Freeport Sued 8,000 Employees
2:55 PM
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A total of 8,000 employees of PT Freeport Indonesia sued the gold mining company on charges of unlawful acts.
The lawsuit filed with the Central Jakarta District Court on Thursday (15/2) was numbered in case of 88/Pdt.G/2018/PNJkt.Pst.
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In the case file uploaded in the Central Jakarta District Court Case Information System, the lawsuit was sent to the defendants, the Central Social Security Administration (BPJS), the Papua Social Security Administering Agency and PT Freeport Indonesia.
PT Freeport Indonesia employees
The lawyer advocating 8,000 PT Freeport Indonesia employees Nurkholis Hidayat said the lawsuit was sent to demand employee health insurance rights, following the death of a number of PT Freeport Indonesia workers who were not covered by BPJS Health. In addition to claiming rights, employees are also suing PT Freeport Indonesia for terminating unilateral work.
"This stems from a strike of 8,000 employees in May 2017. The company considers the strike unlawful and considers the employee to default. Workers are then asked to step down voluntarily, and instead PT Freeport closes the BPJS Healthcare account of employees who follow the demo, "he said.
The continued impact of the closure of BPJS Health, said Nurkholis, has left thousands of employees unable to exercise the right to benefit from health services. In fact, an employee named lrawan from Blitar East Java was rejected by BPJS Health and was forced to use public services to death.
Besides lrawan, he said, there are 16 workers who after holding a strike experienced the same thing as experienced by lrawan because they did not get the right of health insurance coverage.
"Irawan is suing now, 16 workers are following sued later. PT Freeport has violated the Employment Act that after 6 months of dismissal is still an active participant. In fact, the government in this case BPJS Health failed to fulfill its responsibilities, "he said.
"This stems from a strike of 8,000 employees in May 2017. The company considers the strike unlawful and considers the employee to default. Workers are then asked to step down voluntarily, and instead PT Freeport closes the BPJS Healthcare account of employees who follow the demo, "he said.
The continued impact of the closure of BPJS Health, said Nurkholis, has left thousands of employees unable to exercise the right to benefit from health services. In fact, an employee named lrawan from Blitar East Java was rejected by BPJS Health and was forced to use public services to death.
Besides lrawan, he said, there are 16 workers who after holding a strike experienced the same thing as experienced by lrawan because they did not get the right of health insurance coverage.
"Irawan is suing now, 16 workers are following sued later. PT Freeport has violated the Employment Act that after 6 months of dismissal is still an active participant. In fact, the government in this case BPJS Health failed to fulfill its responsibilities, "he said.
In petitum, the plaintiff through his legal counsel asked the court to:
First, accept and grant the plaintiff's claim in its entirety. Second, it states legally that the defendants have committed unlawful acts (onrechtmatige daad). Third, ordered the defendants to apologize to the plaintiffs through 5 print media and 7 electronic media whose format and content is determined by the plaintiff for 7 consecutive days.
Fourth, to punish the defendants jointly to pay all losses suffered by the plaintiff, amounting to Rp 700.78 million, with material details Rp 12.96 million, immaterialel Rp 687.81 million, and attorney services Rp 200 million. In addition, the plaintiff also asked the court to declare and stipulate that the ruling could be carried out first (uitvoerbaat bij voorraad), despite Verzet, Appeal, and Cassation efforts.
Separately, PT Freeport Indonesia spokesman Riza Pratama denied that the company's workers could not access BPJS Health.
"In the regulation can [BPJS Health] even if they have stopped working," said Riza when contacted Business.
He stated that as many as 3,274 had not been employed for weeks and had been summoned by radio and newspapers. However, employees who return to work only as many as 200 people. He explained that the workers who returned to PT Freeport Indonesia were earning 4.5 wages per month, debt in the company removed, saving rights and pension rights. It's just that employees who return to work should start as a contractor employee before becoming a permanent employee.
Freeport Digugat 8.000 Karyawan
Sebanyak 8.000 karyawan PT Freeport Indonesia menggugat perusahaan tambang emas tersebut dengan tuduhan perbuatan melawan hukum.
Gugatan yang didaftarkan ke Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat pada Kamis (15/2) tersebut bernomor perkara 88/Pdt.G/2018/PN Jkt.Pst.
