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Freeport Smelter Can Complete 2022

The Indonesian Mining Experts Association (Perhapi) said the PT Freeport Indonesia smelter could be realized in 2022. Assuming this smelter is built with PT Smelting model, Freeport smelter construction will be completed in 3-4 years. The construction of a smelter at the latest in operation in 2022 is one of the negotiation points agreed between the government and Freeport.

Currently Freeport has built a smelter with a capacity of 2 million tons of copper concentrate in Gresik, East Java. In addition, Freeport is also exploring cooperation to build a smelter with PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara. The Chairperson of Perhapi Tino Ardhyanto said that the time period for building smelters varied depending on the level of purification of the minerals. For example PT Smelting smelter in Gresik, East Java with zero waste level. That is, the by-products of mineral purification are absorbed by the cement industry, as well as gypsum.

The smelter that Freeport will build at this time has not been clarified whether it is the same character as Smelting. But he mentions that with the Smelting model development can take 3-4 years.

"2022 is not an impossible thing to have a new smelter," Tino said at a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday (4/10).

The government prohibits the export of processed minerals from 2022, only refined minerals are allowed to be exported. So that year is the deadline for the construction of smelters. The policy was set since January 2017 yesterday. Therefore, the vulnerable time for five years is the opportunity for businesses to complete the construction of smelters.

Freeport has actually started building smelters since 2014 in Gresik, East Java. It's just that the progress of the construction hasn't arrived yet construction phase. Because Freeport wants operational certainty after the Contract of Work expires in 2021. Current business extension the operation has gotten a bright spot. The government will provide a phased extension of 2x10 years to 2041. Extension the operation was provided on condition that the status of the COW be turned into a special mining business license (IUPK) and meet environmental requirements.

The certainty of the operation is part of the negotiation points with the government. The other two points relate to 51% divestment and investment stability. For the divestment, it has been a step further because there has been a signatory to the sales and purchase agreement. While the stability of investment enters the final stage which is being discussed with the Ministry of Finance.

In the same place, the General Secretary of Perhapi Setyo Sardjoni was optimistic that the Freeport smelter would be completed in 2022. Because 51% of Freeport Indonesia's shares were controlled by a mining holding company, PT Inalum (Persero). In the holding, there are companies that are competent in smelters such as PT Antam Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk, and PT Timah Tbk.

"In it, many metallurgists have the competence to realize copper smelters. We are not short of experts, "he said.

Setyo did not question the location of the smelter construction. However, if the smelter is built in Papua, it can give a multiplier effect, which is to make the Cendrawasih Earth develop. Moreover, infrastructure development in Papua has begun to be massive. This means that electricity needs for smelters will be fulfilled. But he stated, the determination of the location of the smelter was Freeport's authority. Many factors are used as a reference in choosing a development location.

"There are commercial considerations. If you want to be built in Papua better, there is no need for transportation costs and Papua can develop, "he said.

Furthermore, Tino appreciated the achievements of Inalum and Freeport McMoRan Inc. regarding the divestment agreement. He revealed that the Indonesian mining workforce was able to manage mining activities in Indonesia, including the Grasberg mine in Papua.


Smelter Freeport Bisa Rampung 2022

Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia (Perhapi) menyatakan smelter PT Freeport Indonesia bisa terwujud di 2022 nanti. Dengan asumsi smelter ini dibangun dengan model PT Smelting, konstruksi smelter Freeport akan selesai dalam 3-4 tahun. Pembangunan smelter paling lambat beroperasi di 2022 merupakan salah satu poin negosiasi yang sudah disepakati antara pemerintah dengan Freeport.

