reached at US $ 556.7 million.

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The question of determining the value of 41.64% of Freeport shares is similar. The government initially calculated US $ 3.45 billion or equivalent to Rp 47 trillion, while Freeport Mcmoran counted about US $ 8 billion or equivalent to Rp 108 trillion.

We believe that between the government and Freeport will reach a mutually beneficial point of contact. One thing that often becomes a question is Indonesia's ability to operate a mine in Papua. However, reflecting on the operation of Inalum's aluminum processing plant in Tanjung Balai, Batubara regency, North Sumatra, it seems that it does not need to worry too much.

The proof of the sons and daughters of Indonesia was able to operate the factory in Tanjung Balai was as normal. Inalum factory capacity of 260 thousand tons, not down in the slightest. Even with the help of technology, capacity increased to 300 thousand tons. Capacity is not difficult to soar to 500 thousand when the energy supply is met.

The same will happen to Freeport. Not many are aware that some Freeport employees are alumni from PT Aneka Tambang. They are widely used because they have been accustomed to underground mining in Pongkor, Bogor, West Java.

Therefore, if you want to see the future of Freeport in the hands of Indonesia, can be mirrored from the experience of the nation's children manage the lnalum. No doubt about it.


Menatap Wajah Freeport di lnalum

Bila tidak ada masalah, pemerintah akan mengumumkan hasil akhir negosiasi dengan Freeport McMoran pada pertengahan Desember ini. Salah satu poin penting ialah mengenai sisa saham divestasi 41,64% milik Freeport McMoran di PT Freeport Indonesia. Akuisisi terhadap saham Freeport hingga mencapai 51% dari posisi saat ini 9,36% adalah titik penting karena menjadi tonggak bersejarah kedaulatan negeri ini terhadap kekayaan alam yang dimiliki.

Proses yang terjadi dalam akuisisi saham Freeport ini secara kebetulan mirip dengan yang terjadi pada proses pengalihan 58,8% saham milik Nippon Asahan Aluminium (NAA) Jepang ke pemerintah. Ada negosiasi yang sulit di harga saham, juga keraguan apakah Indonesia mampu melanjutkan operasional lnalum seperti saat masih dioperasikan perusahaan Jepang.

Sedikit kilas balik, kesepakatan pemerintah RI dan Jepang mengakhiri kerja sama di Inalum terjadi pada masa akhir kontrak di 30 November 2013. Terjadi perundingan yang susah untuk menentukan nilai 58,8% saham milik NAA. Dari nilai awal versi pemerintah US$453 juta dan pihak Jepang US$ 650 juta, dicapai kesepakatan pada titik temu di US$ 556,7 juta.

Masalah penentuan nilai 41,64% saham Freeport juga hampir mirip. Pada awalnya pemerintah menghitung US$ 3,45 miliar atau setara Rp 47 triliun, sedangkan pihak Freeport Mcmoran menghitung sekitar US$ 8 miliar atau setara Rp 108 triliun.

Kita percaya bahwa antara pemerintah dan Freeport akan mencapai titik temu yang saling menguntungkan. Satu hal yang sering jadi pertanyaan ialah kemampuan Indonesia mengoperasikan tambang di Papua. Namun, berkaca pada operasional pabrik pengolahan aluminium milik Inalum di Tanjung Balai, Kabupaten Batubara, Sumatra Utara, agaknya hal itu tidak perlu dikhawatirkan secara berlebihan.

Buktinya putra-putri Indonesia pun bisa mengoperasikan pabrik di Tanjung Balai itu seperti sediakala. Kapasitas pabrik Inalum sebanyak 260 ribu ton, tidak turun sedikit pun. Bahkan dengan bantuan teknologi, kapasitas meningkat menjadi 300 ribu ton. Kapasitasnya pun tidak sulit melambung menjadi 500 ribu bila pasokan energi terpenuhi.

Hal yang sama juga akan terjadi pada Freeport. Tidak banyak yang menyadari bahwa sebagian pegawai Freeport ialah alumnus dari PT Aneka Tambang. Mereka banyak digunakan karena telah terbiasa melakukan penambangan bawah tanah di Pongkor, Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Oleh karena itu, bila ingin melihat masa depan Freeport di tangan Indonesia, bisa berkaca dari pengalaman anak bangsa
mengelola lnalum. Tidak perlu diragukan.

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Tuesday, Dec 12, 2017

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