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Freeport Acquisition Affects State-Owned Mining Companies

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) has locked 51.23% shares in PT Freeport Indonesia. The effect of the Freeport acquisition transaction worth U S $ 3.85 billion also spread to the stock market. Understandably, Inalum is the holding company of the Mining BUMN. Inalum controls three state-owned mining issuers in the Indonesia Stock Exchange, namely PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM), PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) and PT Timah Tbk (TINS).

There is hope that Freeport's sentiment will have a positive effect on the three state-owned mining issuers. ANTAM President Director Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo assessed, does not rule out the possibility that ANTM and Freeport will synergize in running their business in the future.

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"Potential cooperation exists, such as the process of purifying slime anodes," he said.

However, until now there has been no discussion between Freeport and ANTM regarding the potential for such cooperation. Anode mud or anode slime is copper residual purification material. In this case, ANTM is able to process the mud into gold.

ANTM has previously invited Freeport to build a smelter in 2016. In this collaboration, ANTM wants a 40% ownership stake. But the plan failed because there was no price agreement between the two parties. Now, with more than half of the shares Freeport is controlled by Inalum, it is not impossible that the ANTM plan will return to life.

Holding synergy

TINS Corporate Secretary Amin Haris said that strategic cooperation in mining management could occur in the marketing sector. But, he explained, the benefits that were felt were indeed a holding, especially when there were consolidated financial statements.

"There is no direct impact on Timah Tbk. But the point in the future will be positive for holding and holding members, "he said.

Inalum's Head of Corporate Communication Rendi A Witular said that there would be synergy and benefit sharing between Inalum, Freeport and holding members.

"There must be benefits and synergies. Sharing knowledge and technology, for example," said Rendy

Analyst of Panin Sekuritas, William Hartanto, argues that Freeport's takeover could have a positive impact on the prospects of TINS, ANTM, shares and PTBA.

"With Freeport's sentiment, the positive side I think will increase sales," he said

Fahmy Radhi

Energy Economy Observer from UGM Fahmy Radhi said that Indonesia's position as the majority shareholder of Freeport is potential and strategic. Because, with the earnings after tax (EAT) recorded by Freeport an average of US $ 2.8 billion per year, the potential dividend that can be received reaches US $ 1.4 billion per year.

As a result, Fahmy predicted that the pay back period of Indonesia's divestment could be achieved in just three years.

"After that, Indonesia will get intact revenues of US $ 1.4 billion, of which 10% will be distributed to the Papua Regional Government, with additional revenue from royalties, as well as tax side," he said.


Akuisisi Freeport Berimbas pada Emiten Tambang BUMN

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum) telah mengunci 51,23% saham PT Freeport Indonesia. Efek transaksi akuisisi Freeport senilai U S$ 3,85 miliar ini juga merembet ke bursa saham. Maklumlah, Inalum merupakan induk usaha (holding) BUMN Pertambangan. Inalum mengendalikan tiga emiten tambang milik pemerintah di Bursa Efek Indonesia, yakni PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM), PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) dan PT Timah Tbk (TINS). 

Ada harapan sentimen Freeport berefek positif bagi ketiga emiten tambang BUMN. Direktur Utama ANTAM Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo menilai, tidak menutup kemungkinan di masa depan ANTM dan Freeport bersinergi dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. 

"Potensi kerjasama ada, seperti proses pemurnian anode slime," ujar dia.

Meski demikian, hingga kini belum ada pembicaraan antara Freeport dan ANTM terkait potensi kerjasama tersebut. Lumpur anode atau anode slime merupakan material sisa pemurnian tembaga. Dalam hal ini, ANTM mampu mengolah lumpur tersebut menjadi emas.

ANTM sebelumnya pernah mengajak Freeport membangun smelter pada tahun 2016. Dalam kerjasama tersebut, ANTM menginginkan bagian kepemilikan sebesar 40%. Namun rencana itu gagal lantaran tidak ada kesepakatan harga di antara kedua pihak. Kini, dengan lebih dari separuh saham
Freeport dikuasai Inalum, bukan tidak mungkin rencana ANTM kembali hidup.

Sinergi holding

Sekretaris Perusahaan TINS Amin Haris menyatakan, kerjasama strategis dalam pengelolaan hasil tambang bisa terjadi di bidang pemasaran.
Tapi, dia menjelaskan, manfaat yang lebih terasa memang seoara holding, terutama saat ada konsolidasi laporan keuangan. 

“Dampak langsung ke Timah Tbk saat ini belum ada. Tapi intinya ke depan akan positif bagi holding dan anggota holding," ujar dia.

Head of Corporate Communication lnalum Rendi A Witular, menyatakan, akan ada sinergi dan pembagian manfaat antara Inalum, Freeport dan anggota holding.

"Pasti ada manfaat dan sinergi. Berbagi ilmu dan teknologi, misalnya," kata Rendy

Analis Panin Sekuritas, William Hartanto berpendapat, pengambilalihan Freeport bisa berdampak positif bagi prospek saham TINS, ANTM, dan PTBA. 

"Dengan sentimen Freeport, sisi positifnya saya kira akan meningkatkan penjualan," ujar dia

Pengamat Ekonomi Energi dari UGM Fahmy Radhi menilai, posisi Indonesia sebagai pemegang mayoritas saham Freeport terbilang potensial dan strategis. Pasalnya, dengan earning after tax (EAT) yang dibukukan oleh Freeport rata-rata sebesar US$ 2,8 miliar per tahun, potensi deviden yang bisa diterima mencapai US$ 1,4 miliar per tahun.

Alhasil, Fahmy memprediksikan, pay back period divestasi Indonesia bisa tercapai hanya dalam waktu tiga tahun.

"Setelah itu, Indonesia akan memperoleh pendapatan utuh US$ 1,4 miliar, yang 10% dibagikan kepada Pemerintah Daerah Papua, masih ditambah lagi dengan pendapatan dari royalti, maupun sisi pajak," ungkap dia.

Kontan, Page-1, Monday, Dec 24, 2018

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