Completion Completed, Freeport Fixed Operator
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PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) is legitimately a majority shareholder of PT Freeport Indonesia (Freeport Indonesia) 51.23%, of which previously only 9.36%. Indonesian President, Joko Widodo (Jokowi emphasized, Freeport Indonesia's share purchase transaction was complete.
President, Joko Widodo
"In addition to stocks, related to environmental issues and the construction of smelters have all been resolved," the President said at the State Palace.
Inalum also completed the payment of the 51.23% share divestment of US $ 3.85 billion or Rp. 55.8 trillion with an exchange rate of Rp. 14,500 per US dollar (US) to Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (FCX) and Rio Tinto.
Rio Tinto
"The bond yield (Global bond) enters November 15. Pay to FCX and Rio Tintonya," said Inalum President Director Budi Gunadi Sadikin, at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Office.
the Grasberg mine
Although Inalum is the majority shareholder, operator and financial operator of the Grasberg mine, Papua is still held by Freeport Indonesia. According to Budi, the management of the mine promotes the principle of togetherness. Even though PTFI's strategic decisions are still being taken, they still need to know and agree with Inalum.
"We are jointly running Freeport Indonesia. I have also seen many companies fail if they are busy taking care of who can," he said.
Moreover, Freeport will develop an underground mine. This is the most complex mining in the world. Inalum can learn to manage the mine. The government believes that taking over Freeport shares will make the state's income even bigger. Namely from tax and non-tax revenues.
The Papua Province will also get 10% of PTFI's shares, in addition to regional taxes. Details of ownership of 51.23% consist of 41.23% for Inalum and 10% for the Regional Government of Papua. Papua Regional Government shares will be managed by a special company PT Indonesia Papua Metal and Mineral (IPMM), which has 60% of its shares owned by Inalum and 40% by Papua BUMD.
The completion of this transaction also coincided with the change in the status of the Freeport Indonesia Contract of Work (COW) to a Special Mining Business License (IUPK). Freeport also gets fiscal and regulatory guarantees with the operation of the IUPK. The Production Operation IUPK is a substitute for the Freeport Indonesia KK which was in effect since 1967 and was extended from 1991 to 2021.
The publication, this Operation IUPK, Freeport Indonesia obtained legal certainty and tried until 2041 with a 2x10 year scheme.
"Permits are up to 2031 and then filed until 2041," said ESDM Ministry Director of Mineral and coal Bambang Gatot Ariyono.
With the IUPK, Freeport-McMoran CEO Richard Adkerson said, the company will issue investment funds of US $ 20 billion or Rp. 291 trillion until 2041. In addition, Freeport MCMoran also promised to immediately build a smelter.
"The plant will be completed in five years," he said.
Tony Wenas
More details, Freeport Indonesia's President Director Tony Wenas explained, Freeport Indonesia would focus on working on underground mining with investment funds of US $ 14 billion until 2041.
"The open pit is up next month, we focus on underground, starting next year," Tony said.
Akuisisi Selesai, Freeport Tetap Operator
PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) sah menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas PT Freeport Indonesia (Freeport Indonesia) 51,23%, dari yang sebelumnya hanya 9,36%. Presiden RI, Joko Widodo (Jokowi menegaskan, transaksi pembelian saham Freeport Indonesia sudah komplet.
"Selain saham, terkait masalah lingkungan dan pembangunan smelter semuanya terselesaikan," tegas Presiden di Istana Negara.
Inalum juga sudah menyelesaikan pembayaran divestasi saham 51,23% itu sebesar US$ 3,85 miliar atau Rp 55,8 triliun dengan kurs Rp
14.500 per dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) ke Freeport-McMoRan Inc (FCX) dan Rio Tinto.
"Hasil bondnya (Global bond) masuk 15 November. Bayar ke FCX dan Rio Tintonya," kata Direktur Utama Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin, di Kantor Kementerian Energi Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM).
Meski Inalum jadi pemegang saham mayoritas, kendali operator serta keuangan tambang Grasberg, Papua ini tetap dipegang Freeport
Indonesia. Menurut Budi, pengelolaan tambang itu mengedepankan prinsip kebersamaan. Meski keputusan strategis tetap diambil PTFI, namun tetap harus sepengetahuan dan kesepakatan dengan Inalum.
"Kami bersama-sama menjalankan Freeport Indonesia. Saya juga sudah banyak melihat perusahaan gagal jika sibuk mengurus siapa dapat apa," ujarnya.
Apalagi, Freeport akan mengembangkan tambang bawah tanah. Ini adalah pertambangan yang paling kompleks di dunia. Inalum bisa belajar pengelolaan tambang tersebut. Pemerintah yakin, pengambilalihan saham Freeport akan membuat pendapatan negara semakin besar. Yakni dari pendapatan dari pajak dan non pajak.
Provinsi Papua juga akan mendapatkan 10% saham PTFI, selain pajak daerah. Perincian kepemilikan 51,23% terdiri dari 41,23% untuk
Inalum dan 10% untuk Pemerintah Daerah Papua. Saham Pemerintah Daerah Papua akan dikelola perusahaan khusus PT Indonesia Papua Metal dan Mineral (IPMM) yang 60% sahamnya dimiliki Inalum dan 40% oleh BUMD Papua.
Selesainya transaksi ini juga bersamaan dengan perubahan status Kontrak Karya (KK) Freeport Indonesia menjadi Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK). Freeport juga mendapatkan jaminan fiskal dan regulasi dengan adanya IUPK Operasi tersebut. IUPK Operasi Produksi merupakan pengganti KK Freeport Indonesia yang berlaku sejak 1967 dan diperpanjang pada tahun 1991 hingga 2021.
Terbitnya, IUPK Operasi ini, Freeport Indonesia mendapatkan kepastian hukum dan berusaha hingga 2041 dengan skema 2 x 10 tahun.
"Izinnya sampai 2031 kemudian dilakukan pengajuan sampai 2041," ujar Direktur Mineral dan batubara Kementerian ESDM Bambang Gatot Ariyono.
Dengan IUPK itu, CEO Freeport-McMoran Richard Adkerson mengatakan, perusahaan ini akan mengeluarkan dana investasi sebesar US$ 20 miliar atau Rp 291 triliun hingga 2041. Selain itu, Freeport MCMoran juga berjanji segera membangun smelter.
“Pabrik itu akan diselesaikan dalam lima tahun,” kata dia.
Lebih detil, Presiden Direktur Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas menjelaskan, Freeport Indonesia akan fokus mengerjakan pertambangan bawah tanah dengan dana investasi US$ 14 miliar hingga 2041.
"Open pit sudah habis bulan depan, kita fokus ke underground, mulai tahun depan," kata Tony.
Kontan, Page-1, Saturday, Dec 22, 2018
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