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Freeport Divestment Completed

The majority ownership will be used as much as possible for the people's prosperity. Freeport will invest around US $ 20 billion in the next 20 years.

Ignasius Jonan

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan goes hand in hand with Freeport McMoRan Inc. CEO Richard C Adkerson in the backyard of the Merdeka Palace.

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President Joko Widodo

They arrived at around 3:00 p.m. to meet President Joko Widodo. Also seen were Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, BUMN Minister Rini Soemarno, Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya, Attorney General HM Prasetyo, Head of BKPM Thomas Lembong, and Managing Director of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero) or Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin.

Jonan doesn't share much information. He only answered briefly about the divestment of 51% of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) shares to Inalum.

"Yes, I want to report to the President, not to play ping pong," Jonan said jokingly.

A few moments earlier at the ESDM Ministry Office a divestment ratification took place which was marked by the repayment of a transaction worth US $ 3.85 billion or equivalent to Rp. 55.8 trillion by Inalum to Freeport McMoRan.

Now, Indonesia's share ownership in PTFI has increased from 9% to 51%. The repayment of the shares reported by Jonan to the President.

"Alhamdulillah, the ceremony for the payment and repayment of Freeport shares took place, 51.2% of the shares of 'Merah Putih' (41.2% of Inalum and 10% of the regional government of Papua with total assets of IDR 2,400 trillion. Today is a historic moment after PTFI has operated in Indonesia since 1973. Ownership We will use the majority as much as possible for the prosperity of the people, "the President said at a joint press conference.

The President conveyed three benefits from buying these shares. One of them, PTFI, has a net profit after 2022 estimated at more than Rp 50 trillion and continues to increase beyond taxes and royalties to the regions (see graph).

Be proud of

Inalum President Director Budi Gunadi Sadikin at a press conference at the completion of the divestment of 51% of PTFI's shares in the ESDM Ministry Office admitted that this step gave pride to the mining holding company.

"This Inalum corporate action is proof that Indonesia is friendly to foreign investors. Not just increasing 51%, Indonesia proves that the management of natural resources, despite following the constitution, we do with friendly, professional, and mutually beneficial partnerships, "explained Budi.

Changes in PTFI's share ownership from the divestment of 51% shares by Inalum continued with the ratification of the board of directors and commissioners. The position of PTFI President Director was held by Clayton Allen Wenas (Tony Wenas) with Deputy Managing Director of Orias Petrus Moedak.

Then there were four directors, namely Jenpino Ngabdi, Achmad Ardianto, Robert Charles Schroeder, and Mark Jerome Johnson. In addition, President Commissioner Richard Carl Adkerson and Vice President Commissioner Amin Sunaryadi. Four commissioners consisted of Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Hinsa Siburian, Kathleen Lynne Quirk, and Adrianto Machribie.

The ratification of the new board of directors and commissioners was accompanied by the issuance of a Mining Business License for production operations (IUPK) in lieu of the PTFI Contract of Work which had been running since 1967 and renewed in 1991, with a validity period up to 2021. ESDM Ministry Bambang Gatot Ariyono to PTFI Director

Richard Adkerson

PT Freeport McMoR CEO Richard Adkerson ensured the construction of a smelter or copper smelting facility with a capacity of 2 million to 2.6 million tons per year for five years.

"We will fulfill the President's request. Now we can continue business until 2041 after obtaining legal and fiscal certainty. We are transitioning to open mining with an investment of US $ 20 billion, "said Richard after meeting President Jokowi at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta.


Divestasi Freeport Selesai

Kepemilikan saham mayoritas akan digunakan sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Freeport akan menginvestasikan dana sekitar US$20 miliar dalam 20 tahun ke depan.

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan berjalan beriringan dengan CEO Freeport McMoRan Inc. Richard C Adkerson di halaman belakang Istana Merdeka.

