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Valuation of Rio Tinto's Participation Rights is Almost Completed

Rio Tinto's Participating Interest (PI) valuation was soon completed. The evaluation result will be discussed by the government with PT Freeport Indonesia related to the conversion of such participation rights into shares.

Rio Tinto's
  The agreement between the government and Freeport Indonesia is that 40% of Rio Tinto's participation rights are converted to 40% of Freeport's divestment shares. PT Freeport Indonesia Executive Vice President Tony Wenas said the negotiation process with the government is still ongoing. It has stated willingness to release 51% stake divestment.

    The government currently has 9.36% of Freeport Indonesia's shares. This means that 41.64% of the shares must be released by Freeport through divestment.

"We hope this can be completed as the government hopes in this April. If we can finish it better for all of us, "said Tony, at the House Commission VII Hearings Meeting on Wednesday (7/3).
     Evaluation of Rio Tinto's PI becomes a reference to determine the price paid by the government. In the meeting Tony has not been able to disclose what the fair price paid by the government.
"The government and PT Inalum have been due diligence that should be almost finished, it is very influential to determine the price and process of further detail," he said.

    Rio Tinto does not directly own shares of Freeport Indonesia. However, Freeport McMoRan's financial report says the Australian mining company has a joint venture agreement for the Grasberg Project with Freeport McMoRan.


Valuasi Hak Partisipasi Rio Tinto Hampir Selesai

    Valuasi harga hak partisipasi atau Participating Interest (PI) Rio Tinto segera rampung. Hasil evaluasi itu akan dibahas pemerintah dengan PT Freeport Indonesia terkait konversi hak partisipasi tersebut menjadi saham.

    Kesepakatan pemerintah dan Freeport Indonesia adalah 40% hak partisipasi Rio Tinto dikonversi menjadi 40% saham divestasi Freeport. Executive Vice President PT Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas bilang, proses negosiasi dengan pemerintah masih berlangsung. Pihaknya sudah menyatakan kesediaan melepas 51% saham divestasi.

    Saat ini pemerintah sudah memiliki 9,36% saham Freeport Indonesia. Artinya 41,64% saham lagi yang wajib dilepas Freeport melalui divestasi.

“Kami berharap ini dapat selesai sebagaimana harapan pemerintah dalam April ini. Kalau bisa cepat selesai ini lebih baik bagi kita semua," kata Tony, dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat Komisi VII DPR, Rabu (7/3).

    Evaluasi PI Rio Tinto menjadi acuan menentukan harga yang dibayarkan pemerintah. Dalam rapat tersebut Tony belum bisa membeberkan berapa harga wajar yang dibayar pemerintah.

"Pemerintah dan PT Inalum Sudah due diligence yang mestinya hampir selesai. Ini sangat berpengaruh untuk menentukan harga dan proses detail selanjutnya," ujarnya.

    Rio Tinto tidak secara langsung memiliki saham Freeport Indonesia. Namun, laporan keuangan Freeport McMoRan menyebutkan, perusahaan tambang asal Australia ini memiliki perjanjian usaha patungan untuk pengerjaan Proyek Grasberg dengan Freeport McMoRan.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, March 8, 2018

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