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December, Indonesia Officially controls Freeport Indonesia

Indonesia officially controls PT Freeport Indonesia at the end of this year. This is in line with the completion of the transaction for the payment of 51% of Freeport shares by PT Inalum (Persero) which is targeted to be completed in December. The mining industry's holding pays US $ 3.85 billion to control sanam Freeport through a divestment scheme.

Inalum President Director Budi Gunadi Sadikin said, currently his party is completing administration and licensing, among others from business competition institutions (antitrust) in Indonesia, China, Japan, the Philippines and South Korea. While funding needs of 11 foreign banks are targeted to be fulfilled no later than November.

"The completion of the Freeport Indonesia stock divestment transaction in December," Budi said at a hearing of the Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta, Wednesday (10/17).

Inalum had previously prepared a schedule for acquiring Freeport shares with a completion target in December. At the same time, namely September-December, Inalum will comply with the prerequisite conditions for the completion of the acquisition of shares of PT Indocopper Investama, Freeport Indonesia and PT Rio Tinto Indonesia.

In October, the Mine BUMN Holding is scheduled to announce transactions before acquisition in national newspapers and employees. Then in August-November, Inalum prepared the funding needed to finance the divestment of Freeport shares. Furthermore, in November-December, approval will be obtained for the amendment of Freeport Indonesia's Basic Funds. In December, the process of divesting Freeport shares is targeted to be completed.

At the beginning of the meeting, Chairman of the House Commission VII Gus Irawan questioned the 51% divestment progress. He wanted to make sure when the Freeport share divestment transaction was completed.

"When did the President say at the annual meeting of the MPR that we controlled 51% of Freeport. The public knows we have paid. We have mastered perception, "he said.

Meanwhile DPR Representative Commission VII member Ramson Siagian said, the divestment transaction was in danger of being canceled because there was an examination by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) regarding the Grasberg Mine environmental issue in Papua. According to him, foreign banks and the United States are very concerned about environmental issues.

"The potential for canceling is very large, because the results from the BPK have environmental problems of Rp 185 trillion in state losses," he said.

Budi Gunadi explained, environmental issues are indeed a concern for banks that will disburse funds to pay for the divestment. Therefore, Freeport Indonesia is expected to immediately resolve the environmental issue. The reason is, environmental issues are included in the attachment of Freeport Indonesia Special Mining Business License (IUPK) later. If environmental issues have not been resolved, the IUPK cannot be issued by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"We cannot pay if there is no IUPK," he said.

In the same place, Director of Mineral and Coal Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Bambang Gatot confirmed the environmental issue. He asked Freeport to immediately resolve the BPK's findings.

"In the process of issuing IUPK, environmental issues become part of the consideration, the meaning must be resolved by the company," he said.

Meanwhile, Freeport Indonesia Director Tony Wenas revealed there were 6 recommendations from the BPK. Of the two remaining recommendations, two are still in the process, namely the Environmental Evaluation Document (DELH) and the Forest Area Loan Utilization Permit (IPPKH).

He explained Freeport and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) continued to discuss the findings of the BPK. He was optimistic that in the near future the Ministry of Environment and Forestry would complete the last two recommendations from the BPK. "I think there are no more problems," he said.

Freeport Divestment is part of the four points of negotiations between Freeport McMoRan Inc. and the government. The other three points are the extension of operations up to 2041, the construction of domestic smelters and refineries, and the stability of investment. These three points have generally been agreed upon in August 2017.

Currently both parties are finalizing the details of the agreement to be included in the IUPK attachment. This is because Freeport is willing to release the Contract of Work (KK) and turn into an IUPK. It's just that investment certainty and fiscal stability in the CoW must be included in the IUPK. At present the stability of investment is being discussed together with the Ministry of Finance.


Desember, Indonesia Resmi kuasai Freeport lndonesia

Indonesia secara resmi kuasai PT Freeport lndonesia pada akhir tahun ini. Hal ini seiring dengan selesainya transaksi pembayaran 51% saham Freeport oleh PT Inalum (Persero) yang ditargetkan rampung pada Desember nanti. Holding industri pertambangan itu membayar US$ 3,85 miliar untuk menguasai sanam Freeport melalui skema divestasi.

Direktur Utama Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin megatakan, saat ini pihaknya sedang meyelesaikan administrasi dan perizinan, antara lain dari lembaga persaingan usaha (antitrust) di Indonesia, Tiongkok, Jepang, Filipina, dan Korea Selatan. Sementara kebutuhan pendanaan dari 11 perbankan asing ditargetkan terpenuhi paling lambat pada November nanti.

