, pub-9591068673925608, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 PT Freeport shares 51.2 percent had been transferred to PT Inalum - MEDIA MONITORING GOLD MINE -->

PT Freeport shares 51.2 percent had been transferred to PT Inalum

Good news for all Indonesians, especially the Papuan people. According to information conveyed by the Managing Director of PT Inalum, and from the CEO and Managing Director of PT Freeport-McMoran. It was stated that PT Freeport shares 51.2 percent had been transferred to PT Inalum and had been paid in full.

Today is also a historic moment after PT Freeport has been operating in Indonesia since 1973. We will use the majority ownership as much as possible for the prosperity of the people.

Earlier it was also conveyed that in the future both income from taxes and non-tax, royalties, of course, would be bigger and better.

I think this is what we are really waiting for. Finally, I also received a report for matters relating to the environment, relating to smelters, all of which have also been resolved and agreed upon. This means that everything is complete and after that just works. Also lastly, the people in Papua will also get 10 percent of the existing shares.


Saham PT Freeport 51,2 persen sudah beralih ke PT Inalum

Kabar gembira bagi seluruh warga Indonesia, khususnya masyarakat Papua. Menurut informasi yang disampaikan oleh Dirut PT Inalum, dan dari CEO dan Dirut PT Freeport-McMoran. Disampaikan bahwa saham PT Freeport 51,2 persen sudah beralih ke PT Inalum dan sudah lunas dibayar.

Hari ini juga merupakan momen yang bersejarah setelah PT Freeport beroperasi di Indonesia sejak 1973. Kepemilikan mayoritas ini akan kita gunakan sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat.

 Tadi juga disampaikan bahwa nantinya pendapatan baik dari pajak maupun nonpajak, royalti, semuanya tentu saja akan lebih besar dan lebih baik. 

"Saya kira inilah yang memang kita tunggu" Kata Presiden.

Terakhir juga tadi saya mendapatkan laporan untuk hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan, yang berkaitan dengan smelter, semuanya juga telah terselesaikan dan sudah disepakati. Artinya semuanya sudah lengkap dan setelah itu bekerja saja. 

Juga yang terakhir, masyarakat di Papua juga akan mendapatkan 10 persen dari saham yang ada. 

Sekretariat Negara, Friday, Dec 21, 2018

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