Mereka tiba sekitar pukul 15.00 WIB untuk menghadap Presiden Joko Widodo. Tampak pula Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani, Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno, Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Siti Nurbaya, Jaksa Agung HM Prasetyo, Kepala BKPM Thomas Lembong, dan Direktur Utama PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (persero) atau Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin.

Jonan tidak banyak membagi keterangan. Dia hanya menjawab singkat tentang divestasi 51% saham PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) ke Inalum.

"Iya, mau laporan ke Presiden, bukan untuk main pingpong,” kata Jonan berseloroh.

Beberapa saat sebelumnya di Kantor Kementerian ESDM berlangsung pengesahan divestasi yang ditandai dengan pelunasan transaksi senilai US$3,85 miliar atau setara Rp 55,8 triliun oleh Inalum kepada Freeport McMoRan.

Kini, kepemilikan saham Indonesia di PTFI meningkat dari 9% menjadi 51%. Pelunasan saham tersebut yang dilaporkan Jonan kepada Presiden. 

“Alhamdulillah, berlangsung upacara pembayaran dan pelunasan saham Freeport, 51,2% saham ‘Merah Putih’ (41,2% Inalum dan 10% pemderintah daerah Papua dengan total aset Rp2.400 triliun. Hari ini merupakan momen bersejarah setelah PTFI beroperasi di Indonesia sejak 1973. Kepemilikan mayoritas ini akan kita gunakan sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat.” kata Presiden dalam konferensi pers bersama.

Presiden menyampaikan tiga keuntungan dari pembelian saham tersebut. Salah satu di antaranya PTFI memiliki laba bersih setelah 2022 diperkirakan lebih dari Rp 50 triliun dan meningkat terus di luar pajak dan royalti ke daerah (lihat grafik).


Dirut Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin pada konferensi pers penyelesaian divestasi 51% saham PTFI di Kantor Kementerian ESDM mengakui langkah ini memberi kebanggaan terhadap induk holding BUMN tambang itu.

“Aksi korporasi Inalum ini menjadi bukti bahwa Indonesia bersahabat terhadap investor asing. Bukan sekadar naik 51%, Indonesia membuktikan bahwa pengelolaan SDA, walau mengikuti konstitusi, kita melakukan dengan friendly, profesional, dan kemitraan yang saling menguntungkan,” jelas Budi.

Perubahan kepemilikan saham PTFI dari divestasi 51% saham oleh Inalum dilanjutkan dengan pengesahan jajaran direksi dan komisaris. Posisi Dirut PTFI dijabat Clayton Allen Wenas (Tony Wenas) dengan Wakil Dirut Orias Petrus Moedak. 

    Kemudian ada empat direktur, yaitu Jenpino Ngabdi, Achmad Ardianto, Robert Charles Schroeder, dan Mark Jerome Johnson. Selain itu, Presiden Komisaris Richard Carl Adkerson dan Wakil Presiden Komisaris Amin Sunaryadi. Untuk empat komisaris terdiri atas Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Hinsa Siburian, Kathleen Lynne Quirk, dan Adrianto Machribie.

Pengesahan susunan direksi dan komisaris baru itu disertai keluarnya Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus operasi produksi (IUPK) sebagai pengganti Kontrak Karya (KK) PTFI yang telah berjalan sejak 1967 dan diperbarui pada 1991, dengan masa berlaku hingga 2021. Penyerahan IUPK dilakukan Dirjen Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian ESDM Bambang Gatot Ariyono kepada Dirut PTFI.

CEO PT Freeport McMoRan Richard Adkerson memastikan pembangunan smelter atau fasilitas peleburan tembaga berkapasitas 2 juta-2,6 juta ton per tahun selama lima tahun.

“Kami akan memenuhi permintaan Presiden. Sekarang kami bisa melanjutkan bisnis hingga 2041 setelah mendapat kepastian hukum dan fiskal. Kami sedang transisi ke pertambangan terbuka dengan investasi US$ 20 miliar,” kata Richard seusai bertemu Presiden Jokowi di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta.

Media Indonesia, Page-1, Saturday, Dec 22, 2018

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