Saat ini Freeport sudah membangun smelter berkapasitas 2 juta ton konsentrat tembaga di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Selain itu, Freeport pun menjajaki kerja sama membangun smelter dengan PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara. Ketua Umum Perhapi Tino Ardhyanto mengatakan, masa waktu pembangunan smelter bervariasi tergantung sampai level mana tingkat pemurnian mineral tersebut. Sebagai contoh smelter PT Smelting di Gresik, Jawa Timur dengan level zero waste. Artinya, hasil sampingan pemurnian mineral diserap oleh industri semen, maupun gypsum.

Untuk smelter yang akan dibangun Freeport saat ini belum diperjelas apakah sama karakternya dengan Smelting. Namun dia menyebut dengan model Smelting maka pembangunan bisa memakan waktu 3-4 tahun. 

“2022 bukan suatu hal yang mustahil punya smelter baru,” kata Tino dalam jumpa pers di Jakarta, Kamis (4/ 10).

Pemerintah melarang ekspor mineral hasil pengolahan mulai 2022, hanya mineral hasil pemurnian saja yang diizinkan diekspor. Maka tahun tersebut menjadi batas waktu pembangunan smelter. Kebijakan tersebut ditetapkan sejak januari 2017 kemarin. Oleh sebab itu, rentan waktu selama lima tahun adalah kesempatan pelaku usaha menyelesaikan pembangunan smelter.

Freeport sebenarnya sudah mulai membangun smelter sejak 2014 silam di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Hanya saja progres pembangunannya belum sampai tahap konstruksi. Pasalnya Freeport menginginkan kepastian operasi pasca berakhirnya Kontrak Karya (KK) di 2021 nanti. Saat ini urusan perpanjangan operasi itu sudah mendapatkan titik terang. 

    Pemerintah akan memberikan perpanjangan operasi secara bertahap 2x10 tahun hingga 2041. Perpanjangan operasi itu diberikan dengan syarat, yakni beralih statusnya dari KK menjadi izin usaha pertambangan khusus (IUPK) serta memenuhi persyaratan lingkungan.

Kepastian operasi itu merupakan bagian dari poin negosiasi dengan pemerintah. Adapun dua poin lainnya terkait divestasi 51% dan stabilitas investasi. Untuk divestasi, sudah tinggal selangkah lagi lantaran sudah ada penandatangan perjanjian jual beli saham (sales and purchase agreement). Sementara mengenai stabilitas investasi memasuki tahap final yang sedang dibahas dengan Kementerian Keuangan.

Di tempat yang sama, Sekretaris Umum Perhapi Setyo Sardjoni optimis smelter Freeport akan rampung pada 2022. Pasalnya, 51% saham Freeport Indonesia dikuasai oleh holding pertambangan, PT Inalum (Persero). Dalam holding itu disebut ada perusahaan yang me  kompetensi dalam smelter seperti PT Antam Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk, serta PTTimah Tbk.

“Di dalamnya banyak ahli metalurgi yang punya kompetensi mewujudkan smelter tembaga. Kita tidak kekurangan tenaga ahli,” ujarnya.

Setyo tidak mempermasalahkan lokasi pembangunan smelter. Namun, bila smelter tersebut dibangun di Papua, maka bisa memberi efek berganda, yakni membuat Bumi Cendrawasih semakin berkembang. Apalagi pembangunan infrastruktur di Papua sudah mulai masif. Artinya, kebutuhan listrik untuk smelter akan terpenuhi. Namun dia menyatakan, penentuan lokasi smelter merupakan wewenang Freeport. Banyak faktor yang dijadikan acuan dalam memilih lokasi pembangunan.

“Ada pertimbangan komersial. Kalau mau dibangun di Papua lebih baik, tidak perlu ongkos transportasi dan Papua bisa berkembang,” tuturnya.

Lebih lanjut, Tino mengapresiasi capaian Inalum dan Freeport McMoRan Inc terkait kesepakatan divestasi. Dia mengungkapkan tenaga kerja pertambangan Indonesia sudah mampu untuk mengelola kegiatan pertambangan di Indonesia, termasuk tambang Grasberg di Papua.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Oct 5, 2018

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