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Freeport Divestment Completes Mid-December 2018

The government states that the process of divesting PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) shares will be completed in mid-December 2018. The government guarantees that every process towards the divestment will be transparent. Deputy Finance Minister Mardiasmo said that he would also guard so that no foreign company would take part in the 51% of Freeport's shares owned by the Republic of Indonesia.

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI)

 "Yes, we must continue to coordinate, that this really must be transparent. All people really get the convenience and then there should be no intervention, there are hands that participate in the intervention. This is a matter of trust (trust that must be held) because it really was the learning leason yesterday so that no one participated, "said Mardiasmo after closing the Annual International Forum on Economic Development and Public Policy. (AIFED), Nusa Dua, Bali.

He explained, the desire regarding the existence of Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) to be discussed with the Ministry of BUMN.

"Then we will see the master agreement, because there is a master agreement to the Ministry of BUMN. Already 51%, of which 10% is for local government, is that right? yes, we have done that, we are trying to make the mandate that is expected to continue operating, "he explained.

Previously, the Papua provincial government rejected a proposal from the divestment of PT Freeport's shares. The discussion on the proposal in Timika was a follow-up and meeting in Jakarta on 12 November 2018. At that time Inalum offered a proposal to divest Freeport Indonesia, however now, the contents have been outside the previous agreement with the Minister of Finance.

Aburizal Bakrie

The provincial government rejected Inalum's proposal because the previous agreement was changed with a new proposal. In the new proposal, the name of the regional company was offered by PT Indocopper Investama, which was previously a company owned by Aburizal Bakrie and had time holding Freeport shares, before being sold again to PT Freeport Indonesia.


Divestasi Freeport Rampung Pertengahan Desember 2018

Pemerintah menyatakan bahwa proses divestasi saham PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) bakal rampung pada pertengahan Desember 2018. Pemerintah menjamin setiap proses menuju divestasi akan dibuat transparan. WakilMenteri KeuanganMardiasmo mengatakan juga akan mengawal agar tidak ada perusahaan asing yang ikut menumpang untuk 51% saham Freeport milik RI.

 “Ya oleh kita harus koordinasi terus, bahwa ini betul-betul harus transparan. Semua masyarakat betul-betul mendapatkan kemudahannya dan kemudian tidak boleh ada intervensi ada tangan-tangan yang ikut intervensi. Ini soal trust (kepercayaan yang harus dipegang) karena betul-betul leason learn yang kemarin sehingga jangan ada yang ikut,” kata Mardiasmo usai menutup acara Annual International Forum on Economic Development and Public Policy
(AIFED), Nusa Dua, Bali.

Ia menjelaskan, keinginan mengenai adanya Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) Yang akan dibicarakan dengan Kementerian BUMN.

“Nah nanti kita lihat perjanjian induknya,karena ada perjanjian induknya ke Kementerian BUMN. Sudah 51%, yang 10% untuk pemerintah daerah, benar begitu? ya sudah kita sedang melakukan itu, kita melakukan berusaha supaya amanah yang diharapkan beroperasi terus," jelas dia.

Sebelumnya, Pemerintah provinsi Papua menolak proposal dari divestasi saham PT Freeport. Pembahasan proposal di Timika waktu itu merupakan tindak lanjut dan pertemuan di Jakarta pada 12 November 2018. Saat itu Inalum menawarkan proposal divestasi Freeport Indonesia, namun sekarang ini, isinya sudah di luar kesepakatan sebelumnya dengan Menteri Keuangan.

Pihak Pemerintah provinsi menolak proposal Inalum karena kesepakatan sebelumnya diubah dengan proposal baru. Dalam proposal baru itu ditawarkan nama perusahaan daerah adalah PT Indocopper Investama, yang sebelumnya merupakan perusahaan milik Aburizal Bakrie dan sempat memegang saham Freeport, sebelum dijual lagi ke PT Freeport Indonesia.

Memorandum, Page-13, Saturday, Dec 8, 2018

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