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The Civil Society Coalition will sue Freeport IUPK

The civil society coalition will file a lawsuit after the government issues a Special Mining Business License (IUPK) for PT Freeport Indonesia. The lawsuit was sent to the Jakarta Administrative Court (PTUN) with a request to cancel the IUPK.

Resource law observer Ahmad Redi assessed that the issued IUPK was legally flawed. Because, a number of IUPK publishing processes have not been carried out, including consultations with the House of Representatives (DPR), as well as offers to state-owned companies, or national private business entities.

"We consider this IUPK defective. To make sure, we submit it to the court, "said Redi in Jakarta.

Gold Mine PT Freeport Indonesia and Inalum

Redi said, IUPK should be issued for PT Inalum (Persero). While in the Freeport IUPK, Inalum is only a majority shareholder through a divestment scheme. According to him, the divestment has the potential for state losses because Indonesia has to pay expensive to own natural resources.

Grasberg Mine

Even though the Freeport contract expires in 2021. The government should choose to terminate the contract and assign Inalum to work on the Grasberg mine.

"Why is this option not taken by the government. The potential for state losses is extraordinary, "he said.

The same thing was also conveyed by the Executive Director of Indonesia Resources Studies (IRESS) Marwan Batubara. Inalum has to pay US $ 3.85 billion to buy shares because it calculates Freeport operations until 2041. According to him, the purchase price of shares is cheaper if calculated until 2021 or according to Freeport's contract period.

Marwan regretted that Inalum's majority ownership in the Grasberg Mine was limited to paper. This is because Freeport remains as the control holder of the mining operations.

"We will sue the court and also ask the KPK to conduct an audit of the divestment."

Presidential Candidate

With the ownership of 51% shares by Inalum, there will be a change in the composition of the directors. Silmy Karim's name was included in one of the candidates who would become President Director of Freeport Indonesia. Silmy currently serves as Managing Director of PT Krakatau Steel Tbk.

An Investor Daily source revealed that Sihmy's nomination had received approval from BUMN Minister Rini Soemarno. Last week, Inalum President Director Budi Gunadi Sadikin and Silmy held a meeting and discussed the position of Freeport's directors. During the meeting, Silmy
expressed his wish to remain on Krakatau Steel. His consideration was because he had just taken office and wanted to improve Krakatau Steel's performance.

When confirmed, Silmy confirmed this. He revealed that the steel industry is important for the future of Indonesia in the future.

"So from the strategic side of Indonesia, I'd better stay at KS (Krakatau Steel). But I am a subordinate, just follow the duties given by the leader, "he said.

For Freeport, Silmy is not a new figure. Because when he served as Managing Director of PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), he was exploring cooperation with Freeport. Barata will supply the needs of Grasberg underground mining equipment. The cooperation is able to increase the content of domestic products (TKDN).


Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil akan Gugat IUPK Freeport

Koalisi masyarakat sipil akan mengajukan gugatan setelah pemerintah menerbitkan Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) bagi PT Freeport Indonesia. Gugatan itu dikirimkan ke Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara (PTUN) Jakarta dengan permohonan pembatalan IUPK tersebut.

Pengamat hukum sumber daya Ahmad Redi menilai IUPK yang diterbitkan tersebut cacat hukum. Pasalnya, sejumlala proses penerbitan IUPK belum dilakukan, antara lain konsultasi dengan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), maupun penawaran ke BUMN, atau badan usaha swasta nasional. 

“IUPK ini kami anggap cacat. Untuk memastikannya, kami ajukan ke pengadilan,” kata Redi di Jakarta.

Redi menuturkan, IUPK seharusnya diterbitkan untuk PT Inalum (Persero). Sementara dalam IUPK Freeport tersebut Inalum hanya sebagai pemegang saham mayoritas melalui skema divestasi. Menurutnya, divestasi memiliki potensi kerugian negara lantaran Indonesia harus membayar mahal untuk menguasai kekayaan alam milik sendiri. 

Padahal kontrak Freeport segera berakhir di 2021. Seharusnya pemerintah memilih mengakhiri kontrak dan menugaskan Inalum menggarap tambang Grasberg. 

“Kenapa ini opsi tidak diambil pemerintah. Potensi kerugian negara luar biasa,” ujarnya.

Hal senada juga disampaikan oleh Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Resources Studies (IRESS) Marwan Batubara. Inalum harus membayar US$ 3,85 miliar untuk membeli saham lantaran menghitung operasi Freeport sampai 2041. Menurutnya harga pembelian saham lebih murah bila dihitung sampai 2021 atau sesuai masa kontrak Freeport. 

Marwan pun menyayangkan kepemilikan mayoritas Inalum di Tambang Grasberg sebatas di atas kertas. Hal ini lantaran Freeport tetap sebagai pemegang kendali operasi tambang.

“Kami akan gugat ke pengadilan dan juga minta KPK melakukan audit mengenai divestasi.” ujarnya.

Kandidat Presdir

Dengan kepemilikan 51% saham oleh Inalum maka terjadi perombakan susunan direksi. Nama Silmy Karim masuk dalam salah satu kandidat yang bakal menjadi Presiden Direktur Freeport Indonesia. Silmy saat ini menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama PT Krakatau Steel Tbk.

Sumber Investor Daily mengungkapkan, pencalonan Sihmy sudah mendapat persetujuan dari Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno. Pekan lalu, Direktur Utama Inalum Budi Gunadi Sadikin dan Silmy melakukan pertemuan dan membahas terkait posisi direksi Freeport. Dalam pertemuan itu, Silmy menyampaikan ingin tetap berada di Krakatau Steel. Pertimbangannya lantaran baru saja menjabat dan ingin mernperbaiki kinerja Krakatau Steel.

Ketika dikontirmasi, Silmy membenarkan hal tersebut. Dia mengungkapkan industri baja penting untuk masa depan Indonesia masa depan.

“Jadi dari sisi strategis Indonesia, sebaiknya saya tetap di KS (Krakatau Steel). Tapi saya kan anak buah, ikut saja apa tugas yang diberikan pimpinan,” ujarnya.

Bagi Freeport, Silmy bukan sosok baru. Pasalnya ketika dia menjabat sebagai Direktur Utama PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) , dia menjajaki kerja sama dengan Freeport. Barata akan memasok kebutuhan peralatan tambang bawah tanah Grasberg. Kerja sama itu mampu meningkatkan kandungan produk dalam negeri (TKDN).

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Dec 17, 2018

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