“Penyelesaian transaksi divestasi saham Freeport Indonesia pada Desember nanti,” kata Budi dalam Rapat Dengar Pendapat Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) di Jakarta, Rabu (17/10).

Inalum sebelumnya telah menyusun jadwal akuisisi saham Freeport dengan target penyelesaian pada Desember. Pada saat yang sama, yakni September-Desember, Inalum akan mermeuhi kondisi-kondisi prasyarat penyelesaian akuisisi saham PT Indocopper Investama, Freeport Indonesia, dan PT Rio Tinto Indonesia. 

Di Oktober ini, Holding BUMN Tambang itu dijadwalkan mengumumkan transaksi sebelum akuisisi di surat kabar nasioal dan karyawan. Kemudian pada Agustus-November, Inalum meyiapkan pendanaan yang dibutuhkan untuk pembiayaan divestasi saham Freeport. Selanjutnya di November-Desember, dijadwalkan akan diperoleh persetujuan atas perubahan Anggara Dasar Freeport Indonesia. Di Desember, proses transaksi divestasi saham Freeport ditargetkan rampung.

Di awal rapat tersebut, Ketua Komisi VII DPR Gus Irawan mempertanyakan progres divestasi 51%. Dia ingin memastikan kapan penyelesaian transaksi divestasi saham Freeport tersebut. 

“Kira-kira kapan, Presiden sudah sampaikan di rapat tahunan MPR bahwa kita telah kuasai 51% Freeport. Publik tahu kita sudah bayar. Persepsi sudah kita kuasai,” ujarnya.

Sementara itu Anggota Komisi VII DPR Ramson Siagian menuturkan, transaksi divestasi terancam batal karena ada hasil pemeriksaan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) terkait masalah lingkungan Tambang Grasberg di Papua. Menurutnya perbankan asing dan Amerika Serikat sangat peduli dengan masalah lingkungan.

“Potensi batal sangat besar, karen hasil dari BPK ada masalah lingkungan kerugian negara Rp 185 tiiliun,” ujaenya.

Budi Gunadi menjelaskan, isu lingkungan memang menjadi perhatian perbankan yang akan mengucurkan dana untuk membayar divestasi. Karenanya, Freeport Indonesia diharapkan bisa segera menyelesaikan isu lingkungan tersebut. Pasalnya, masalah lingkungan masuk dalam lampiran Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) Freeport Indonesia nanti. Bila isu lingkungan belum selesai maka IUPK pun belum bisa diterbitkan oleh Kemeterian ESDM.

“Kami tidak mungkin membayar kalau tidak ada IUPK,” ujarnya.

Di tempat yang sama, Direktur jmderal Mineral dan Batubara Kemeterian energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Bambang Gatot membenarkan perihal isu lingkungan tersebut. Dia meminta Freeport segera meyelesaikan temuan BPK tersebut. 

“Dalam proses penerbitan IUPK isu lingkungan mejadi bagian dipertimbangkan, artiannya harus diselesaikan perusahaan,” ujarnya.

Semetara itu Direktur Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas mengungkapkan ada 6 rekomedasi dari BPK. Dari rekomedasi itu tersisa dua yang masih dalam proses yakni Dokumen Evaluasi Lingkungan Hidup (DELH) dan Izin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan (IPPKH). 

Dia mejelaskan Freeport dan Kemeterian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) terus melakukan pembahasan megenai temuan BPK tersebut. Dia optimis dalam waktu dekat ini KLHK akan meyelesaikan dua rekomedasi terakhir dari BPK tersebut "Saya pikir tidak ada masalah lagi,” ujarnya.

Divestasi Freeport merupakan bagian dari empat poin negosiasi antara Freeport McMoRan Inc dan pemerintah. Ketiga poin lainnya yakni perpanjangan operasi hingga 2041, pembangunan pabrik pengolahan dan pemurnian (smelter) di dalam negeri, dan stabilitas investasi. Ketiga poin tersebut secara umum telah disepakati padaAgustus 2017 silam. 

Saat ini kedua belah pihak sedang menyelesaikan detil dari kesepakatan tersebut untuk dimasukkan dalam lampiran IUPK. Hal ini karena Freeport bersedia melepas Kontrak Karya (KK) dan beralih mejadi IUPK. Hanya saja kepastian investasi dan stabilitas fiskal dalam KKharus dimasukkan ke dalam IUPK. Saat ini stabilitas investasi itu sedang dibahas bersama dengan Kemeterian Keuangan.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Oct 18, 2018

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