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Freeport and Inalum Sign the sale and purchase agreement for shares

The ownership of the majority of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares by PT Inalum (Persero) is in sight. This was marked by the completion of the preparation of the Sales Purchase Agreement between Inalum and Rio Tinto and Indocopper, as well as an agreement with Freeport McMoran Inc. regarding changes in 40% participation rights Rio Tinto became 40% of the shares. 

      After the drafting, the signing will be done immediately and the transaction can be done immediately. Deputy of Mining Business, Strategic Industry and Media of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises Fajar Harry Sampurno said, there was a deadline for the preparation of these agreements for 60 days.

This was stated in the head of agreement (HoA) signed in July. But he did not want to reveal when the agreement was signed;

"The agreement is all completed today (yesterday-red)," said Fajar in Jakarta, Wednesday (9/26).

Fajar revealed that the settlement of the agreements was a directive from the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, who requested that they be settled immediately by the end of the month. He was also reluctant to disclose when the Freeport stock payment transaction was carried out.

"Pay it later. The point will be resolved. "Pay to ask Inalum," he said.

Divesting 51% of Freeport's shares is part of the four points of negotiations with the government. The other three points are the extension of mining operations up to 2041, the construction of smelters and the stability of investment. The three points have been agreed by the government and Freeport. 

     Because the four negotiation points are one entity. That is, all must be agreed to reach an agreement. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will give an extension to Freeport in stages 2x10 years. The extension is given after the end of the operating period stated in the Contract of Work (KK) in 2021.

An extension of operations is granted with a license for a Special Mining Business License (IUPK). Freeport Indonesia no longer holds the status of a Contract of Work holder. In addition, an extension is granted if Freeport meets a number of provisions, including environmental issues. 

Tailing of PT Freeport

   For environmental matters, Freeport must get a "green light" from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Fajar said this environmental affair had been completed.

It's just that he doesn't know when exactly the IUPK was issued. Information collected by Investor Daily, the signing of the agreement will be carried out this Thursday. However, Head of Corporate Communications Inalum, Rendi Ahmad Witular, was reluctant to confirm or deny the completion of the agreement and the signing time.


Freeport dan lnalum Teken Kesepakatan jual Beli saham

Kepemilikan mayoritas saham PT Freeport Indonesia oleh PT lnalum (Persero) sudah di depan mata. Hal ini ditandai dengan rampungnya penyusunan Sales Purchase Agreement antara Inalum dengan Rio Tinto dan Indocopper, serta perjanjian dengan Freeport McMoran Inc terkait perubahan hak partisipasi 40% Rio Tinto rnenjadi 40% saham. Pasca penyusunan itu maka segera dilakukan penandatanganan serta transaksi bisa segera dilakukan. Deputi Bidang Usaha Pertambangan, Industri Strategis, dan Media Kementerian BUMN Fajar Harry Sampurno mengatakan, ada batas waktu penyusunan perjanjian-perjanjian tersebut selama 60 hari. 

Hal ini tertuang dalam pokok perjanjian (head of agreement/HoA) yang ditandatangani pada Juli kemarin. Namun dia belum mau membeberkan kapan penandatangan perjanjian itu dilakukan;

“Perjanjiannya semua diselesaikan hari ini (kemarin-red) ,” kata Fajar di Jakarta, Rabu (26/9).

Fajar mengungkapkan, penyelesaian perjanjian-perjanjian itu merupakan arahan dari Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani yang meminta segera diselesaikan paling lambat pada akhir bulan. Dia pun enggan membeberkan kapan transaksi pembayaran saham Freeport dilalukan. 

“Bayar kan bisa nanti nanti. Pokoknya akan diselesaikan. Bayarnya tanya Inalum,” ujarnya.

Divestasi 51% saham Freeport merupakan bagian dari empat poin negosiasi dengan pemerintah. Ketiga poin lainnya yakni perpanjangan operasi tambang hingga 2041, pembangunan smelter serta stabilitas investasi. Ketiga poin tersebut sudah disepakati oleh pemerintah dan Freeport. Pasalnya, keempat poin negosiasi bersifat satu kesatuan. Artinya, semua harus disetujui untuk tercapai kata sepakat. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM)
akan memberi perpanjangan bagi Freeport secara bertahap 2x10 tahun. Perpanjangan itu diberikan terhitung setelah berakhirnya masa operasi yang tertuang Kontrak Karya (KK) pada 2021 nanti.

Perpanjangan operasi diberikan dengan lisensi Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK). Freeport Indonesia tidak lagi menyandang status pemegang
Kontrak Karya. Selain itu, perpanjangan diberikan apabila Freeport memenuhi sejumlah ketentuan antara lain terkait dengan lingkungan. Untuk urusan lingkungan, Freeport harus mendapat “lampu hijau” dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Fajar menyebut urusan lingkungan ini sudah rampung.

Hanya saja dia belum tahu kapan persisnya IUPK diterbitkan. Informasi yang dihimpun Investor Daily, penandatangan perjanjian akan dilakukan pada
Kamis ini. Namun Head of Corporate Communications Inalum Rendi Ahmad Witular enggan membenarkan atau menyangkal terkait rampungnya perjanjian
dan waktu penandatanganan tersebut.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Sept 27, 2018

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