Inalum Must Have Full Control at Freeport
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PT Freeport Indonesia 51% divestment is not limited to majority ownership by PT Inalum (Persero), but also control of management control.
"Consequently 51% of that management control is in us (Inalum). If the management control is still held by Freeport it is only 51%, "said Deputy Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives Eni Maulani in Jakarta.
"Consequently 51% of that management control is in us (Inalum). If the management control is still held by Freeport it is only 51%, "said Deputy Chairman of Commission VII of the House of Representatives Eni Maulani in Jakarta.
Eni Maulani
Divestment is one of the points of negotiation between the government and Freeport related to the preparation of the attachment detail of special mining business permit (IUPK). Eni said it was still awaiting reports from the government regarding the ongoing negotiations. He hopes the negotiation process will soon come to an end.
Eni explained that the divestment means ownership of the mine. Not that the industry is also included in the divestment. The industry is smelter. He asserted the construction of a smelter is a liability of Freeport. Do not let ownership of 51% share make smelter obligations are also charged to Inalum.
Freeport Indonesia spokeswoman Riza Pratama previously expressed Freeport's desire to keep control of mine operations. Therefore the continuity of operation until 2041 is expected.
"Still (want certainty) because Freeport wants to be in control of operations and governance including finance," he said.
Separately, Head of Corporate Communications Inalum Rendi A. Witular previously said that the company is only negotiating the divestment point of 51% of Freeport shares. But he acknowledged Inalum was involved in the talks of operatorship positions at the Grasberg mine. He denies any agreement that Freeport will act as an operator. Only Rendy can not reveal more about it. "Still discussed," he said.
Freeport is willing to release the Contract of Work (KK) status and turn it into a Special Mining Permit (IUPK). However, the IUPK must provide legal certainty as in the COW. Therefore, negotiations are held. IUPK status change in line with government policy that prohibits COW for export of processed minerals (concentrate) since January 2017 ago.
Only IUPK holders are allowed to export the concentrate up to 2022. There is already one KK holder who turned into IUPK without long negotiation process ie PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara. Amman was previously named PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT). The mining company is based in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara.
The negotiations between Freeport and the government have been ongoing since February 2017. In August 2017, a common agreement was reached on 4 negotiation points, namely divestment, increased state revenues, extension of operations and smelter development. The plan at the end of this April has been reached a detailed agreement which is then included in the attachment IUPK.
Inalum Harus Punya Kontrol Penuh di Freeport
Divestasi 51% PT Freeport Indonesia jangan hanya sebatas kepemilikan saham mayoritas oleh PT Inalum (persero), melainkan juga menguasai kontrol manajemen.
“Konsekuensinya 51% itu kontrol manajemen ada di kita (Inalum). Kalau kontrol manajemen masih dipegang Freeport itu hanya seolah-olah 51%,” kata Wakil Ketua Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Eni Maulani di Jakarta.
Divestasi merupakan Salah satu poin negosiasi antara pemerintah dengan Freeport terkait penyusunan lampiran detail izin usaha pertambangan khusus (IUPK). Eni mengatakan pihaknya masih menunggu laporan dari pemerintah terkait negosiasi yang berlangsung. Dia berharap proses negosiasi segera mencapai titik temu.
Eni menjelaskan divestasi itu berarti kepemilikan tambang. Bukan berarti industri juga termasuk dalam divestasi. Industri yang dimaksud yakni smelter. Dia menegaskan pembangunan smelter merupakan kewajiban Freeport. Jangan sampai kepemilikan 51% saham membuat kewajiban smelter itu juga dibebankan ke Inalum.
“Pembangunan smelter kewajiban Freeport. Bukan Inalum,” tegasnya.
Juru bicara Freeport Indonesia Riza Pratama sebelumnya mengungkapkan keinginan Freeport untuk tetap mengendalikan operasi tambang. Oleh sebab itu kelangsungan operasi hingga 2041 dinantikan.
“Masih (menginginkan kepastian) karena Freeport ingin memegang kendali operasi dan governance termasuk didalamnya keuangan,” ujarnya.
Secara terpisah, Head of Corporate Communication Inalum Rendi A. Witular sebelumnya menuturkan pihaknya hanya melakukan negosiasi terkait poin divestasi 51% saham Freeport. Namun dia mengakui Inalum terlibat dalam pembicaraan posisi operatorship di tambang Grasberg. Dia menyangkal sudah ada kesepakatan bahwa Freeport yang akan bertindak sebagai operator. Hanya saja Rendy belum bisa mengungkapkan lebih lanjut mengenai hal tersebut. “Masih dibahas,” tuturnya.
Freeport bersedia melepas status Kontrak Karya (KK) dan beralih menjadi Ijin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK). Namun IUPK tersebut harus memberi kepastian hukum sebagaimana dalam KK. Oleh sebab itu perundingan dilakukan. Perubahan status IUPK seiring
dengan kebijakan pemerintah yang melarang KK untuk ekspor mineral olahan (konsentrat) sejak Januari 2017 lalu.
Hanya pemegang IUPK yang diizinkau ekspor konsentrat hingga 2022. Tercatat sudah ada satu pemegang KK yang beralih menjadi IUPK tanpa proses negosiasi panjang yakni PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara. Amman sebelumnya bernama PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (NNT). Perusahaan tambang berbasis di Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat.
Negosiasi antara Freeport dengan pemerintah sudah berlangsung sejak Februari 2017 lalu. Pada Agustus 2017 sudah tercapai kesepakatan umum terkait 4 poin negosiasi yakni divestasi, peningkatan penerimaan negara, perpanjangan operasi dan pembangunan smelter. Rencananya pada akhir April ini sudah tercapai kesepakatan detil yang kemudian dimasukkan dalam lampiran IUPK.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Apr 10, 2018
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