Dalam berkas perkara yang diunggah dalam Sistem lnformasi Penelusuran Perkara Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat, gugatan tersebut dikirimkan kepada para tergugat, yakni Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial pusat, Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Papua, dan PT Freeport Indonesia.
Kuasa hukum yang mengadvokasi 8.000 karyawan PT Freeport Indonesia Nurkholis Hidayat mengatakan bahwa gugatan tersebut dikirimkan untuk menuntut hak jaminan kesehatan karyawan, menyusul meninggalnya sejumlah pekerja PT Freeport Indonesia yang tidak memperoleh hak perlindungan dari BPJS Kesehatan. Selain menuntut hak, karyawan jnga menggugat PT Freeport Indonesia karena melakukan pemutusan kerja sepihak.
“Hal ini bermula dari pemogokan 8.000 karyawan pada Mei 2017 lalu. Perusahaan menilai pemogokan itu tidak sah dan menganggap karyawan mangkir kerja. Pekerja kemudian diminta mengundurkan diri secara sukarela, dan malah PT Freeport menutup akun BPJS Kesehatan karyawan yang mengikuti demo,” kata dia.
Dampak lanjutan dari penutupan BPJS Kesehatan tersebut, ungkap Nurkholis, membuat ribuan karyawan itu tidak bisa menggunakan hak manfaat pelayanan kesehatan. Bahkan, seorang karyawan bernama lrawan berasal dari Blitar Jawa Timur ditolak oleh BPJS Kesehatan dan terpaksa menggunakan pelayanan umum hingga meninggal dunia.
Selain lrawan, kata dia, ada 16 pekerja yang setelah menggelar mogok kerja mengalami hal serupa seperti yang dialami oleh lrawan karena tidak memperoleh hak perlindungan jaminan kesehatan.
“Irawan menggugat sekarang, 16 pekerja itu menyusul menggugat nanti. PT Freeport telah melanggar Undang-Undang Ketenaga kerjaan bahwa setelah Pemecatan selama 6 bulan masih wajib menjadi peserta aktif. Bahkan, pemerintah dalam hal ini BPJS Kesehatan lalai memenuhi tanggung jawabnya," kata dia.
Dalam petitum, penggugat melalui kuasa hukumnya meminta pengadilan agar :
Pertama, menerima dan mengabulkan gugatan penggugat seluruhnya. Kedua, menyatakan secara hukum bahwa para tergugat telah melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum (onrechtmatige daad). Ketiga, memerintahkan para tergugat meminta maaf kepada para penggugat melalui 5 media cetak dan 7 media elektronik yang format dan isinya ditentukan oleh penggugat selarna 7 hari berturut-turut.
Keempat, menghukum para tergugat secara bersama-sama untuk membayar segala kerugian yang dialami oleh penggugat, yakni sebesar Rp 700,78 juta, dengan perincian materiel Rp 12,96 juta, immateriel Rp 687,81 juta, dan jasa pengacara Rp 200 juta. Selain itu, penggugat juga meminta pengadilan menyatakan dan menetapkan bahwa putusan tersebut dapat dijalankan terlebih dahulu (uitvoerbaat bij voorraad), meskipun ada upaya Verzet, Banding, maupun Kasasi.
Terpisah, juru bicara PT Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama membantah kalau pekerja perusahaan tersebut tidak bisa mengakses BPJS Kesehatan.
“Dalam peraturan bisa [dapat BPJS Kesehatan] walau mereka sudah berhenti kerja,” kata Riza saat dihubungi Bisnis.
Dia menyatakan bahwa sebanyak 3.274 tidak masuk kerja berminggu-minggu dan telah dilakukan pemanggilan masuk kerja melalui radio dan koran. Namun demikian, karyawan yang kembali kerja hanya sebanyak 200 orang. Dia menjelaskan bahwa para pekerja yang kembali ke PT Freeport Indonesia itu mendapakan 4,5 hak upah per bulan, utang di perusahaan dihapus, mendapatkan hak tabungan, dan hak pensiun. Hanya saja, karyawan yang kembali bekerja harus memulai sebagai karyawan kontraktor dulu sebelum menjadi karyawan tetap.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-11, Thursday, March 29, 2018
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