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ESDM: Freeport Smelter Location Still in Gresik

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said that the location of the PT Freeport Indonesia smelter was still in Gresik, East Java. There have been no reports from Freeport regarding location changes or cooperation in building smelters with other parties. Director General of Mineral and ESDM Coal Ministry Bambang Gatot said, the change in the location of the smelter could be delivered in the evaluation of the smelter construction in February.

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Because February 15 is the deadline for Freeport's concentrate exports. To get an export permit extension, it must meet the progress requirements for the construction of a smelter.

"Until now the location is still in Gresik," Bambang said in Jakarta.

The location of the Freeport smelter is located in the Gresik industrial area, East Java, namely the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE). Freeport actually started building a smelter since 2014. The development is in line with government policies that only allow processed minerals to be exported. The location of the smelter is currently leasing land owned by PT Petrokimia Gresik. But in 2017 the location moved to JIIPE.

The selection of smelter locations in JIIPE is based on a number of considerations. Besides the area, the location is close to the port. Thus facilitating the process of shipping the results of purification of copper concentrate. Availability of energy supplies guaranteed by industrial estates through JIIPE. Meanwhile, the smelter capacity is still 2 million tons of concentrate.

Although it was built 5 years ago, the progress of the Freeport smelter has not reached the construction stage. Because Freeport wants the certainty of operations after the contract expires in 2021. Certainty of the extension of the operation has been given along with the issuance of the Special Operations Mining Business Permit (IUPK) on December 22, 2018 yesterday.

Tony Wenas

The issuance of the IUPK is a form of the end of the Contract of Work (KK) held by Freeport since 1991. The option to move locations was previously disclosed by Freeport Indonesia's Managing Director Tony Wenas. He delivered it when the IUPK was issued by the government. On that occasion he affirmed Freeport's commitment to build a smelter no later than 5 years since the IUPK was issued.

"The smelter will be built and the location will be determined where. What is expected by the government to get added value for the country, "he said.

Since August 2017, Freeport has actually collaborated with PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara to build a smelter. Cooperation it is stated in a memorandum of understanding which contains a joint study and technical study.


ESDM: Lokasi Smelter Freeport Masih di Gresik

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan lokasi pembangunan smelter PT Freeport lndonesia masih berada di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Belum ada laporan dari Freeport mengenai perubahan lokasi maupun kerjasama membangun smelter dengan pihak lain. Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM Bambang Gatot mengatakan, perubahan lokasi smelter bisa saja disampaikan dalam evaluasi pembangunan smelter pada Februari nanti. 

Pasalnya 15 Februari merupakan batas waktu ekspor konsentrat Freeport. Untuk mendapatkan perpanjangan izin ekspor maka harus memenuhi syarat kemajuan pembangunan smelter. 

“Sampai saat ini lokasinya masih di Gresik,” kata Bambang di Jakarta, Rabu (2/1).

Adapun lokasi pembangunan smelter Freeport berada di kawasan industri Gresik, Jawa Timur yakni Java Integrated lndustrial and Port Estate (JIIPE). Freeport sebenarnya mulai membangun smelter sejak 2014 silam. Pembangunan itu seiring dengan kebijakan pemerintah yang hanya mengizinkan mineral hasil olahan untuk diekspor. Lokasi smelter saat itu menyewa lahan milik PT Petrokimia Gresik. Namun pada 2017 lokasi berpindah ke JIIPE. 

Pemilihan lokasi smelter-di JIIPE berdasarkan sejumlah pertimbangan. Selain luas wilayah, lokasi dekat dengan pelabuhan. Dengan begitu memudahkan proses mengapalan hasil pemurnian konsentrat tembaga. Ketersediaan suplai energi yang dijamin oleh kawasan industri melalui JIIPE. Sementara untuk kapasitas smelternya sama tetap 2 juta ton konsentrat.

Meski dibangun sejak 5 tahun lalu, progres smelter Freeport belum mencapai tahap konstruksi. Pasalnya Freeport menginginkan kepastian operasi pasca kontrak berakhir di 2021. Kepastian perpanjangan operasi itu sudah diberikan seiring dengan terbitnya Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) Operasi Produksi pada 22 Desember 2018 kemarin.

Penerbitan IUPK itu merupakan bentuk berakhirnya Kontrak Karya (KK) yang dipegang Freeport sejak 1991. Opsi pemindahan lokasi sebelumnya diungkapkan oleh Direktur Utama Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas. Dia menyampaikan itu ketika IUPK diterbitkan pemerintah. Di kesempatan itu dia menegaskan komitmen Freeport dalam membangun smelter paling lambat 5 tahun sejak IUPK terbit. 

“Smelter akan dibangun dan lokasinya akan ditentukan dimana. Apa yang diharapkan pemerintah untuk mendapatkan nilai tambah untuk dalam negeri,” ujarnya.

Sejak Agustus 2017 lalu sebenarnya Freeport menjalin kerjasama dengan PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara dalam membangun smelter. Kerjasama itu dinyatakan dalam nota kesepahaman yang berisi melakukan Studi maupun kajian teknis bersama. 

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Jan 3, 2019

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