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Freeport Permits Extended Per Month Similar to Boarding Children

As long as the divestment has not yet finished, the ESDM Ministry will extend Freeport's IUPK.

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Special Mining Business License (IUPK) is like a boarding house child. Every month, this company must extend the business license his. Even with November, PTFI will have to renew the Temporary IUPK. Ended on October 31, 2018 today, this temporary permit must be extended for the next one month. Only said the ESDM Ministry's Director General of Mineral and Coal Bambang Gatot Ariyono said, until now, he had not received an extension from PTFI.

"Yes, PTFI will ask for an extension later, extended. Ordinary (will be extended a month in the future). Now it has not (submitted)," Bambang said when met at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Office.

According to Bambang, the decision to extend Freeport's license was in the hands of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"Hopefully (extended for a month), the Minister will sign his name," said Bambang.

To be sure, the ESDM Ministry remains in a position not to give a definitive IUPK if the divestment transaction of 51% of PTFI's shares by PT Indonesia Asahan Alumium (lnalum) has not been completed. At present, Inalum targets to be able to pay an investment of US $ 3.85 billion in order to complete the divestment transaction in December.

"There is no need to ask, the answer remains firm, the same from yesterday (the definitive IUPK after the divestment is complete). If there are changes, it will be delivered," Bambang said.

Shiny production

PTFI's Corporate Communication Vice President Riza Pratama said, Freeport is currently in the process of extending Temporary IUPK. Only Riza did not mention the duration of the extension she proposed.

"We are currently filing. For the duration of the Temporary IUPK, I have not been able to confirm," he said.

Freeport must continue to extend its business license so that its performance remains sparkling. Referring to the Freeport-MCMoran quarterly report, the holding company that still holds 90.54% of PTFI's shares, the performance of the Papua Grasberg mine manager is still sparkling.

In the last three months, PTFI produced 332 million copper pounds. This figure grew 13% compared to the same period last year which was at 293 million pounds. In total, for nine months this year, PTFI's copper production was at 990 million pounds, an increase from the same period last year which was only 647 million pounds.

During the last three months, PTFI managed to record sales of 368 million pounds, while in total during the third quarter of 2018, copper sales were at 1.003 billion pounds, compared with 630 million pounds as of September 30, 2017.  As for gold, in the last three months, PTFI managed to produce 7 54,000 ounces, a significant increase over the same period the previous year, which amounted to 412,000 ounces.

In total, as of September 30, PTFI's gold production was 2,089 million ounces, compared to PTFI's gold production in the same period last year which was 992,000 ounces. For sales, over the past three months, there were 831,000 ounces of gold sold, compared to 352,000 ounces of the same period last year. While the total, as of September 30, 2018, PTFI's gold sales were 2.10 million ounces, up from sales in the same period last year which amounted to 956,000 ounces.


Izin Freeport Diperpanjang Per Bulan Mirip Anak Kost

Selama divestasi belum kelar, Kementerian ESDM akan perpanjang IUPK Sementara Freeport

Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) seperti anak kos-kosan. Setiap bulan, perusahaan ini harus memperpanjang izin usahanya. Pun dengan bulan November besok, PTFI kembali harus memperpanjang IUPK Sementara Berakhir tanggal 31 Oktober 2018 hari ini, izin sementara ini harus diperpanjang selama satu bulan ke depan. Hanya kata Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM Bambang Gatot Ariyono menyebut, hingga saat ini, dirinya belum mendapatkan pengajuan perpanjangan dari PTFI.

"Ya PTFI kali nanti minta diperpanjang ya diperpanjang. Biasa lah (akan diperpanjang sebulan ke depan). Sekarang belum (mengajukan),” kata Bambang saat ditemui di Kantor Kementerian ESDM. 

Menurut Bambang, keputusan perpanjangan izin Freeport di tangan Menteri ESDM. 

"Semoga (diperpanjang sebulan). Pak Menteri nanti tanda tangannya," kata Bambang.

Yang pasti, Kementerian ESDM tetap pada posisi untuk tidak memberikan IUPK definitif jika transaksi divestasi 51% saham PTFI oleh PT lndonesia Asahan Alumium (lnalum) belum rampung. Saat ini Inalum menargetkan bisa membayar biaya investasi sebesar US$ 3,85 miliar agar bisa menyelesaikan transaksi divestasi pada bulan Desember nanti.

"Tidak usah ditanya, jaeabannya tetap tegas, sama dari kemarin (IUPK definitif setelah divestasi selesai). Kalau ada perubahan nanti disampaikan," ujar Bambang.

Produksi mengkilau

Vice President Corporate Communication PTFI Riza Pratama mengatakan, saat ini Freeport sedang dalam proses perpanjangan IUPK Sementara. Hanya Riza tidak menyebut durasi perpanjangan yang diajukannya. 

"Kami sedang mengajukan. Untuk durasi IUPK Sementara, saya belum bisa konfirmasi," ujarnya.

Freeport harus tetap memperpanjang izin usahanya agar kinerjanya tetap berkilau. Merujuk laporan triwulan Freeport-MCMoran, induk perusahaan yang masih memegang 90,54% saham PTFI, kinerja pengelola tambang Grasberg Papua ini masih berkilau.

Dalam tiga bulan terakhir, PTFI memproduksi 332 juta pounds tembaga. Angka ini tumbuh 13% dibanding dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu yang ada di angka 293 juta pounds. Secara total, selama sembilan bulan tahun ini, produksi tembaga PTFI ada di angka 990 juta pounds, atau meningkat dari periode yang sama tahun lalu yang hanya sebesar 647 juta pounds.

Selama tiga bulan terakhir, PTFI berhasil mencatatkan penjualan 368 juta pounds, sedangkan secara total selama kuartal III-2018, penjualan tembaganya ada di angka 1,003 miliar pounds, berbanding dengan 630 juta pounds per 30 September 2017

Sedangkan untuk emas, dalam periode tiga bulan terakhir, PTFI berhasil memproduksi sebesar 7 54.000 ounces, mengalami peningkatan signiIikan dibanding periode yang sama pada tahun sebelumnya, yang sebesar 412.000 ounces.

Secara total, per 30 September, produksi emas PTFI adalah 2,089 juta ounces, berbanding jauh dengan produksi emas PTFI di periode yang sama tahun lalu yang sebesar 992.000 ounces. Untuk penjualan, selama tiga bulan terakhir, ada 831.000 ounces emas yang terjual, berbanding 352.000 ounces periode yang sama tahun lalu. Sedangkan total, per 30 September 2018, penjualan emas PTFI di angka 2,10 juta ounces, naik dari penjualan pada periode yang sama tahun lalu yang sebesar 956.000 ounces.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Oct 30, 2018

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